Drinking Alcohol, should a Christian do it?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2021
Island of Misfit Toys
United States
Not that anybody cares, but I'm not drinking alcohol anymore now that I have become convinced that osas is a scam and the girl friend is gone as well.
Actually, I am glad you're staying sobor, though I'm not convinced that refraining from drinking out of fear of God sending you to Hell is the right reason. There are other good reasons, both spiritual and physical, for staying sobor. Now,
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Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2021
Island of Misfit Toys
United States
Nobody can prove that Jesus made wine that has alcoholic content
9 Now when the headwaiter tasted the water which had become wine, and did not know where it came from (but the servants who had drawn the water knew), the headwaiter calls the groom, 10 and says to him, “Every man serves the good wine first, and when the guests are drunk, then he serves the poorer wine; but you have kept the good wine until now.” (John 2:9-10)

If "good wine" means "can get the guests drunk", and the headwaiter judged the wine Jesus made was "good wine", then Jesus made wine with alcoholic content, Q.E.D.
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Apr 9, 2019
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9 Now when the headwaiter tasted the water which had become wine, and did not know where it came from (but the servants who had drawn the water knew), the headwaiter calls the groom, 10 and says to him, “Every man serves the good wine first, and when the guests are drunk, then he serves the poorer wine; but you have kept the good wine until now.” (John 2:9-10)

If "good wine" means "can get the guests drunk", and the headwaiter judged the wine Jesus made was "good wine", then Jesus made wine with alcoholic content, Q.E.D.
Great reply @Lambano
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Dan Clarkston

Active Member
Dec 16, 2023
Denver Colorado
United States
If "good wine" means "can get the guests drunk", and the headwaiter judged the wine Jesus made was "good wine", then Jesus made wine with alcoholic content, Q.E.D.

If Jesus helped them all get drunk then he just committed sin.

He doesn't help people sin so the wine He created was fresh wine that had not yet had time to ferment.

But I hear lots of alcoholics saying Jesus made alcoholic wine because He wanted people to all get drunk and have a good time at the party. Some think He brought in some weed, coke, acid, and magic mushrooms too in order to liven things up a bit.

Thanks Pearl. I've been through this argument before.

Advocating that Jesus committed sin?


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
:tiphat:If drinking is not forbidden then smoking weed wouldn't be forbidden either!
It’s all about the persons heart.

Do they start to become bitter and angry and hateful.

You can’t make a person not do something you can however try to go in differing routes.


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
If Jesus helped them all get drunk then he just committed sin.

He doesn't help people sin so the wine He created was fresh wine that had not yet had time to ferment.

But I hear lots of alcoholics saying Jesus made alcoholic wine because He wanted people to all get drunk and have a good time at the party. Some think He brought in some weed, coke, acid, and magic mushrooms too in order to liven things up a bit.

Advocating that Jesus committed sin?

You cannot find the scriptures on any of that.

Fantasy religion in your head. It is the only place it exists because it is not in the Bible.

Dan Clarkston

Active Member
Dec 16, 2023
Denver Colorado
United States
It’s all about the persons heart.

If a person's heart is right before the Lord, they wouldn't be drinking alcolhol, smoke cigarettes, smoking weed, doing coke, or anything thing that would make one intoxicated

You cannot find the scriptures on any of that.

That's what all the people say that claim Christians can live in sin and still be saved.

Who told you that Jesus committed a sin by turning water into wine? Where does it say that in the bible? They sound very legalistic.

Jesus does not help people sin.

Had He made fermented wine, He would have been helping people get drunk which is a sin.

Nobody can prove from the Bible that Jesus made fermented wine. It's just not there.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
If a person's heart is right before the Lord, they wouldn't be drinking alcolhol, smoke cigarettes, smoking weed, doing coke, or anything thing that would make one intoxicated

That's what all the people say that claim Christians can live in sin and still be saved.

Jesus does not help people sin.

Had He made fermented wine, He would have been helping people get drunk which is a sin.

Nobody can prove from the Bible that Jesus made fermented wine. It's just not there.
God still loves them? And is in those who by his spirit love? I believe God still loves the Meth head who still has issues while he is getting geeked out for months on end. That meth head can go through a lot of things but God never leaves him….

It’s always the heart, if a person has a heart for God but still has problems God doesn’t discredit that person as a person who doesn’t believe in his sons resurrection.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2024
Columbus Ohio
United States
If a person's heart is right before the Lord, they wouldn't be drinking alcolhol, smoke cigarettes, smoking weed, doing coke, or anything thing that would make one intoxicated

Jesus drank wine but it never says that He got drunk. If anyone got drunk on the wine that Jesus made...it was their choice. Jesus walking the earth did not violate mans free will.

My heart is right before God, but I drink a 6 pack of beer every summer. It's not a lifestyle so there's quite a difference between me and someone who has to drink beer to even feel normal!
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Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2021
Birmingham, Al
United States
There are Christians that do not believe in drinking. Is there something wrong with that? NO It is not a sin to not drink alcohol. But it is a sin to condemn those that do. False accusations can drive people away from Christianity. And that is all part of the man-made sins topic… people playing God. Is that a sin?

The Jewish leaders where big on doing things like this, like interpreting the Law to make it more burdensome and hard to keep and Christ called them out on it.

13 “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You shut the door of the kingdom of heaven in people’s faces. You yourselves do not enter, nor will you let those enter who are trying to.

33 “You snakes! You brood of vipers! How will you escape being condemned to hell?
Matthew 23 is a good chapter.

People like these will preach that the Bibles says drinking is a sin and smoking is a sin when neither are in the Bible. When just the opposite is true.

I like the ones that say that they always mixed it with water! And try to convince people that the wine at the Last Supper was a wine and water mix….LOL But the scriptures do not say that. The wine represented Christ’s blood….it was not watered down no more than His sacrifice was watered down.

Did they mix wine with water in Christ’s day? Well if we go with Bible only….NO. There is no description or example in the Bible Old or New Testament that they mixed wine with water. Now for the Bible only people that is that…..

But history tells another story….
The Greeks noted that cultures that drank wine often had less disease and were healthier. Of course they really did not know why but it is true. Over the last 50 years medical science has been finding more a more reasons why drinking wine in moderation has health benefits. And now we know why the ancient cultures that drank wine had less diseases and where healthier…even like less plagues.

Besides the health benefits we know how many ways the water was contaminated back then. To neutralize or reduce germs and bacteria it has be a 70/30 mix….70% wine.

So history shows that they did mix wine with water….maybe at every or most meals. They also knew that fresh moving water generally was more pure.

The next topic is “strong drink” what do the scriptures mean by this? To be perfectly honest….we do not know. There is no description of what strong drink is in the scriptures. What is strong drink in a drinking culture? The way the scriptures speak of strong drink, if it was just wine that would make Christ either stupid or a sinner. But no we do not know exactly what they meant by strong drink.

History tells us that during the 1st century that wine was not the only alcoholic beverage. But biblically from there it is speculation. People had been making wine for millenniums, can we speculate that they knew how to make Port wine….a stronger wine. History say that Port wine was not produced until the 1700’s. But sometimes the historians are surprised.

And then what is drunk or intoxicated in a drinking culture? Hard to say. I am just going to say negative affects. Now a day if your life revolves around drinking even in moderation, you are drinking too much. If drinking affects your health or your job or gets you in trouble with the Law….you are drinking too much. Moderation goes for most anything. But still this is advise, not biblical.

However, there are Christians that condemn others for drinking.

I gamble a bit. Odd thing is I get caught by our Pastors at the oddest times. We went on a cruise with the church. The staunch Christians stood at the doorway of the Casino on board, acting like they would become overwhelmed by a gamble virus should they come in. We got condemned by that group .....Our Pastor walked in and came up to me ......"How much do you have on the Roulette Table?" "About $400......" "If I lost that I would fall over . ....." I won about $1500..... I got up ......and told the Pastor, "Look for me on Sunday night." "Why?" "Bible School, all the kids get free shirts ...."1200 dollars ......"God's work." He replied "So the rumors about you are true ....." "I'll tell Satan later ......Fooled you again, didn't I ?"
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Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2021
Birmingham, Al
United States
God still loves them? And is in those who by his spirit love? I believe God still loves the Meth head who still has issues while he is getting geeked out for months on end. That meth head can go through a lot of things but God never leaves him….

It’s always the heart, if a person has a heart for God but still has problems God doesn’t discredit that person as a person who doesn’t believe in his sons resurrection.

Exactly where in the Bible does it say "Though Shalt not Drink" "No Where" It says Do not become a drunkard.
Some people cannot handle the temptation. They should avoid it at all costs.


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
If a person's heart is right before the Lord, they wouldn't be drinking alcolhol, smoke cigarettes, smoking weed, doing coke, or anything thing that would make one intoxicated

And this is why we have so many false beliefs in Christianity, because of people that have no clue just making it up as they go.

So what we have today is the lazy man’s don’t doers sect of Christianity. Where you can justify not doing anything as a Christian. The do nothing Christians that most of them do not even go to church.

Well they do something, like tell lies about the Bible….Leading people astray and piling hot coals on their own heads. So that when they are in front of Christ on Judgment Day they can say, But Christ I am a do nothing Christian! I am so Holy! How could I have gone wrong!
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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
However, there are Christians that condemn others for drinking.

I gamble a bit. Odd thing is I get caught by our Pastors at the oddest times. We went on a cruise with the church. The staunch Christians stood at the doorway of the Casino on board, acting like they would become overwhelmed by a gamble virus should they come in. We got condemned by that group .....Our Pastor walked in and came up to me ......"How much do you have on the Roulette Table?" "About $400......" "If I lost that I would fall over . ....." I won about $1500..... I got up ......and told the Pastor, "Look for me on Sunday night." "Why?" "Bible School, all the kids get free shirts ...."1200 dollars ......"God's work." He replied "So the rumors about you are true ....." "I'll tell Satan later ......Fooled you again, didn't I ?"

And you will know the truth, and that truth will set you free

Dan Clarkston

Active Member
Dec 16, 2023
Denver Colorado
United States
God still loves them? And is in those who by his spirit love? I believe God still loves the Meth head who still has issues while he is getting geeked out for months on end. That meth head can go through a lot of things but God never leaves him….

It’s always the heart, if a person has a heart for God but still has problems God doesn’t discredit that person as a person who doesn’t believe in his sons resurrection.

God loves everyone, but the fact that He loves them does not stop them from ending up in hell.

Matthew 7:13,14
Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:
Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

Intoxication is one of the things the Lord says causes people to not inherit the Kingdom of God.

My heart is right before God, but I drink a 6 pack of beer every summer.

Everyone these days thinks they can do a little sin and still be good with the Lord.

I gamble a bit.

That's sinful behavior.

It says Do not become a drunkard.

It also says to avoid the appearance of evil and to be friends with the world makes one an enemy of God.

And this is why we have so many false beliefs in Christianity, because of people that have no clue just making it up as they go.

So what we have today is the lazy man’s don’t doers sect of Christianity. Where you can justify not doing anything as a Christian. The do nothing Christians that most of them do not even go to church.

Well they do something, like tell lies about the Bible….Leading people astray and piling hot coals on their own heads. So that when they are in front of Christ on Judgment Day they can say, But Christ I am a do nothing Christian! I am so Holy! How could I have gone wrong!

There goes the security in sin gospel

And you will know the truth, and that truth will set you free

That's not actually what Jesus said now is it?

John 8:31
Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed;
And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2024
Columbus Ohio
United States
Everyone these days thinks they can do a little sin and still be good with the Lord.

Are you trying to tell me I am sinning by drinking 6 beers a year?!

Romans 14:
14 Him that is weak in the faith receive ye, but not to doubtful disputations.

2 For one believeth that he may eat all things: another, who is weak, eateth herbs.

3 Let not him that eateth despise him that eateth not; and let not him which eateth not judge him that eateth: for God hath received him.

4 Who art thou that judgest another man's servant? to his own master he standeth or falleth. Yea, he shall be holden up: for God is able to make him stand.../KJV

I dont see any sin in one six pack of beer for a year. They last for a month because two is my limit. It's not a lifestyle or an everyday thing so I dont understand how you recgmize that as sin?

Unless maybe you are a recovering alcoholic and you know you can't drink two beers or it would be a case? Then perhaps it would be a sin for you.
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