If Hitler were to have repented for his sins before he died, would he have gone to Heaven?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2023
United States
United States
James 2:

Mr. Hitler needed to show his faith through his deeds. Killing himself was not a sign of repentance.

The good news is that one of the two criminals repented on the cross before he died, Luke 23:

Don't delay the decision. Don't wait until you are about to die. While alive, Matthew 3:
I would think it would have been very hard for Hitler to have repented before he died, because his last action was to commit suicide. He died as soon as he pulled the trigger, shooting himself in the head. That act was a sin.

St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States
You can get born of God's seed or the devil's seed and both are permanent.
How did you arrive at this conclusion?

- Who is permanently born of the devil's seed?
- Why can they never be born of God's seed?


Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
I would think it would have been very hard for Hitler to have repented before he died, because his last action was to commit suicide. He died as soon as he pulled the trigger, shooting himself in the head. That act was a sin.
In a court of Law in the regards to Hitler committed suicide, the proof does not exist all all to make such a fact !
Maybe he was rapture up ? if one believes in such rubbish !
I would think that the Russians took him most likely, as he had did his part in the deal well and Stalin and all were happy of a job well done ! They are all Evil Leaders in fact ! all members of the same pact i am sure !

No one could be so stupid to be supportive of Communist Russia, not to mention what went down after WW2 it's just pathetic ! a down right disgrace ! total Evil that was force upon all in the East like that ! and now the morons make mountains out of mole hills regarding Putin's Russia ! as if such now is a big deal ! It is nothing compared to Communist Russia now ! So what is the big deal now ! Nothing ! But only a stupid will for the killing and destruction that has been forced on Russia in regards East Ukraine, that should been allowed the right for them in East Ukraine the right to Vote ! Then no War would of started at all in fact !

Wars are all created years in advance with a whole bag of tricks !


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2022
New York
United States
How did you arrive at this conclusion?

- Who is permanently born of the devil's seed?
- Why can they never be born of God's seed?

My teachers arrived at this conclusion because Christians are born again. The Bible refers to us as seed. And seed cannot be taken away. You can never loose the seed of your parents no matter how much they are mad at you. Because you will always have their seed. The seed makes you a child. The Bible talks about the children of the devil and that this sin cannot be forgiven. My teachers believe it cannot be forgiven because it's seed.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2022
New York
United States
I don't recall that.
Was that your conclusion on the unforgivable sin? (blasphemy against the Holy Spirit) ???

It's not my conclusion. It's what I was taught by my teachers and it does make sense. Can you think of what another sin could possibly be that would be unforgivable?

St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States
It's not my conclusion. It's what I was taught by my teachers and it does make sense. Can you think of what another sin could possibly be that would be unforgivable?
That's the enigma here. Every sin is forgivable.
Every answer to the question, "What is the unforgivable sin?", falls apart in context.

Jesus said, "Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven," (scripture below vs 32)

I had concluded that "blasphemy against the Spirit" was attributing
the work of God to Satan, based on the context. The Pharisees said, “It is only by Beelzebul,
the prince of demons, that this fellow drives out demons.” - vs 24
But that doesn't name the Spirit. So, where is the "blasphemy against the Spirit"?

I thought God the Father was the power by which Jesus did his miracles.
Jesus said: “Very truly I tell you, the Son can do nothing by himself;
he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever
the Father does the Son also does. - John 5:19 NIV

These are the two problems I see with this passage:
1) Every sin is forgivable.
2) The sin Jesus seemed to be referring to had nothing to do with the Holy Spirit.

The standard answer to the question was arrived at by ignoring
the "Spirit blasphemy" aspect to focus on the unforgivable sin aspect instead.
Since every sin is forgivable, only the "sin" of unbelief would qualify.
Which could go without saying. Why put a BIG spotlight on that?
Isn't it obvious?

Much to do about nothing. It doesn't answer the basic question:
What is the blasphemy against the Spirit? (sigh)

I chalk the whole thing up to a mystery. But...
I am careful not to attribute the work of God to Satan.
Sometimes I warn those who claim that speaking in tongues is of the devil.
Thus attributing the work of God to Satan. (unless they are right, which they aren't)

Matthew 12:31-32 NIV
And so I tell you, every kind of sin and slander can be forgiven,
but blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven.
32 Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven,
but anyone who speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven,
either in this age or in the age to come.


amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
That's the enigma here. Every sin is forgivable.
Every answer to the question, "What is the unforgivable sin?", falls apart in context.

Jesus said, "Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven," (scripture below vs 32)

I had concluded that "blasphemy against the Spirit" was attributing
the work of God to Satan, based on the context. The Pharisees said, “It is only by Beelzebul,
the prince of demons, that this fellow drives out demons.” - vs 24
But that doesn't name the Spirit. So, where is the "blasphemy against the Spirit"?

I thought God the Father was the power by which Jesus did his miracles.
Jesus said: “Very truly I tell you, the Son can do nothing by himself;
he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever
the Father does the Son also does. - John 5:19 NIV

These are the two problems I see with this passage:
1) Every sin is forgivable.
2) The sin Jesus seemed to be referring to had nothing to do with the Holy Spirit.

The standard answer to the question was arrived at by ignoring
the "Spirit blasphemy" aspect to focus on the unforgivable sin aspect instead.
Since every sin is forgivable, only the "sin" of unbelief would qualify.
Which could go without saying. Why put a BIG spotlight on that?
Isn't it obvious?

Much to do about nothing. It doesn't answer the basic question:
What is the blasphemy against the Spirit? (sigh)

I chalk the whole thing up to a mystery. But...
I am careful not to attribute the work of God to Satan.
Sometimes I warn those who claim that speaking in tongues is of the devil.
Thus attributing the work of God to Satan. (unless they are right, which they aren't)

Matthew 12:31-32 NIV
And so I tell you, every kind of sin and slander can be forgiven,
but blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven.
32 Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven,
but anyone who speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven,
either in this age or in the age to come.

HERE is the SIN , the SIN that if one repents not of it they will die .
I have told you that you will die . for if you BELIEVE NOT that i am HE you WILL DIE in YOUR SINS .
IF one rejects JESUS CHRIST , they gonna DIE in their sins . The end of sin IS DEATH .
IF a man rejects JESUS THE CHRIST i warn us all it will be worse for them than ever it was for sodom on the DAY of Judgment .
Being those are the very words of CHRIST HIMSELF , i suggest we take them as THE WORDS OF GOD and
BELEIVE IT to be so . For GOD , for Christ cannot lie and speaks every word whether warning or promise
unto the good of those who do hear and recieve them and do them .
So allow me some parting words . ITS HIGH TIME we got busy preaching again the dire need to BELIEVE ON JESUS THE CHRIST
to learn HIM well and be on gaurd for many do preach another jesus and frankly that one honors certains sins
IT AINT JESUS and it cannot save them .
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Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
I'm saying that the Bible does not say we're either a child of God or a child of Satan--not a binary choice. It is being revealed as we make final choices, and recognized as such by the word of God.

So what are we until it is determined that we're one or the other? It's not revealed until it is revealed.
It is revealed to us, but foreknown of God
Don't agree with me on that--I never said that! I said God's original intention was to bring into existence only those who were His children. You were not His child before you were born, or before the world was even created! ;)
Ephesians 1:4
According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:
Nothing to do with "loathing." It's just my opinion that those trapped in the Devil's snares, or prison, are not by default "children of Satan." If they are trapped, they are captives and victims, and not necessarily "his children!"
But they are not orphans, so whose children are they?
But God's seed is also freely given to those who reject it, or who just temporarily accept it, or perhaps use it in a diminished way. People use God's word to do the good they were created to do, but do not always accept being completely owned by God.

God's word is sown everywhere, but good children are those who respond to God's word. Thus, the seed is the same for God's word as it is for becoming God's children--it is the success of God's word in producing children.
aka good soil, vs. bad soil not good people vs. bad people.
I'm not cleaning up God's word, but explaining it. It's most often a problem over context.

If we understood, in the era of Law, that it was designed to produce obedience, and we saw Israelis doing good works without truly repenting along with their sacrifices, then we could understand what Paul meant by "our righteousness being filthy rags."
They are also called works of the flesh. Even a christian can do "godly works" and they are burned up at teh Bema judgment for they were done in teh human nature and not the Spirit.

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
well it was good up to the part where you said we have no ability to callsomeone a child of the devil .
cause LOOK at what some of the apostels called some of them resisters .
While one is under the power and influence of satan they are indeed a child of the devil .
Infleunced by the power of satan and of darkness . BUT
JESUS can set any one free of the power of satan and of darkness . ITS WHY WE GOTTA PREACH THE ORIGINAL GOSPEL
to all that has breath . YE child of the devil , said paul to the man trying to turn the deputy from the faith .
OH yeah , HE DID CALL Him that .
Well ifGod reinstitutes the office of Apostle, then those folks can. They are the foundation builders and were given things the church no longer possesses.

We do not know the heart of people to make those kinds of determinations. they may be pre-saved. People would look at me before I was saved and think easily I was a child of the devil. I was into Satanism and all sorts of evil.
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Randy Kluth

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2020
Pacific NW
United States
It is revealed to us, but foreknown of God
It is revealed to you that everyone was born a "child of God?" It is revealed to you that all non-Christians are "children of Satan?"
Ephesians 1:4
According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:
I think you are mis-reading Paul here. In Eph 1.4 Paul is not saying we were "children of God" before we were born! The preexistence of human beings is a strange belief held by a few Christians but never accepted overall.

To have been "pre-planned" is another thing entirely. God pre-planned an X number of "children of God," but according to Jesus, others were planted by Satan and by rebellious men who were not planned by God except by concession to their liberty to rebel.

What Paul is really arguing is that the *standard for which man was created preexisted,* namely Christ. He is the spiritual and moral standard which preexisted the creation of mankind so that what we were created to do was designed to be done through the word of God, and not through rebellion against that word!
aka good soil, vs. bad soil not good people vs. bad people.
what do you think the good soil and bad soil are?
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Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
It is revealed to you that everyone was born a "child of God?" It is revealed to you that all non-Christians are "children of Satan?"
My bad, I forgot the important word not before recealed.
I think you are mis-reading Paul here. In Eph 1.4 Paul is not saying we were "children of God" before we were born! The preexistence of human beings is a strange belief held by a few Christians but never accepted overall.

To have been "pre-planned" is another thing entirely. God pre-planned an X number of "children of God," but according to Jesus, others were planted by Satan and by rebellious men who were not planned by God except by concession to their liberty to rebel.

What Paul is really arguing is that the *standard for which man was created preexisted,* namely Christ. He is the spiritual and moral standard which preexisted the creation of mankind so that what we were created to do was designed to be done through the word of God, and not through rebellion against that word!
YO)u are now saying the Ephesians passage says something that is not written in the plain language found there.

Yes we are children of God before teh foundation of the world. And keeping it with teh rest of the Scriptures that speak on this, we were simply preplanned and foreknown as individuals to be Goods children, just like it says Jesus was the Lamb slain befdore the foundation of the world.

I do not believe in the preexistence of humans before we are conceived. I do believe as Scripture says all are known of God before we were born.

St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States
It is revealed to you that everyone was born a "child of God?" It is revealed to you that all non-Christians are "children of Satan?"
Yes. Quite the contradiction.
I wonder where he thinks Christians come from? (former "children of Satan") ???
Wouldn't that make "children of Satan" born again? (formerly children of God at birth) ???

--- PARODY ---
Son: I wish I had never been born!
Mom: Oh, my. You shouldn't talk that way.
Son: That's how I feel.
Mom: What's wrong, dear?
Son: Can't I just go back where I came from?
Mom: Say what? !!!

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Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2020
Heaven bound
United Kingdom
HERE is the SIN , the SIN that if one repents not of it they will die .
I have told you that you will die . for if you BELIEVE NOT that i am HE you WILL DIE in YOUR SINS .
IF one rejects JESUS CHRIST , they gonna DIE in their sins . The end of sin IS DEATH .
IF a man rejects JESUS THE CHRIST i warn us all it will be worse for them than ever it was for sodom on the DAY of Judgment .
Being those are the very words of CHRIST HIMSELF , i suggest we take them as THE WORDS OF GOD and
BELEIVE IT to be so . For GOD , for Christ cannot lie and speaks every word whether warning or promise
unto the good of those who do hear and recieve them and do them .
So allow me some parting words . ITS HIGH TIME we got busy preaching again the dire need to BELIEVE ON JESUS THE CHRIST
to learn HIM well and be on gaurd for many do preach another jesus and frankly that one honors certains sins
IT AINT JESUS and it cannot save them .
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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
You can't repent if you are a child of the devil. It's an unforgivable sin. To blaspheme God does not mean one has to believe that the devil is actually the Christian God and Father. Nor does it mean a person has to know that the devil is a fallen angel who opposes the true creator God. To commit the unforgivable sin a person only has to truly take the devil or one of his fronts as his own true god and provider. For example, it is unlikely that the Pharisees who were children of the devil had taken “the devil” per se as their god, but rather that they so highly valued their prestige, power, and position that they had in their hearts (If this does not describe Obama and Hillary Clinton. Then I don't know what does) and in doing so made that their god as they turned to the devil via one of his fronts.
If you're referring to nephilim who are directly fathered by satan taking a woman and producing offspring ....then yes, I agree with you that they cannot be saved. But anyone who is fully human has the choice whether or not to call on the name of the Lord, and to repent, and place their faith in Him. And if they do, they are saved.
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Dan Clarkston

Active Member
Dec 16, 2023
Denver Colorado
United States
Everything is not either the devil or God. There is a middle ground where you can just be a human. Everything is not either black or white. Or good and evil.

Wow, so one can sit on the fence and do evil on one side and good on the other and it's all good?

Where did Jesus teach it's OK to do a little sin every now and again?
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