Recent content by that_prophet

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    that_prophet's Blog

    destruction of evolution mythology
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    that_prophet's Blog

  3. T

    How close is the Seven Year Tribulation?

    We are one and a half years into the pre-Trib (Tribulation) We are the generation that shall not pass,(die) Our generation will pass by or before 2019.1 (2020 Vision) please search doorschristmustpassthrough + yolasite the pre-Trib started on March 14th , 2012 there is not much time left We are...
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    Humanists have pulled off the Greatest scam ever

    I believe that most people think space is empty But open space is not open or clear of particles at all Our known space has a steady stream of dust particles That falls to all the surfaces in any body in our large universe This deposits at a very small amount every year Most everybody has...
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    next generation joystick + video gaming

    next generation joystick + video gaming Hello, I was born in 64 + then Born Again in 88 when I first became Born Again I was working on building a D+D GAME I was trying to figure out how to operate a joystick in a way that made it fell more like you were doing the real that was when God...
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    Beliefs to live by

    Subject: Beliefs to live by My beliefs are: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (1)-There is a real God = God does exist, He created this world, and He is the God of the Bible, (Rom 1:20)= For the invisible...
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    RAPTURE QUESTION + ANSWERS ----------------------------------------------- Q1 – ARE WE THE END TIME GENERATION = YES, this seems extremely obvious . . Israel becoming a nation was the first hint\ . . our generation has seen an expotential technology explosion . . prophecies are being fulfilled...
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    Humanists have pulled off the Greatest scam ever

    JOE= but what does billions of years of depositing this dust do to its mass, it starts to add up. This addition of mass will mess with the orbits of all planets and moons. The moon is a measuring rod, if we measured the amount of dust on the moon, we could find out how long this dust has been...
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    destruction of this evolution fantasy

    I thought that you might know where I would best post this proof that evolution could never have happened measuring the space dust on the moon could give us an idea of how old our solar system is most everybody has seen videos of the moon surface the dust is only a few cenimeters deep proof that...
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    Humanists have pulled off the Greatest scam ever

    PLEASE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and God's 2020 Door, that we are told we are allowed to know in Mat 24:33 - is what you pick on + take from this what about the part about the fact that proves that evolution never happoned we are letting Humanist sacrafice our children because of teaching this...
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    How close is the Seven Year Tribulation?

    Subject: 2020 VISION = the end of the world (Mat 24:33) 2020 VISION of the end of the world, as stated in (Mat 24:3) MUST happen before 2020 This is a mistranslation, as they ment to say end of the age, as in the age of...
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    Humanists have pulled off the Greatest scam ever

    Mankind has written itself into a corner Space is not empty, but contains minute dust partials These particles are falling to any + all surfaces in our universe Causes all of the orbiting bodies to fall out of orbit rather quickly That means that there is a constant steam of these minute...