Recent content by WalkInLight

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  1. W

    Trump is dangerous - a Messianic Complex

    I understand the argument, surely everyone knows how to love another as they love themselves. Jesus shines the light on what love actually is and how it works. I realise some console themselves, I believe in Jesus and do not need to go to church, because it is just being a good person. Others...
  2. W

    Trump is dangerous - a Messianic Complex

    In your life to represent the dilemma of reaching out to a lost world, not with judgement but with love and empathy. His people know this reality because they know how weak and fragile they are, but for the grace of God go we. Praise the Lord He redeems us from the world, and found your son...
  3. W

    Trump is dangerous - a Messianic Complex

    This is a discussion that goes over my head. Being with the Lord was never about how we behaved but rather where our hearts are. The baptism for the forgiveness of sins given by John, was to emphasis forgiveness has never been the problem but loving others and walking in love. Jesus had a...
  4. W

    Trump is dangerous - a Messianic Complex

    I have to laugh. If behaviour does not matter why fight against immoral behaviour? It is as bad as atheists who argue life has no meaning while claiming to be humanitarians. Either behaviour impacts our lives and is worth of judgement by society and the courts or it is irrelevant. Jesus...
  5. W

    Trump is dangerous - a Messianic Complex

    I am just putting forward a view of theology that gives a realistic view of what is conception and its meaning.
  6. W

    Trump is dangerous - a Messianic Complex

    Your position sounds like grace is everything, the way you live is irrelevant, only belief in Jesus matters. The problem with this believers can do anything, and there is no moral consequence, yet abortion is murder so terrible. I debated with one guy who claimed this but denied they used drugs...
  7. W

    Trump is dangerous - a Messianic Complex

    "Only those who reject JESUS CHRIST are doomed to the lake of fire" This is new theology outside the common understanding of the christian faith. Paul did not believe this, he held children born of a believer were deemed holy, while others are not. And if you believe unborn babies from...
  8. W

    Trump is dangerous - a Messianic Complex

    The situation of the difference between on the ground action and strategic action is not understood. The presidents role is strategic and directional, while handling security document is executional. All the previous presidents understood the difference, Trump does not, and just wants what he...
  9. W

    Trump is dangerous - a Messianic Complex

    An interesting question. Most are doomed to hell. In this theology the gift of life is suffering on earth with failure, a lack of love and disappointment followed by an eternity of torture. If I had a time machine and said to someone this is your life, would they say, good ridence or bring it...
  10. W

    Trump is dangerous - a Messianic Complex

    What is at play here is different religious beliefs as to what is a human being. If our perception and identity is grounded in our physical being, ie a brain, the ability to process ideas etc or are we spiritual beings separate from our bodies who have thoughts and actions outside our brain...
  11. W

    Trump is dangerous - a Messianic Complex

    Pay attention. Hamas hate, the right wing in Israel hate, and they both want conflict. We need peace makers, but while hatred rules, war is what follows. Islam knows only submission, and its people claim everyone needs to submit to them. Until the region starts loving its own people, they will...
  12. W

    Trump is dangerous - a Messianic Complex

    There is a biological and theological problem here. Are conceived cells a living human being, or just a potential human being? If all conceived being are saved, or those of believers, how is a non developed human a reality in the conscious, loving, giving sense? Now much of pregnancy and...
  13. W

    Trump is dangerous - a Messianic Complex

    There is a logical contradiction here. The role of president is to benefit the state and defend the constitution. Within this logic the states secrets are the states, which the president is custodian while in office and not the owner. Law is applied to restrict and define boundaries to people...
  14. W

    Trump is dangerous - a Messianic Complex

    Trump is a symtom of the USA losing its identity to what it was back in the post 2nd world war. Attacking democracy and its right to vote in politicians is an anti democratic and anti constitutional action. The christian nationalists do not want democracy but a theocracy. The difficulty is 30%...
  15. W

    Trump is dangerous - a Messianic Complex

    This is not a political thing. The press conference at the garden centre is a classic example. Rather than admit it was the wrong location and just switch it went ahead. Taking top secret documents and not giving them back. I have the right to them. This is a personality trait. Or the...