New Matthew Translation! Your opinions? Aramaic, Greek, Latin.

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James Macbeth

Active Member
May 17, 2022
College Station
United States
I am a Bible translator, and have been working on a new Translation for the Book of Matthew.
This Translation uses genuine Manuscripts from 3 ancient languages: Aramaic, Greek, Latin.
It has taken me 7 years to develop a technique that employs efficient electronic indexing.
I would love to hear your feedback, both positive & negative.
So far I have done CHAP 1-2.
I have no plans on doing the OT, just the book of Matthew, and maybe the General Epistles.

1 This is the family tree of the MESSIAH JESUS, the son of David, the son of Abraham.

2 ¶ Abraham fathered Isaac. {Gen. 21:2}

And Isaac fathered Jacob. {Gen. 25:26}

And Jacob fathered Judah & his brothers. {Gen. 29:35}

3 And Judah fathered Perez & Zérach from Tamara. {Gen. 38:29}

And Perez fathered Hezron. {Gen. 46:12}

And Hezron fathered Ram. {1 Chron. 2:9}

4 And Ram fathered Amminadab. {1 Chron 2:10}

And Amminadab fathered Nahshon. {Ruth 4:20}

And Nahshon fathered Salmah. {Luke 3:32}

5 And Salmah fathered Boaz from Racháv. {Ruth 4:21}

And Boaz fathered Ovéd from Ruth. {1 Chron 2:12}

And Ovéd fathered Yishái. {Luke 3:32}

6 And Yishái fathered David the King. {1 Sam 17:12}

And King David fathered Solomon from Bathsheba, which was the wife of Uriah. {1 Chron 3:5}

7 ¶ And Solomon fathered Rehav'am. {1 Kings 11:43}

And Rehav'am fathered Abijah. {1 Kings 14:31}

And Abijah fathered Assa. {1 Chron 3:10}

8 And Assa fathered Yehoshafat. {1 Kings 15:24}

And Yehoshafat fathered Jehoram. {1 Chron 3:11}

And Jehoram descended Uzziyah. {2 Chron 26:1}

9 And Uzziyah fathered Yotam. {2 Chron 26:21}

And Yotam fathered Ahaz. {2 Kings 16:1}

And Ahaz fathered Hezekiah. {2 Chron 28:27}

10 And Hezekiah fathered Manasseh. {2 Kings 20:21}

And Manasseh fathered Amon. {2 Chron 33:20}

And Amon fathered Josiah. {2 Kings 21:26}

11 And Josiah descended Jeconiah & his brothers, about the time they were under the captivity of Babylon. {Jer 27:20}

12 Then after their alienation in Babylon:

Jeconiah fathered She'alti'el. {1 Chron 3:17}

¶ And She'alti'el fathered Zerubbabel. {Neh 12:1}

13 And Zerubbabel descended Abihud. {Hag 1:1}

And Abihud descended Eliakim.

And Eliakim descended Azor.

14 And Azor descended Zadok.

And Zadok descended JoAchim.

And JoAchim descended Elihud.

15 And Elihud descended El'azár.

And El'azár descended Matthan.

And Matthan fathered Jacob. {Luke 3:24}

16 And Jacob fathered Joseph the guardian of Mary, which gave birth to JESUS, whom is entitled the Messiah. {John 6:42}

17 Thus all the generations, from Abraham to David, were fourteen generations. And from David until they were captured into Babylon, fourteen generations. And after they were held captive in Babylon unto CHRIST, are fourteen generations.

18 Now the genesis of CHRIST JESUS begins like this: After the betrothment of his mother Mary with Joseph, before either of them could have met, she was found to be carrying in the womb, from the sacred SPIRIT.

19 But because her fiancé, Joseph, was kindhearted & loathed to shame her in public, he preferred to have her disowned in a private manner.

20 But as he slept on these thoughts, behold! the Angel of our Lord appeared unto him in a dream, saying: Joseph, thou son of David, do not dread to receive Mary as your bride; in truth the one who grows in her, is from the sacred SPIRIT.

21 And she shall labor & deliver a son, and thou wilt call his name JESUS, since he shall save his citizens from their flaws.

22 Now, all this came to fruition, to complete what was spoken through the Prophet by the LORD, foretelling:

23 Behold! A Virgin shall bear in the womb & bring forth a son; and they will call his name IMMANUEL (which being translated, is: The GOD among us).

24 And when Joseph awoke out of bed, he did as the Angel of our Lord had bidden him, and accepted Mary as his wife.

25 But he acquainted among her not, till she had brought forth her firstborn son; and she gave him the name JESUS. {Luke 1:31}

1 Now when JESUS was born in Bethlehem of Judæa in the days of King Herod the great, behold! Godfathers from the Orient arrived in Jerusalem,

2 saying: Where is the King of the Jews who has been born? For we observed his Star in the East, and are come to kneel down before him.

3 And in hearing these things, Herod the King was shocked, and the whole of Jerusalem with him.

4 And congregating all Archpriests & Scribes of the public, he demanded from them where CHRIST should be born.

5 And so they said unto him: In Bethlehem of Judæa; for thus it is written in the Prophecy:

6 Even thou O Bethlehem, in the Kingdom of Judah, art in no wise the weakest amongst the Clans of Judah; for out of thee shall come forth the Monarch, who shall govern Israel, my people.

7 Then Herod, had the Godfathers summoned in secrecy, and he ascertained from them the date of the Star's phenomenon.

8 And sending them into Bethlehem, he said: Go thither & investigate the exact whereabouts of the infant; and when ye have found him, send me an errand, so that I may come & pay homage to him as well.

9 And so, having listened to the King, they journeyed onwards; and lo! the Star, which they had seen in the East, it was moving in front of them so that it approached, and stood above the dwelling where the infant was.

10 And after observing the Star, they cheered merrily very loud.

11 And when they were entered into the adobe, they beheld the infant with Mary his mother, and bowing down low, they adored him. And uncovering their hidden treasures, they bestowed unto him gifts; pure gold, bitterest myrrh, and white incense.

12 And whilst sleeping, the Godfathers received a dream warning them that they should not reply to Herod; so they left, returning to their homeland along a different route.

13 And after their departure, behold! an Angel of our Lord appeareth to Joseph in a dream, saying: Awakening, take the infant, and his mother, and runaway into Ægypt, and live there until I bring thee word! For the future holds that Herod will seek the infant to assassinate him.

14 Then rising up in the night, he took the infant & his mother, and fled for Ægypt;

15 and they remained there unto the time of Herod's death; this event fulfilled what was spoken through the Prophet from the LORD, saying: I have called my Son out of Ægypt.

16 Then Herod, perceiving that the Godfathers had misled him, went manically irate, and he commanded to have every infant boy living in Bethlehem, and in all the neighboring settlements, massacred, from two years of age & under; according to the date, which he had forsought from the Godfathers.

17 These things fulfilled what was spoken through the Prophet Jeremiah, saying:

18 In the highlands a voice is heard crying out lamentations, and great mourning; Rachel bewails her sons, and is unwilling to be soothed, for they are nought.

19 Nevertheless as Herod died, behold! an Angel of our Lord appeareth in Ægypt to Joseph whiles he dreamt,

20 saying: Waking up, take the boy, and his mother, and travel into the country of Israel! Indeed death has come to those who warranted the child's life.

21 So when Joseph awoke, he brought the boy & his mother, and entered into the region of Israel.

22 However, after hearing that Archelaus ruled as Duke of Judæa, succeeding Herod his father, he feared to go further; notwithstanding, being admonished in a dream, he turned aside into the estates of Galilee.

23 So having arrived, he resided in a village named Nazareth; in fulfillment of what was said by the Prophets: That he shall be dubbed, Of Nazareth. {Joh. 19:19}
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Well-Known Member
May 15, 2022
New Hampshire
United States
Good luck in your endeavor.

In 1:19 you refer to Joseph being "kindhearted." What Greek, Latin or Aramaic word or words are you translating as "kindhearted"? I understood that most Greek manuscripts have "dikaios" and that the Vulgate has "justus" -- both of which would suggest "righteous" rather than "kindhearted."


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
Even though I am perhaps getting ahead of myself here. I wonder how you would render the very controversial Matt. 28:19?

It should read..."in My name" per early citations based on very early reading of the original manuscripts. The RC church tampered with that verse in the 2nd century already...leading many to believe that the text alteration is original.

The agenda of the RC church was to promote a trinitarian viewpoint that was foreign to the Bible. What better way to promote a falsehood than to change the text to reflect the desired deviation.

Have you looked into this? Check out an early commentator called Eusebius.

For these citations, Eusebius (265 A.D. -- 339 A.D.) as proclaimed Bishop of Caesarea had access to the famed Library of Caesarea and thus references Matthew 28:19 from more ancient manuscripts housed therein than are available to us today. (1) Book III, Chapter 7, 136 (a-d), p. 157

Excerp from a book by Clarke Wideman....

(7) Book I, Chapter 6, 24 (c), p. 42

"Go ye into all the world, and make disciples of all the nations … teaching them to observe whatsoever I have commanded you."

Bibliography: Eusebius (265-339) Bishop of Caesarea around 314 was referred to as the son of Pamphilus. He wrote many books, the best known of which is the Ecclesiastical History of Eusebius. Other writings were the Praeparatio, the Demonstratio from which we have The Proof of the Gospel, Quaestiones ad Stephanum, and the Epitome. According to the New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge, "His time considered him its most learned man."

The above seven referenced quotations of Matthew 28:19 according to Eusebius reflects the verse as he read it from the text in the library in Caesarea. The problem with most translations including the King James Version, as it relates to the text of Matthew 28:19, is that they reflect an erroneous addition of wording of Catholic origin and not the correct words spoken by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. As the verse and the doctrine of the Trinity were being discussed in his day, and having access to the original, Eusebius denounced the reading of Matthew 28:19 with the Trinitarian phrase as the most serious of all the falsifications.

It is time for modern-day Christianity to get back to the actual words of our Lord Jesus and quote the words as they were actually written in the "Everlasting Gospel" of Matthew as:

"Go ye into all the world and make disciples of all the nations in my name" (Matthew 28:19).

Peace <><
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Well-Known Member
May 15, 2022
New Hampshire
United States
I have looked at this. Tampering may have occurred, although not by "the RC church . . in the second century," since strictly speaking there was no RC church in the second century. There were co-equal Sees in Rome, Alexandria, Antioch, Jerusalem, with equal claim to being "catholic" -- indeed, their independent jurisdiction was confirmed at Nicea in 325 C.E. -- and there is no reason to believe that any tampering, if it occurred, was instigated from Rome. (My guess is it would have been sparked in Alexandria, but that's a subject for another day.)

Regardless, I have imagined the debate, in Arius's time, going something like this:

“Yet I have seen alternative versions of Scripture before, and hesitate to explain them all as the innocent errors of overworked scribes who mistook someone else’s marginal note as a part of the original. I have learned not to underestimate these trinitarians. There are zealots among them who would have no qualms about passing off their doctrine as scriptural. In Caesarea not very long ago, I was shown by Eusebius Pamphilus an ancient version of Matthew’s gospel which ended with the words ‘Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in my name,’ and someone had stricken out ‘my name’ and inserted ‘in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit’ in the margin. Pamphilus himself took the shorter version to be the authentic one, and quoted it in several of his writings. I have ever since shared his suspicion that Matthew indeed wrote ‘my name’ originally, and some enterprising scribe changed it to express the trinitarian formulation and then managed to give his new copy wide circulation.”

“Come now, Arius! Unless this supposed scheme was hatched quite early, before many copies of the gospel existed, the success of such a venture would require a conspiracy of major proportions; all of the manuscripts with the shorter ending would need to be rounded up and suppressed as well. And if your Caesarean manuscript were that old, surely it predated any theological push to clarify the nature of the Son’s relationship to the Father. Let’s not forget that Father, Son and Holy Spirit have been invoked and confessed together since the beginnings of the church, not only in baptisms but in catechetical instruction, in exorcisms, in preaching, in hymns and prayers, even in the blessing at the end of Paul’s second letter to the Corinthians that has long been used in our Eucharistic services—well before any theological debates broke out over what these three are in relationship to each other. Isn’t it far more likely that what you saw in Caesarea was simply someone’s correction of a spurious shortened version back to Matthew’s original wording?”

“Is it? No similar expression incorporating this triplet in connection with baptism is found anywhere else in our gospels and epistles. Without exception, all of the other baptismal formulas found in these holy texts are in tension with Matthew’s triune commission—prime among them being the passage in the second chapter of the Acts of the Apostles, where Peter admonishes the first converts to ‘Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ, so that your sins may be forgiven.’ No trinitarian formulation there! And then there are the references in Paul’s letters to the Romans, to the Corinthians and to the Galatians suggesting that it is solely in the name of Christ that we are to be baptized. These passages show us how the early church conducted its baptisms—in one name, not three! Is it reasonable to assume that Christ added two additional names in his baptismal commission to his apostles, when these other passages unanimously tell us that those apostles then followed a very different tradition? Is it reasonable to think that on that first Pentecost, at his very first public proclamation, Peter would ignore Christ’s final instructions and disobey him again?”
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James Macbeth

Active Member
May 17, 2022
College Station
United States
Even though I am perhaps getting ahead of myself here. I wonder how you would render the very controversial Matt. 28:19?

It should read..."in My name" per early citations based on very early reading of the original manuscripts. The RC church tampered with that verse in the 2nd century already...leading many to believe that the text alteration is original.

The agenda of the RC church was to promote a trinitarian viewpoint that was foreign to the Bible. What better way to promote a falsehood than to change the text to reflect the desired deviation.

Have you looked into this? Check out an early commentator called Eusebius.

For these citations, Eusebius (265 A.D. -- 339 A.D.) as proclaimed Bishop of Caesarea had access to the famed Library of Caesarea and thus references Matthew 28:19 from more ancient manuscripts housed therein than are available to us today. (1) Book III, Chapter 7, 136 (a-d), p. 157

Excerp from a book by Clarke Wideman....

(7) Book I, Chapter 6, 24 (c), p. 42

"Go ye into all the world, and make disciples of all the nations … teaching them to observe whatsoever I have commanded you."

Bibliography: Eusebius (265-339) Bishop of Caesarea around 314 was referred to as the son of Pamphilus. He wrote many books, the best known of which is the Ecclesiastical History of Eusebius. Other writings were the Praeparatio, the Demonstratio from which we have The Proof of the Gospel, Quaestiones ad Stephanum, and the Epitome. According to the New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge, "His time considered him its most learned man."

The above seven referenced quotations of Matthew 28:19 according to Eusebius reflects the verse as he read it from the text in the library in Caesarea. The problem with most translations including the King James Version, as it relates to the text of Matthew 28:19, is that they reflect an erroneous addition of wording of Catholic origin and not the correct words spoken by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. As the verse and the doctrine of the Trinity were being discussed in his day, and having access to the original, Eusebius denounced the reading of Matthew 28:19 with the Trinitarian phrase as the most serious of all the falsifications.

It is time for modern-day Christianity to get back to the actual words of our Lord Jesus and quote the words as they were actually written in the "Everlasting Gospel" of Matthew as:

"Go ye into all the world and make disciples of all the nations in my name" (Matthew 28:19).

Peace <><

Mat. 28:19
Go ye henceforth, and enlighten all Gentiles; Baptizing them into the Name of the FATHER, and of the SON, and of the sacred SPIRIT.

I'm not sure what manuscript reads “in my Name"?
But the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost formula is found in all 3 ancient manuscripts.
No way one person or group, went around changing all texts, in 3 different languages.
What's the proof?
Saint Jerome had access to the same library (382AD – 339AD = 48 year difference), and clearly the Vulgate has it.
What Catholic added it?

James Macbeth

Active Member
May 17, 2022
College Station
United States
Good luck in your endeavor.

In 1:19 you refer to Joseph being "kindhearted." What Greek, Latin or Aramaic word or words are you translating as "kindhearted"? I understood that most Greek manuscripts have "dikaios" and that the Vulgate has "justus" -- both of which would suggest "righteous" rather than "kindhearted."

Mat 1:19
The word “kindhearted” comes from the Aramaic word “ki-na”. With this understanding, along with the teachings of our Lord, kindhearted, is the best meaning.

Mat 22:34-40 ESV
Teacher, which is the great Commandment in the Law? And he said to him: You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. 38 This is the great & first Commandment. 39 And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.

The Greek & Latins had different ideas about being “Just or Righteous”.
If it was according to them, then our Lady should have been accused by Saint Joseph, striped before the local synagogue, and then sentenced to death by stoning; according to the Law of Moses.
That's why using a direct translation from those words, doesn't make much sense.
The job of a translator is to explain the meaning for the word.

James Macbeth

Active Member
May 17, 2022
College Station
United States

arkhi (arch) hiereús (Priest) = Archpriest.

Flaws, there is more than one way to explain sin.
Flaws are imperfections; and our Lord tells us to be perfect, even as your heavenly FATHER is perfect.
Flaws start out as small flakes, then into cracks, then if not repaired, totally broken. Before you know it there is a chasm betwixt man & God.


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2022
New Hampshire
United States
Mat 1:19
The word “kindhearted” comes from the Aramaic word “ki-na”. With this understanding, along with the teachings of our Lord, kindhearted, is the best meaning.

Mat 22:34-40 ESV
Teacher, which is the great Commandment in the Law? And he said to him: You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. 38 This is the great & first Commandment. 39 And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.

The Greek & Latins had different ideas about being “Just or Righteous”.
If it was according to them, then our Lady should have been accused by Saint Joseph, striped before the local synagogue, and then sentenced to death by stoning; according to the Law of Moses.
That's why using a direct translation from those words, doesn't make much sense.
The job of a translator is to explain the meaning for the word.

Gotta disagree with you, James. I don't know whether Matthew's gospel was originally written in Greek or in Aramaic, but for purposes of explaining why I must question your decision to use "kindhearted" in your translation, it won't matter. Here's why:

If originally written in Aramaic with a word roughly meaning "kindhearted," and later translated into Greek, we need to deal with the fact that EVERY ancient Greek manuscript we know of translated that Aramaic word as "dikaios," despite knowing that Jewish "justice" or "righteousness" would require Mary's stoning. Now, why would they do that? Could it be that they simply did not adopt your "doesn't make much sense" approach to translation and let it divert from the fair reading of the text? I think so. I am just not prepared to declare that you are more clever than all of them, at least not without a bit more evidence. Sorry.

If originally written in Greek, the translation of "dikaios" into Aramaic would never have yielded "kindhearted," as that is not even a remote connotation of "dikaios." The Aramaic word chosen by the translator must, if he intended to be accurate, also carry the same "just" or "righteous" connotation as "dikaios." (With all due respect to your Aramaic skills, James, some translators think the Aramaic word carries precisely that meaning!)

I can appreciate your desire to employ a "doesn't make much sense" approach to translation, but for my part, not being fluent in these Biblical languages, I want literal accuracy from my translator. I do not care to be told what Matthew meant. I care to be told what Matthew said. The meaning of what he said I will divine elsewhere, thank you very much.

Was Joseph being compassionate in not turning Mary in to the authorities for her apparent transgression? Sure. Did the author of Matthew's gospel say so? I'm just not seeing that.
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James Macbeth

Active Member
May 17, 2022
College Station
United States
Gotta disagree with you, James. I don't know whether Matthew's gospel was originally written in Greek or in Aramaic, but for purposes of explaining why I must question your decision to use "kindhearted" in your translation, it won't matter. Here's why:

If originally written in Aramaic with a word roughly meaning "kindhearted," and later translated into Greek, we need to deal with the fact that EVERY ancient Greek manuscript we know of translated that Aramaic word as "dikaios," despite knowing that Jewish "justice" or "righteousness" would require Mary's stoning. Now, why would they do that? Could it be that they simply did not adopt your "doesn't make much sense" approach to translation and let it divert from the fair reading of the text? I think so. I am just not prepared to declare that you are more clever than all of them, at least not without a bit more evidence. Sorry.

If originally written in Greek, the translation of "dikaios" into Aramaic would never have yielded "kindhearted," as that is not even a remote connotation of "dikaios." The Aramaic word chosen by the translator must, if he intended to be accurate, also carry the same "just" or "righteous" connotation as "dikaios." (With all due respect to your Aramaic skills, James, some translators think the Aramaic word carries precisely that meaning!)

I can appreciate your desire to employ a "doesn't make much sense" approach to translation, but for my part, not being fluent in these Biblical languages, I want literal accuracy from my translator. I do not care to be told what Matthew meant. I care to be told what Matthew said. The meaning of what he said I will divine elsewhere, thank you very much.

Was Joseph being compassionate in not turning Mary in to the authorities for her apparent transgression? Sure. Did the author of Matthew's gospel say so? I'm just not seeing that.

That is a fair question.

Ok, there is no way that the Book of Matthew, was originally in Greek, but for the rest of the New Testament, yes.
And you can come to this concussion if you go line by line comparing the two.

The perfect example would be in the word, "repentance". In Aramaic, the literal word is "Return". Now what does that mean in Greek, Latin, or English? See that is the problem when translating literally. Meanings go right over you head. Thus in Greek you have one concept of this word, and in Latin another.

The book of Matthew was written for the Jews in Jerusalem, Saint Matthew was it's Bishop. Why would he have written it in Greek, when the regional language was Aramaic?

I'll give you another example, if I say: Hey man cool shoes. How would I translate it into Spanish, literally? It would not make any sense, I would have to change the word "cool" to another, in order to convey the meaning.

The word "ki-na" is an expression, therefore the context would give the translator clues on it intended meaning.

Comparing the Hebrew word for "righteous" to the Aramaic word, only proves this further. The Jews would say, Saint Joseph was "Tzadik" (charitable) and was practicing "Tzedakah" (charity).

Again, in the Latin, when our Lord says: Take heed that you do not your "justice" before men; but in the KJV: Take heed that ye do not your "alms". before men

The NIV reads: Because Joseph her husband was faithful to the law, and yet did not want to expose her to public disgrace... And in the ESV: And her husband Joseph, being a just man and unwilling to put her to shame... What does it mean to be "just" or "righteous" in this story? Kindhearted?

Lastly, the word choice for "Kindhearted" came from Dr. Richard Francis Weymouth, in his Weymouth New Testament of 1903. And based on all the evidence, I happen to agree with him.


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2022
New Hampshire
United States
James, I would love to know where you are getting your information that Matthew the Evangelist was Bishop of Jerusalem -- and for what years. Eusebius lists those bishops, in order, as James, Symeon and Justus. Consensus scholarship puts Justus's episcopate in the second century.

By the way, I find it curious that you are relying on Weymouth's translation, given that he translated from the Greek, not from the Aramaic.
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Robert Gwin

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2021
Central Il
United States
I am a Bible translator, and have been working on a new Translation for the Book of Matthew.
This Translation uses genuine Manuscripts from 3 ancient languages: Aramaic, Greek, Latin.
It has taken me 7 years to develop a technique that employs efficient electronic indexing.
I would love to hear your feedback, both positive & negative.
So far I have done CHAP 1-2.
I have no plans on doing the OT, just the book of Matthew, and maybe the General Epistles.

1 This is the family tree of the MESSIAH JESUS, the son of David, the son of Abraham.

2 ¶ Abraham fathered Isaac. {Gen. 21:2}

And Isaac fathered Jacob. {Gen. 25:26}

And Jacob fathered Judah & his brothers. {Gen. 29:35}

3 And Judah fathered Perez & Zérach from Tamara. {Gen. 38:29}

And Perez fathered Hezron. {Gen. 46:12}

And Hezron fathered Ram. {1 Chron. 2:9}

4 And Ram fathered Amminadab. {1 Chron 2:10}

And Amminadab fathered Nahshon. {Ruth 4:20}

And Nahshon fathered Salmah. {Luke 3:32}

5 And Salmah fathered Boaz from Racháv. {Ruth 4:21}

And Boaz fathered Ovéd from Ruth. {1 Chron 2:12}

And Ovéd fathered Yishái. {Luke 3:32}

6 And Yishái fathered David the King. {1 Sam 17:12}

And King David fathered Solomon from Bathsheba, which was the wife of Uriah. {1 Chron 3:5}

7 ¶ And Solomon fathered Rehav'am. {1 Kings 11:43}

And Rehav'am fathered Abijah. {1 Kings 14:31}

And Abijah fathered Assa. {1 Chron 3:10}

8 And Assa fathered Yehoshafat. {1 Kings 15:24}

And Yehoshafat fathered Jehoram. {1 Chron 3:11}

And Jehoram descended Uzziyah. {2 Chron 26:1}

9 And Uzziyah fathered Yotam. {2 Chron 26:21}

And Yotam fathered Ahaz. {2 Kings 16:1}

And Ahaz fathered Hezekiah. {2 Chron 28:27}

10 And Hezekiah fathered Manasseh. {2 Kings 20:21}

And Manasseh fathered Amon. {2 Chron 33:20}

And Amon fathered Josiah. {2 Kings 21:26}

11 And Josiah descended Jeconiah & his brothers, about the time they were under the captivity of Babylon. {Jer 27:20}

12 Then after their alienation in Babylon:

Jeconiah fathered She'alti'el. {1 Chron 3:17}

¶ And She'alti'el fathered Zerubbabel. {Neh 12:1}

13 And Zerubbabel descended Abihud. {Hag 1:1}

And Abihud descended Eliakim.

And Eliakim descended Azor.

14 And Azor descended Zadok.

And Zadok descended JoAchim.

And JoAchim descended Elihud.

15 And Elihud descended El'azár.

And El'azár descended Matthan.

And Matthan fathered Jacob. {Luke 3:24}

16 And Jacob fathered Joseph the guardian of Mary, which gave birth to JESUS, whom is entitled the Messiah. {John 6:42}

17 Thus all the generations, from Abraham to David, were fourteen generations. And from David until they were captured into Babylon, fourteen generations. And after they were held captive in Babylon unto CHRIST, are fourteen generations.

18 Now the genesis of CHRIST JESUS begins like this: After the betrothment of his mother Mary with Joseph, before either of them could have met, she was found to be carrying in the womb, from the sacred SPIRIT.

19 But because her fiancé, Joseph, was kindhearted & loathed to shame her in public, he preferred to have her disowned in a private manner.

20 But as he slept on these thoughts, behold! the Angel of our Lord appeared unto him in a dream, saying: Joseph, thou son of David, do not dread to receive Mary as your bride; in truth the one who grows in her, is from the sacred SPIRIT.

21 And she shall labor & deliver a son, and thou wilt call his name JESUS, since he shall save his citizens from their flaws.

22 Now, all this came to fruition, to complete what was spoken through the Prophet by the LORD, foretelling:

23 Behold! A Virgin shall bear in the womb & bring forth a son; and they will call his name IMMANUEL (which being translated, is: The GOD among us).

24 And when Joseph awoke out of bed, he did as the Angel of our Lord had bidden him, and accepted Mary as his wife.

25 But he acquainted among her not, till she had brought forth her firstborn son; and she gave him the name JESUS. {Luke 1:31}

1 Now when JESUS was born in Bethlehem of Judæa in the days of King Herod the great, behold! Godfathers from the Orient arrived in Jerusalem,

2 saying: Where is the King of the Jews who has been born? For we observed his Star in the East, and are come to kneel down before him.

3 And in hearing these things, Herod the King was shocked, and the whole of Jerusalem with him.

4 And congregating all Archpriests & Scribes of the public, he demanded from them where CHRIST should be born.

5 And so they said unto him: In Bethlehem of Judæa; for thus it is written in the Prophecy:

6 Even thou O Bethlehem, in the Kingdom of Judah, art in no wise the weakest amongst the Clans of Judah; for out of thee shall come forth the Monarch, who shall govern Israel, my people.

7 Then Herod, had the Godfathers summoned in secrecy, and he ascertained from them the date of the Star's phenomenon.

8 And sending them into Bethlehem, he said: Go thither & investigate the exact whereabouts of the infant; and when ye have found him, send me an errand, so that I may come & pay homage to him as well.

9 And so, having listened to the King, they journeyed onwards; and lo! the Star, which they had seen in the East, it was moving in front of them so that it approached, and stood above the dwelling where the infant was.

10 And after observing the Star, they cheered merrily very loud.

11 And when they were entered into the adobe, they beheld the infant with Mary his mother, and bowing down low, they adored him. And uncovering their hidden treasures, they bestowed unto him gifts; pure gold, bitterest myrrh, and white incense.

12 And whilst sleeping, the Godfathers received a dream warning them that they should not reply to Herod; so they left, returning to their homeland along a different route.

13 And after their departure, behold! an Angel of our Lord appeareth to Joseph in a dream, saying: Awakening, take the infant, and his mother, and runaway into Ægypt, and live there until I bring thee word! For the future holds that Herod will seek the infant to assassinate him.

14 Then rising up in the night, he took the infant & his mother, and fled for Ægypt;

15 and they remained there unto the time of Herod's death; this event fulfilled what was spoken through the Prophet from the LORD, saying: I have called my Son out of Ægypt.

16 Then Herod, perceiving that the Godfathers had misled him, went manically irate, and he commanded to have every infant boy living in Bethlehem, and in all the neighboring settlements, massacred, from two years of age & under; according to the date, which he had forsought from the Godfathers.

17 These things fulfilled what was spoken through the Prophet Jeremiah, saying:

18 In the highlands a voice is heard crying out lamentations, and great mourning; Rachel bewails her sons, and is unwilling to be soothed, for they are nought.

19 Nevertheless as Herod died, behold! an Angel of our Lord appeareth in Ægypt to Joseph whiles he dreamt,

20 saying: Waking up, take the boy, and his mother, and travel into the country of Israel! Indeed death has come to those who warranted the child's life.

21 So when Joseph awoke, he brought the boy & his mother, and entered into the region of Israel.

22 However, after hearing that Archelaus ruled as Duke of Judæa, succeeding Herod his father, he feared to go further; notwithstanding, being admonished in a dream, he turned aside into the estates of Galilee.

23 So having arrived, he resided in a village named Nazareth; in fulfillment of what was said by the Prophets: That he shall be dubbed, Of Nazareth. {Joh. 19:19}

May I ask what is the reasoning behind creating a new version Jim?
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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2020
United States
I am a Bible translator, and have been working on a new Translation for the Book of Matthew.
This Translation uses genuine Manuscripts from 3 ancient languages: Aramaic, Greek, Latin.
It has taken me 7 years to develop a technique that employs efficient electronic indexing.
I would love to hear your feedback, both positive & negative.
So far I have done CHAP 1-2.
I have no plans on doing the OT, just the book of Matthew, and maybe the General Epistles.

1 This is the family tree of the MESSIAH JESUS, the son of David, the son of Abraham.

2 ¶ Abraham fathered Isaac. {Gen. 21:2}

And Isaac fathered Jacob. {Gen. 25:26}

And Jacob fathered Judah & his brothers. {Gen. 29:35}

3 And Judah fathered Perez & Zérach from Tamara. {Gen. 38:29}

And Perez fathered Hezron. {Gen. 46:12}

And Hezron fathered Ram. {1 Chron. 2:9}

4 And Ram fathered Amminadab. {1 Chron 2:10}

And Amminadab fathered Nahshon. {Ruth 4:20}

And Nahshon fathered Salmah. {Luke 3:32}

5 And Salmah fathered Boaz from Racháv. {Ruth 4:21}

And Boaz fathered Ovéd from Ruth. {1 Chron 2:12}

And Ovéd fathered Yishái. {Luke 3:32}

6 And Yishái fathered David the King. {1 Sam 17:12}

And King David fathered Solomon from Bathsheba, which was the wife of Uriah. {1 Chron 3:5}

7 ¶ And Solomon fathered Rehav'am. {1 Kings 11:43}

And Rehav'am fathered Abijah. {1 Kings 14:31}

And Abijah fathered Assa. {1 Chron 3:10}

8 And Assa fathered Yehoshafat. {1 Kings 15:24}

And Yehoshafat fathered Jehoram. {1 Chron 3:11}

And Jehoram descended Uzziyah. {2 Chron 26:1}

9 And Uzziyah fathered Yotam. {2 Chron 26:21}

And Yotam fathered Ahaz. {2 Kings 16:1}

And Ahaz fathered Hezekiah. {2 Chron 28:27}

10 And Hezekiah fathered Manasseh. {2 Kings 20:21}

And Manasseh fathered Amon. {2 Chron 33:20}

And Amon fathered Josiah. {2 Kings 21:26}

11 And Josiah descended Jeconiah & his brothers, about the time they were under the captivity of Babylon. {Jer 27:20}

12 Then after their alienation in Babylon:

Jeconiah fathered She'alti'el. {1 Chron 3:17}

¶ And She'alti'el fathered Zerubbabel. {Neh 12:1}

13 And Zerubbabel descended Abihud. {Hag 1:1}

And Abihud descended Eliakim.

And Eliakim descended Azor.

14 And Azor descended Zadok.

And Zadok descended JoAchim.

And JoAchim descended Elihud.

15 And Elihud descended El'azár.

And El'azár descended Matthan.

And Matthan fathered Jacob. {Luke 3:24}

16 And Jacob fathered Joseph the guardian of Mary, which gave birth to JESUS, whom is entitled the Messiah. {John 6:42}

17 Thus all the generations, from Abraham to David, were fourteen generations. And from David until they were captured into Babylon, fourteen generations. And after they were held captive in Babylon unto CHRIST, are fourteen generations.

18 Now the genesis of CHRIST JESUS begins like this: After the betrothment of his mother Mary with Joseph, before either of them could have met, she was found to be carrying in the womb, from the sacred SPIRIT.

19 But because her fiancé, Joseph, was kindhearted & loathed to shame her in public, he preferred to have her disowned in a private manner.

20 But as he slept on these thoughts, behold! the Angel of our Lord appeared unto him in a dream, saying: Joseph, thou son of David, do not dread to receive Mary as your bride; in truth the one who grows in her, is from the sacred SPIRIT.

21 And she shall labor & deliver a son, and thou wilt call his name JESUS, since he shall save his citizens from their flaws.

22 Now, all this came to fruition, to complete what was spoken through the Prophet by the LORD, foretelling:

23 Behold! A Virgin shall bear in the womb & bring forth a son; and they will call his name IMMANUEL (which being translated, is: The GOD among us).

24 And when Joseph awoke out of bed, he did as the Angel of our Lord had bidden him, and accepted Mary as his wife.

25 But he acquainted among her not, till she had brought forth her firstborn son; and she gave him the name JESUS. {Luke 1:31}

1 Now when JESUS was born in Bethlehem of Judæa in the days of King Herod the great, behold! Godfathers from the Orient arrived in Jerusalem,

2 saying: Where is the King of the Jews who has been born? For we observed his Star in the East, and are come to kneel down before him.

3 And in hearing these things, Herod the King was shocked, and the whole of Jerusalem with him.

4 And congregating all Archpriests & Scribes of the public, he demanded from them where CHRIST should be born.

5 And so they said unto him: In Bethlehem of Judæa; for thus it is written in the Prophecy:

6 Even thou O Bethlehem, in the Kingdom of Judah, art in no wise the weakest amongst the Clans of Judah; for out of thee shall come forth the Monarch, who shall govern Israel, my people.

7 Then Herod, had the Godfathers summoned in secrecy, and he ascertained from them the date of the Star's phenomenon.

8 And sending them into Bethlehem, he said: Go thither & investigate the exact whereabouts of the infant; and when ye have found him, send me an errand, so that I may come & pay homage to him as well.

9 And so, having listened to the King, they journeyed onwards; and lo! the Star, which they had seen in the East, it was moving in front of them so that it approached, and stood above the dwelling where the infant was.

10 And after observing the Star, they cheered merrily very loud.

11 And when they were entered into the adobe, they beheld the infant with Mary his mother, and bowing down low, they adored him. And uncovering their hidden treasures, they bestowed unto him gifts; pure gold, bitterest myrrh, and white incense.

12 And whilst sleeping, the Godfathers received a dream warning them that they should not reply to Herod; so they left, returning to their homeland along a different route.

13 And after their departure, behold! an Angel of our Lord appeareth to Joseph in a dream, saying: Awakening, take the infant, and his mother, and runaway into Ægypt, and live there until I bring thee word! For the future holds that Herod will seek the infant to assassinate him.

14 Then rising up in the night, he took the infant & his mother, and fled for Ægypt;

15 and they remained there unto the time of Herod's death; this event fulfilled what was spoken through the Prophet from the LORD, saying: I have called my Son out of Ægypt.

16 Then Herod, perceiving that the Godfathers had misled him, went manically irate, and he commanded to have every infant boy living in Bethlehem, and in all the neighboring settlements, massacred, from two years of age & under; according to the date, which he had forsought from the Godfathers.

17 These things fulfilled what was spoken through the Prophet Jeremiah, saying:

18 In the highlands a voice is heard crying out lamentations, and great mourning; Rachel bewails her sons, and is unwilling to be soothed, for they are nought.

19 Nevertheless as Herod died, behold! an Angel of our Lord appeareth in Ægypt to Joseph whiles he dreamt,

20 saying: Waking up, take the boy, and his mother, and travel into the country of Israel! Indeed death has come to those who warranted the child's life.

21 So when Joseph awoke, he brought the boy & his mother, and entered into the region of Israel.

22 However, after hearing that Archelaus ruled as Duke of Judæa, succeeding Herod his father, he feared to go further; notwithstanding, being admonished in a dream, he turned aside into the estates of Galilee.

23 So having arrived, he resided in a village named Nazareth; in fulfillment of what was said by the Prophets: That he shall be dubbed, Of Nazareth. {Joh. 19:19}
That's a lot of time. Good job!
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James Macbeth

Active Member
May 17, 2022
College Station
United States
James, I would love to know where you are getting your information that Matthew the Evangelist was Bishop of Jerusalem -- and for what years. Eusebius lists those bishops, in order, as James, Symeon and Justus. Consensus scholarship puts Justus's episcopate in the second century.

By the way, I find it curious that you are relying on Weymouth's translation, given that he translated from the Greek, not from the Aramaic.

Saint James was his younger brother. Saint Matthew went on a mission to Ethiopia, there he was martyred, he left his title with James. I was told this by a Priest from the Orthodox Church of Ethiopia.

And one aspect of translating is to compare and revise your work with already existing text.

I'm not relying on Weymouth's work, but he hit it on the nail with that word. He realized it was an expression, and replaced it with another expression. My original word would have been 'Charitable'. But 'Kindhearted' is a better choice. How Dr. Weymouth came up with it using only the Greek, I have no clue.

Also my translation is from all 3 Sacred ancient languages, Aramaic, Greek, Latin.
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James Macbeth

Active Member
May 17, 2022
College Station
United States
Interesting. Why did you choose guardian father than husband? Also, what about grammar; comma's before and after, "the guardian?"

Thank you for your question.

In most (if not all) English Bibles, the word “Husband” appears twice in the 1st Chapter of Matthew.

1st in Mat. 1:16. Then again in Mat 1:19.

And in the Greek & Latin the same word is used (Greek: ἀνήρ [aner], Latin: vir).

In both instances it is not a direct way of saying “Husband”, both read, literally: “Man”.

Directly Husband is read: Greek: άντρας [antras], Latin: maritus.

But in Aramaic in Mat 1:16 the word is ܓܒܪܗgbrh, which can mean: father, guardian, warden, godfather, Sponsor, etc.

It is very close to the word ܓܒܪܐ“gaḇra”, meaning: man, husband, hero. Their is only 1 letter difference.

Now in Mat 1:19 the Aramaic is different:
“ba-lah”, meaning: lord, master, owner, head of house, husband.

Now in Latin the word “vir” can mean: Man(grown\adult), brave, hero, warrior, husband.

Note in Greek it can only mean: Man, Husband.

So the word “Guardian” is the best choice IMO. Because I'm looking at the whole story, based off that whole situation (both biblical & extra-biblical [oral traditions, etc]).

Also in Mat. 21:28 & Mat. 22:2, the same word in Aramaic appears, ܓܒܪܗgbrh, and it is translated as “Father”. And the context of those passages make more sense, especially when comparing it to the Greek & Latin texts, and the translations thereof (ESV, NIV, ETC). Where they read: a man with 2 sons, and: a man King; “father” would be a better word.

PS. thank you for catching my grammar mistake.
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Well-Known Member
May 15, 2022
New Hampshire
United States
Saint James was his younger brother. Saint Matthew went on a mission to Ethiopia, there he was martyred, he left his title with James. I was told this by a Priest from the Orthodox Church of Ethiopia.

James, the head of the early church in Jerusalem, was actually Matthew the Evangelist's younger brother rather than the brother of the Lord? Seriously? And Matt left his "title" with young Jimmy? ("If I don't come back, you're the bishop, bro.") Wow! I didn't know the episcopal See was transferrable that way in first century Jerusalem. I bet Peter was ticked!

Robert Gwin

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2021
Central Il
United States

This is a personal endeavor, to better my understanding of the Holy Scriptures. And to also share it with others.

That is a very noble motive Jim, in fact the only real reason to do so. If you believe like me that we are very deep into the last days, and that most people have been given the opportunity to know God and to obey the gospel of His anointed, do you not feel that an understandable version is already available?