Why its important to keep the Sabbath

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Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
United States
Colossians 2:16 doesn't mean the 4th commandment has been repealed like Prohibition in some worldly government constitution, Jack. You don't really believe that, do you? Come on. How long have you been a Christian? :)

No Sabbath COMMANDS in the New Covenant! NONE! Stick with the New Covenant. It's the road to Jesus!


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
Why did people after the resurrection still observe the Sabbath, and talk about resting on the Sabbath?
They did not get the Memo? All they had back then was sandal net?

Animal abuse!!! This poor horse has been beat to death!!! You will find no one in the Bible saying that the so called ten commandments are separate from the Mosaic Law and separating the Law is one of the Old Testament’s greatest sins. Leave’em to the Jews.

But why are some of the summaries of Law mentioned in the New Testament…So there Ha Ha! Please turn brain on! Could disrespect for God and adultery and murder and stealing and disrespect for father and mother not be a sin in Christianity?

On the other hand…Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy, is not said in the New Testament nor is it a rule. If it were we would not be having this conversation.

For that matter the phrase Ten Commandments does not appear in the New Testament. And the Law forbidding engraved images does not appear in the New Testament.

Some of the morality of the ten summaries are taught by Christ and the Apostles …..because they are the basic elementary rules of morality!

The teachings of Christ and the Apostle are not deficient in anyway that would warrant looking to the Old Testament for anything….unless you are wanting to sell your daughters as sex slaves….if so the Mosaic Law has you covered.

2nd Corinthians 3:7-8 But if the ministry of death, in letters engraved on stones, came with glory, so that the sons of Israel could not look intently at the face of Moses because of the glory of his face, fading as it was, how will the ministry of the Spirit fail to be even more with glory?

Galatians 5:4 You are severed from Christ, you who would be justified by the law; you have fallen away from grace….So dabbling with the Old Testament Laws can get a Christian in trouble.

If you want to be a Christian do not stand with the Judaizers. As a Law, no Old Testament Laws and or Commandments applies to Christians. If you love them so much convert to Judaism! Give up salvation! Learn the 613 Mosaic Laws. Just think you could have multiple wives and concubines and sell your daughters as sex slaves and for that matter have slaves in accordance with the Mosaic Laws.

So why are there references to the Sabbath in the Gospels?
And why are there references to the Sabbath after the cross outside of the Gospels?

These questions have been answered.

1. During the time of the Christ's ministry the Mosaic Laws were in affect and observing the Sabbath was required.

2. When it comes to the progression of history….things do not change like flipping a switch. The Saturday Sabbath was observed by early Christians because that was the weekly day of worship until the Lord’s Day was established. But Gentile-Christian were not allowed in the temple or synagogues, they had designated areas outside. This was one of things that drove the division between the two Christian sects. That and the Jewish cry….Crucify him! Crucify him! His blood be on us and our children! Matthew chapter 27

3. After the resurrection most the Apostles continued on as Jewish–Christians mixing Judaism and Christianity….even though Christ warned about that….the Jewish-Christian sect died out around the 1st century and the Gentile-Christians took the helm of the Church.

4. Paul and Peter and Mark and Luke were part of Paul’s ministry and practiced Gentile Christianity as defined by the Apostle Paul. Now Mark and Luke were not allowed in the temple or synagogues, but Paul and Peter were and would at times show up on the Sabbath still trying to convert Jews….But that does not mean they gave up on Christianity and were sacrificing animals for their sins.

Why don’t we talk about the Lord’s Day? A touchy subject because a lot of Christians do not like going to church. AHH!

The Lord’s Day
The truth is we do not know exactly when in the 1st century that the Lord’s Day was established and observed….or if all Christians observed it….particularly the Jewish-Christians….or if all Christians observed it the same.

History does not flip like a switch and the early Church was not organized….and the word “church” in the New Testament does not mean a building, it means a congregation(s) that hid in private homes to worship….that came to be called house churches….where a meal with wine was served and Christian discussions and worship occurred along with hymns ….because it revolved around a meal women were part of the planning process. And some of these congregations meet in catacombs and out in the woods. Sunrise services were popular and so were services at night. Why no church buildings? Because if there were public buildings the Jews and Romans would know where to go to harass them or the Romans would go and round them up for the lions.

Was the Lord’s Day a day of rest? We cannot say that some Christians did not follow the restrictions of the Sabbath…but for the majority “rest” meant more rest in a practical manner. They still tended the fires for heat in the winter and feed the livestock and made normal meals. But it appears that they kept it to a minimal except in emergencies. In Christianity the day of rest was not a Law, it was a custom as in no punishment for not observing the custom. In Mosaic Law not observing the Sabbath required a death sentence.

So after Emperor Constantine's Edict of Milan
The Christian Church was not organized, nor where the Roman religions ….but Sol Invictus was the Roman god of the sun but that did not mean that other gods where not worshipped on Sunday. Under Emperor Constantine’s rule Christianity was organized and became the state religion of Rome and one of things he did was establish set holy days for the Christians and Pagans and consolidated some on the same day to reduce the number of times that work and commerce was interrupted. For Sunday he set these rules….

On the 7th of March 321, Emperor Constantine decreed that Sunday (dies Solis) will be observed by the Roman Empire as a day of rest [CJ3.12.2]: That meant for Christians and Pagans. Stating that….On the venerable day of the Sun let the magistrates and people residing in cities rest, and let all workshops be closed. In the country however persons engaged in agriculture may freely and lawfully continue their pursuits because it often happens that another day is not suitable for grain-sowing or vine planting; lest by neglecting the proper moment for such operations the bounty of heaven should be lost.

This decree was welcomed by the Christian Ecumenical Councils and continued on as a Christian tradition. Besides the Lord’s Day was already set for Sunday to be the day for worshipping Christ.

Then the next question; is it a sin for Christians to observe the Jewish Saturday Sabbath? Can you? Are you going to sacrifice animals? Are you going to ignore our Savior on the Saturday Jewish Sabbath? ….the Jews did. Are you going to ignore the Day of our Lord? Are you going to observe both? Are churches going to do services on the Jewish Saturday Sabbath? Are they going to have altars to sacrifice animals? This hit or miss type of observing the Sabbath and Mosaic Laws has so many ways of getting Christians in trouble. On the other hand worship the Lord in all your days.

As it is now the weekends are for rest and recreation and Sunday you are suppose to go to church and stand with Christians to worship the Lord.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2014
South Africa
Where, then, is boasting? It is excluded/REJECTED
On what principle? On that of observing the law? No, but on that of faith. For we maintain that a man is justified by faith apart from observing the law. — Romans 3:27-28

Saturday worshippers under the law is IDOLATRY, against FAITH in CHRIST and His Finished Work.
For we not up to your standard, who maintain we are justified IN CHRIST by faith apart from our ever sub-standard, failure, of observance of The Law OF GOD (Romans 3:27-28), we ADMIT AND PLEAD GUILTY OF OUR IDOLATRY, and of OUR UNBELIEF IN CHRIST'S FINISHED WORK, AND RELIANCE ON OUR OWN EXCELLENCE INSTEAD.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2014
South Africa
Sabbath keepers. Please get rid of your pagan reference to the sabbath day if you want to obey the law and the commandments. Saturday comes from the name of the god Saturn, who shares the same name as the planet associated with him.

How far do you want to go with your obedience of sin to the shadow of the holiness of God. Half way, or all the way?
You have seen it! I am glad! Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2014
South Africa
No Sabbath COMMANDS in the New Covenant! NONE! Stick with the New Covenant. It's the road to Jesus!
God's Covenant is one, 'the New Covenant', 'the Eternal Covenant', and therefore is God's single and only Covenant of Grace.
You are not equipped or fit even to have an opinion, what think to steer a conversation about the New Covenant that 'is the road to Jesus!' IT IS THE WAY OF JESUS, HE DRAWS YOU ONTO IF, YOU
ARE ONE OF HIS FATHER'S, FROM ETERNITY, ELECT CHOSEN with whom He had made a single and only and eternal, NEW, Covenant of Grace.
Or is your God and Saviour a schizophrenic who makes new covenants as often as he suffers personality crises?
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Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
United States
God's Covenant is one, 'the New Covenant', 'the Eternal Covenant', and therefore is God's single and only Covenant of Grace.
You are not equipped or fit even to have an opinion, what think to steer a conversation about the New Covenant that 'is the road to Jesus!' IT IS THE WAY OF JESUS, HE DRAWS YOU ONTO IF, YOU
ARE ONE OF HIS FATHER'S, FROM ETERNITY, ELECT CHOSEN with whom He had made a single and only and eternal, NEW, Covenant of Grace.
Or is your God and Saviour a schizophrenic who makes new covenants as often as he suffers personality crises?
So you can't find even one Sabbath COMMAND in the New Covenant? There ain't any. Christians are not under the Law!

Galatians 3:10
10 For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse;

And that ain't good!!!
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Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2019
Central PA
United States
Nearly every reason conceivable by a surface reading of Scripture has apparently convinced the ardent Sabbath objectors that there is no good reason to consider they may be on a misguided course.

But look at how inconsistent the methods are to do away with something that would require a decision to make a change in faith and practice. I, myself, didn't have so many wildly different appeals to abandon my decision to start keeping the Bible Sabbath ringing in my ears 34 years ago.

Of course, I don't even have the space to itemize, much less address them all in one post.

The enemies of the Lord's Sabbath have witnessed these inconsistencies, and evidently chosen not to address them, presumably to effect what they perhaps perceive to be the "greater good" of getting that last stubborn nail in the coffin of the Sabbath of the LORD.

Very, very few of the objections pose any novel threat to the Sabbatarian case.

One objector has stated, as so many do, that it's a shame this issue is dividing folks who claim to be followers of Christ but then proceeds to give a lengthy statement of the case against the Sabbath, carefully inserting a little denominational chest-pounding which, sadly betrays the underlying sentiment that it's okay, after all, to be divided on the issue—as long as you're on the poster's side of that divide.

So division is not the primary concern. We know that from the Bible itself:

1 Corinthians 11:19 NKJV — For there must also be factions among you, that those who are approved may be recognized among you.

1 Corinthians 11:19 NIV — No doubt there have to be differences among you to show which of you have God’s approval.

Another poster says that we can't be imposing "Mosaic law" on one another, otherwise we should be collecting wives, selling our daughters as sex slaves, and that if we want to live like Jews we should just convert and stop contaminating the "Christian gene pool," so to speak.

But if we're going to use the favorite anti-deity arguments of Atheist skeptics to impeach Sabbatarianism, should Sabbatarians start suggesting that these arguers should just go ahead and convert to Atheism? I think not.

Others incessantly insist that keeping all Ten Commandments instead of just nine indicates an unquestionable attempt to earn salvation by works of the law which is so mind-numbingly bizarre that, after hearing this—I'll just say it—INCREDIBLY IDIOTIC ARGUMENT so many thousands of times I can barely feel around in my numbed mind to find two brain cells to rub against each other to address it. It's honestly like telling a child for the ten thousandth time that they can't have some unnecessary indulgence at the grocery store.

I believe with all of my heart that none of you folks are actually stupid enough to believe the unqualified nonsense that folks who voluntarily surrender one-seventh of their time to focus especially on God and His gifts of creation and redemption are doing so to purchase, in part or in full, their own eternal life. Just not buying it. So please, please stop using it as a ploy to impede meaningful discussion about the issue.

And, then, we've got a few posters who will flatly tell you that the Sabbath is anything and everything except what it actually is—while apparently discovering all of this virtually as they're posting the stuff.

Look, I really don't mean to be insulting—and I freely confess that I'm not above that sort of thing—but as an old pastor I knew once said, hyperbolically, of course: "When things that pertain to eternal life are being considered, it's a really bad idea to be so open-minded that your brain falls out."

And the last one I'd like to touch on is this idea that Christ's teaching on the law, in general, and the Sabbath, in particular, in the Gospels was somehow geared toward the people he was speaking to at the time in such a way as to tutor them on a supposedly "Old Covenant" means of salvation by works that was very shortly to become obsolete, as if His magnified instruction related to the other nine commandments could somehow be exclusive of such a stipulation.

Absolute Hogwash, it is.

It couldn't possibly be obsolete because IT NEVER EXISTED!!!

The closest thing we have in human history to a person earning eternal life by works of the law is the Person of the LORD Jesus Christ HIMSELF who purchased the eternal life of every human being who has ever been or will ever be saved by His own works of the law. And by "works of the law," I mean precisely everything that was required of a man by God, including the laws and ordinances of both the Old and New Covenants!!!!

I mean that He presented Himself at Jerusalem at 12 years of age, never looked upon a woman to lust after her, He was never angry with a fellow human being without cause, He was baptized, washed the feet of His brethren, and partook of the Lord's Supper. He did all these things to fulfill ALL RIGHTEOUSNESS, and because God commended His love for us in that, while we were without strength, nay, while we yet sinners, nay more, while we were THE ENEMIES OF GOD, Christ died for our sins (Romans 5).

He did all of this for us because even our most well-intentioned efforts at doing them ("saved" or "unsaved") are imperfect, nay, filthy and in no way qualified as acceptable to a holy and perfect God and His secure and perfect universe outside of our polluted reach.

Today is a high Preparation Day for me as it (however imperfectly) marks the anniversary of The Ultimate Sacrifice. Christ's death on the cross of Calvary has far-reaching effects that are so high above even Christians' perceptions that it humbles me to shame and yet, thankfully, raises me to praise and gratitude that He would do all He has done and is still doing to secure the universe for those who love His appearing.

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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
Gal 4:1
Now I say, That the heir, as long as he is a child, differeth nothing from a servant, though he be lord of all;
Gal 4:2
But is under tutors and governors until the time appointed of the father.
Gal 4:3
Even so we, when we were children, were in bondage under the elements of the world:
Gal 4:4
But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law,
Gal 4:5
To redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons.
Gal 4:6
And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father.
Gal 4:7
Wherefore thou art no more a servant, but a son; and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ.
Gal 4:8
Howbeit then, when ye knew not God, ye did service unto them which by nature are no gods.
Gal 4:9
But now, after that ye have known God, or rather are known of God, how turn ye again to the weak and beggarly elements, whereunto ye desire again to be in bondage?
Gal 4:10
Ye observe days, and months, and times, and years.
Gal 4:11
I am afraid of you, lest I have bestowed upon you labour in vain.

Ye observe days, and months, and times, and years.
These beggarly elements of the world which we are in bondage too.
And yet everything is based on the calendar, any calendar.
What day is it?
Does it matter?

We swapped Holy days for Holidays. We made our own observances. These are the works of our own hands. Things we create for ourselves to observe.
Those which God created he finished. And we should rest in all the works he has done as he himself rested.
But when we "create" things for ourselves, then these are the works of OUR hands. and God said he is done with them too.

Isa 1:13
Bring no more vain oblations; incense is an abomination unto me; the new moons and sabbaths, the calling of assemblies, I cannot away with; it is iniquity, even the solemn meeting.

And yet we still observe days and months and times and years, even though all things were finished from the foundation of the world.
We are in the world, but we are not of the world. The world has no authority over us. God does.

Everything has been turned into commercialization. Buy this sell that. And if you don't go along you will be shamed and mocked.
So Be It.

How many days are in the calendar in heaven? Is there a calendar in heaven?
If there is no sun nor moon nor stars, then there is no measure for time. Sun up sun down, evening morning. No way to measure a day.
We have been called out of the world and yet we are drawn to it like a bad addiction.
Pretty lights and colored eggs, funny costumes and lots of food. All keep us attached to the world.

Paul says he is afraid of us because he has bestowed labour on us in vain.

Why do we allow ourselves to remain in bondage to the beggarly elements of the world?
Why are days and months and times and years still important to us?
When you die everything ends. When you are born again, behold all things become new.
So everything in the past is long gone. And everything we create for ourselves is Vanity.

just thinking
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Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
One objector has stated, as so many do, that it's a shame this issue is dividing folks who claim to be followers of Christ but then proceeds to give a lengthy statement of the case against the Sabbath, carefully inserting a little denominational chest-pounding which, sadly betrays the underlying sentiment that it's okay, after all, to be divided on the issue—as long as you're on the poster's side of that divide.
Hey Barney…
Since this is clearly addressed to me, please let me make it clear, as I have in all my posts on this topic….
There is no command against observing a day of rest out of our weekly schedule, especially if it is to focus on spiritual things for that one day….in fact we know that our minds and bodies need rest to rejuvenate themselves…which is why we spend half our life sleeping…

The issue is what SDA’s claim even in their name…..the very foundation of your beliefs is right there as those who promote Sabbath observance as their primary focus. But if there is no evidence of a Sabbath observance before Moses was given God’s law, (no command given to Adam, or Noah or Elijah or even Abraham) what then is the basis for your adherence to a law given only to Israel?

Jesus observed the Sabbath because he was Jewish and under law.…so we’re the apostles.

Since they had been observing it all their lives, to suddenly remove it would not have been a kindness, so after Christ’s death and the implementation of the new covenant, the Jewish Christians would have still maintained their Sabbath, as there was no law prohibiting it. It is important to understand God did not forbid observance of the Sabbath, but for Gentiles in particular, it was not required. (Acts 15:28-29) Unlike Jewish proselytes, there was no requirement to observe the law. Converts to Christianity were not converts to Judaism. The law of Moses did not apply to them.

Since the Christians were to all be united under Christ’s teachings, (1 Cor 1:10) when certain Jews insisted that Gentile be circumcised and come under the law of Moses, the elders and the apostles met to sort out this cause for division, and with prayer and direction from the holy spirit they confirmed to their Jewish brothers that these Gentile converts were under no obligation to practice circumcision or to observe the Sabbath…..though they could if they wanted to, since there was no law against it. Christians were now under a new covenant with a new way to practice God’s commands and the principles contained in the 10 Commandments, all of which Jesus included in his teachings.

So it’s not just that you guys hold a weekly Sabbath, but that you feel that it is mandated, when no scripture says it is.
So division is not the primary concern. We know that from the Bible itself:

1 Corinthians 11:19 NKJV — For there must also be factions among you, that those who are approved may be recognized among you.

1 Corinthians 11:19 NIV — No doubt there have to be differences among you to show which of you have God’s approval.
And those very scriptures identify why there are divisions even to this day….to SHOW the difference between the ones who are obedient to Christ, and have God’s approval, from the ones who are obedient to the teachings or traditions of anyone else, and are thus disapproved.

Since Paul said that women were not permitted to teach in the congregation, that leaves SDA’s in a bit of a dilemma.
Who then was Ellen G. white?
Commenting on the discovery of a fair amount of literary borrowing, in White’s writings, Donald R. McAdams, once president of Southwestern Adventist College in Keene, Texas, wrote: “Ellen White is so central to the lives of Seventh-day Adventists that her words impinge on practically every area of Adventist teaching and practice. . . . To consider her words as possibly derived from someone else and not necessarily the final authority introduces an element of chaos into the very heart of Adventism that makes all of us uneasy.”

Now that is quite an admission. It is claimed that Ellen G. White was “inspired in the same sense as were the Bible prophets.” She wrote more than 50 books, and claimed that she did not copy, or take her influence from anyone. But her plagiarism has been confirmed by the SDA church itself.

This is what happens when one claims to be a prophet….the truth will come out eventually….
If prophets spoke from God, it would be obvious in their writings that God inspired them…..look at Joseph Smith….he also claimed to be a prophet, but his writings plagiarized the KJV in many place….word for word.
He took a whole bunch of people and convinced them that an angel had visited him and given him some golden plates…..(all Moses got were stone tablets)….and that his writings could be used as an extension of the Bible…as if they were even compatible….

That is something my brothers have never claimed…..they have never said that they were prophets or that what they receive is by divine revelation….they made mistakes just like the apostles did and corrected them.

They are fellow slaves along with us, and are assigned to feed us “food at the proper time”….what we need to know is given to us when we need to know it…..(Matt 24:45) The proper time is now in this “time of the end”…..the time when Jesus was to return and take his “saints” home to the place he had prepared for them.
A time of great upheaval in earth’s governance and a time of reckoning for mankind at large. A time for the greatest witness the world will ever get….(Matt 24:3-14; Matt 28:19-20)

So no chest beating, just proof that no one can do this work without the backing of the one who sent us. Jesus promised that he would be “with” his true disciples “all the days until the end of the age”….it is now fast approaching, and the preaching work will form the basis of Christ’s judgment.….just as Noah’s preaching formed the basis of God’s judgment back then. (Matt 24:37-39)

How many listened to Noah and heeded his warning? Only 8 people out of a whole world population at that time, survived that cataclysm. Jesus tells us that “few” will survive the end of this current world system. (Matt 7:13-14)…and for the same reasons.

So where does that leave any of us? Where is our focus? Are we distracted by minor things only to ignore the greater ones? Our decisions matter….


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
Nearly every reason conceivable by a surface reading of Scripture has apparently convinced the ardent Sabbath objectors that there is no good reason to consider they may be on a misguided course.

But look at how inconsistent the methods are to do away with something that would require a decision to make a change in faith and practice. I, myself, didn't have so many wildly different appeals to abandon my decision to start keeping the Bible Sabbath ringing in my ears 34 years ago.

Of course, I don't even have the space to itemize, much less address them all in one post.

The enemies of the Lord's Sabbath have witnessed these inconsistencies, and evidently chosen not to address them, presumably to effect what they perhaps perceive to be the "greater good" of getting that last stubborn nail in the coffin of the Sabbath of the LORD.

Very, very few of the objections pose any novel threat to the Sabbatarian case.

One objector has stated, as so many do, that it's a shame this issue is dividing folks who claim to be followers of Christ but then proceeds to give a lengthy statement of the case against the Sabbath, carefully inserting a little denominational chest-pounding which, sadly betrays the underlying sentiment that it's okay, after all, to be divided on the issue—as long as you're on the poster's side of that divide.

So division is not the primary concern. We know that from the Bible itself:

1 Corinthians 11:19 NKJV — For there must also be factions among you, that those who are approved may be recognized among you.

1 Corinthians 11:19 NIV — No doubt there have to be differences among you to show which of you have God’s approval.

Another poster says that we can't be imposing "Mosaic law" on one another, otherwise we should be collecting wives, selling our daughters as sex slaves, and that if we want to live like Jews we should just convert and stop contaminating the "Christian gene pool," so to speak.

But if we're going to use the favorite anti-deity arguments of Atheist skeptics to impeach Sabbatarianism, should Sabbatarians start suggesting that these arguers should just go ahead and convert to Atheism? I think not.

Others incessantly insist that keeping all Ten Commandments instead of just nine indicates an unquestionable attempt to earn salvation by works of the law which is so mind-numbingly bizarre that, after hearing this—I'll just say it—INCREDIBLY IDIOTIC ARGUMENT so many thousands of times I can barely feel around in my numbed mind to find two brain cells to rub against each other to address it. It's honestly like telling a child for the ten thousandth time that they can't have some unnecessary indulgence at the grocery store.

I believe with all of my heart that none of you folks are actually stupid enough to believe the unqualified nonsense that folks who voluntarily surrender one-seventh of their time to focus especially on God and His gifts of creation and redemption are doing so to purchase, in part or in full, their own eternal life. Just not buying it. So please, please stop using it as a ploy to impede meaningful discussion about the issue.

And, then, we've got a few posters who will flatly tell you that the Sabbath is anything and everything except what it actually is—while apparently discovering all of this virtually as they're posting the stuff.

Look, I really don't mean to be insulting—and I freely confess that I'm not above that sort of thing—but as an old pastor I knew once said, hyperbolically, of course: "When things that pertain to eternal life are being considered, it's a really bad idea to be so open-minded that your brain falls out."

And the last one I'd like to touch on is this idea that Christ's teaching on the law, in general, and the Sabbath, in particular, in the Gospels was somehow geared toward the people he was speaking to at the time in such a way as to tutor them on a supposedly "Old Covenant" means of salvation by works that was very shortly to become obsolete, as if His magnified instruction related to the other nine commandments could somehow be exclusive of such a stipulation.

Absolute Hogwash, it is.

It couldn't possibly be obsolete because IT NEVER EXISTED!!!

The closest thing we have in human history to a person earning eternal life by works of the law is the Person of the LORD Jesus Christ HIMSELF who purchased the eternal life of every human being who has ever been or will ever be saved by His own works of the law. And by "works of the law," I mean precisely everything that was required of a man by God, including the laws and ordinances of both the Old and New Covenants!!!!

I mean that He presented Himself at Jerusalem at 12 years of age, never looked upon a woman to lust after her, He was never angry with a fellow human being without cause, He was baptized, washed the feet of His brethren, and partook of the Lord's Supper. He did all these things to fulfill ALL RIGHTEOUSNESS, and because God commended His love for us in that, while we were without strength, nay, while we yet sinners, nay more, while we were THE ENEMIES OF GOD, Christ died for our sins (Romans 5).

He did all of this for us because even our most well-intentioned efforts at doing them ("saved" or "unsaved") are imperfect, nay, filthy and in no way qualified as acceptable to a holy and perfect God and His secure and perfect universe outside of our polluted reach.

Today is a high Preparation Day for me as it (however imperfectly) marks the anniversary of The Ultimate Sacrifice. Christ's death on the cross of Calvary has far-reaching effects that are so high above even Christians' perceptions that it humbles me to shame and yet, thankfully, raises me to praise and gratitude that He would do all He has done and is still doing to secure the universe for those who love His appearing.

It has to be frustrating, what you want to believe is just not in the Bible.

The words you want the Bible to say, it just does not say.
This is a learning thing for everyone.

But superimposing your beliefs over and above the scriptures is not Christianity….it is make believe.

It has already been tried and they failed. The Judaizers failed.

Beliefs, Truths, Facts
Best to keep religious understanding in at least the truth column because beliefs can be anything….the sky is the limit.
Barnyfife here is absolute proof of that.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
So where does that leave any of us? Where is our focus? Are we distracted by minor things only to ignore the greater ones? Our decisions matter….
When God freed Israel from Egypt (the world) , He fed them, he gave them water, he made sure their clothes and their shoes didn't fall apart.
He guided them by day and by night through all kinds of situations. He even gave them rest.

Jesus says that when we do these things to the least, that we are doing them to him.
The act of reciprocating; interchange of acts; a mutual giving and returning.
"the reciprocation of kindness"

That should be our focus.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2019
Central PA
United States
Hey Barney…
Since this is clearly addressed to me, please let me make it clear, as I have in all my posts on this topic….
There is no command against observing a day of rest out of our weekly schedule, especially if it is to focus on spiritual things for that one day….in fact we know that our minds and bodies need rest to rejuvenate themselves…which is why we spend half our life sleeping…

The issue is what SDA’s claim even in their name…..the very foundation of your beliefs is right there as those who promote Sabbath observance as their primary focus. But if there is no evidence of a Sabbath observance before Moses was given God’s law, (no command given to Adam, or Noah or Elijah or even Abraham) what then is the basis for your adherence to a law given only to Israel?

Jesus observed the Sabbath because he was Jewish and under law.…so we’re the apostles.

Since they had been observing it all their lives, to suddenly remove it would not have been a kindness, so after Christ’s death and the implementation of the new covenant, the Jewish Christians would have still maintained their Sabbath, as there was no law prohibiting it. It is important to understand God did not forbid observance of the Sabbath, but for Gentiles in particular, it was not required. (Acts 15:28-29) Unlike Jewish proselytes, there was no requirement to observe the law. Converts to Christianity were not converts to Judaism. The law of Moses did not apply to them.

Since the Christians were to all be united under Christ’s teachings, (1 Cor 1:10) when certain Jews insisted that Gentile be circumcised and come under the law of Moses, the elders and the apostles met to sort out this cause for division, and with prayer and direction from the holy spirit they confirmed to their Jewish brothers that these Gentile converts were under no obligation to practice circumcision or to observe the Sabbath…..though they could if they wanted to, since there was no law against it. Christians were now under a new covenant with a new way to practice God’s commands and the principles contained in the 10 Commandments, all of which Jesus included in his teachings.

So it’s not just that you guys hold a weekly Sabbath, but that you feel that it is mandated, when no scripture says it is.

And those very scriptures identify why there are divisions even to this day….to SHOW the difference between the ones who are obedient to Christ, and have God’s approval, from the ones who are obedient to the teachings or traditions of anyone else, and are thus disapproved.

Since Paul said that women were not permitted to teach in the congregation, that leaves SDA’s in a bit of a dilemma.
Who then was Ellen G. white?
Commenting on the discovery of a fair amount of literary borrowing, in White’s writings, Donald R. McAdams, once president of Southwestern Adventist College in Keene, Texas, wrote: “Ellen White is so central to the lives of Seventh-day Adventists that her words impinge on practically every area of Adventist teaching and practice. . . . To consider her words as possibly derived from someone else and not necessarily the final authority introduces an element of chaos into the very heart of Adventism that makes all of us uneasy.”

Now that is quite an admission. It is claimed that Ellen G. White was “inspired in the same sense as were the Bible prophets.” She wrote more than 50 books, and claimed that she did not copy, or take her influence from anyone. But her plagiarism has been confirmed by the SDA church itself.

This is what happens when one claims to be a prophet….the truth will come out eventually….
If prophets spoke from God, it would be obvious in their writings that God inspired them…..look at Joseph Smith….he also claimed to be a prophet, but his writings plagiarized the KJV in many place….word for word.
He took a whole bunch of people and convinced them that an angel had visited him and given him some golden plates…..(all Moses got were stone tablets)….and that his writings could be used as an extension of the Bible…as if they were even compatible….

That is something my brothers have never claimed…..they have never said that they were prophets or that what they receive is by divine revelation….they made mistakes just like the apostles did and corrected them.

They are fellow slaves along with us, and are assigned to feed us “food at the proper time”….what we need to know is given to us when we need to know it…..(Matt 24:45) The proper time is now in this “time of the end”…..the time when Jesus was to return and take his “saints” home to the place he had prepared for them.
A time of great upheaval in earth’s governance and a time of reckoning for mankind at large. A time for the greatest witness the world will ever get….(Matt 24:3-14; Matt 28:19-20)

So no chest beating, just proof that no one can do this work without the backing of the one who sent us. Jesus promised that he would be “with” his true disciples “all the days until the end of the age”….it is now fast approaching, and the preaching work will form the basis of Christ’s judgment.….just as Noah’s preaching formed the basis of God’s judgment back then. (Matt 24:37-39)

How many listened to Noah and heeded his warning? Only 8 people out of a whole world population at that time, survived that cataclysm. Jesus tells us that “few” will survive the end of this current world system. (Matt 7:13-14)…and for the same reasons.

So where does that leave any of us? Where is our focus? Are we distracted by minor things only to ignore the greater ones? Our decisions matter….

Hi, Aunty! :waves:

Too bad this isn't the kind of thing I was hoping to provoke, I guess.

It seems it would have worked.

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Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2019
Central PA
United States
@Aunty Jane

Sis, you really can't cop to a little denom pride?

I do it once in a while.

I'm not proud (no pun intended) of it and I try to avoid the premeditated stuff, but Jesus understands.

At least, I certainly hope so.



Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2019
Central PA
United States
It has to be frustrating, what you want to believe is just not in the Bible.

Desperation to dispute must be pretty awful, too. You're on record as not caring what people believe and yet you can't even admit that what people believe apart from your own views does, in fact, come from the Bible.

I freely admit that.

Folks can make up any kind of belief system they want from a book with ¾ million words in it—especially if they have an inclination toward rebellion.

Give me a break.

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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
Desperation to dispute must be pretty awful, too. You're on record as not caring what people believe and yet you can't even admit that what people believe apart from your own views does, in fact, come from the Bible.

I freely admit that.

Folks can make up any kind of belief system they want from a book with ¾ million words in it—especially if they have an inclination toward rebellion.

Give me a break.


It does not matter what I believe, it only matters what the scriptures say and do not say and they do not say what you believe or you would have produced them by now.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2014
South Africa
It has to be frustrating, what you want to believe is just not in the Bible.

The words you want the Bible to say, it just does not say.
This is a learning thing for everyone.

But superimposing your beliefs over and above the scriptures is not Christianity….it is make believe.

It has already been tried and they failed. The Judaizers failed.

Beliefs, Truths, Facts
Best to keep religious understanding in at least the truth column because beliefs can be anything….the sky is the limit.
Barnyfife here is absolute proof of that.

You still have to come up with one post showing that you found SOMETHING that is in the Bible. So far you have only shown NOTHING that you found that is in the Bible.