Are Mormons Christians? (Latter Day Saints)

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Active Member
Dec 3, 2023
United States
Drop your opinions on whether you think Mormons (Latter Day Saints) are Christian or not and why, please keep all debating friendly, thought it would be a fun topic to start and I'm a little in between on the topic and I'd like to hear Christian viewpoints on the matter as Mormons do believe they are Christians.
A Christian is a person who believes in Jesus Christ and follows his teachings. So the answer to your question is going to be based on if they actually believe in and follow Jesus' teachings.

After having looked through what the beliefs of the Latter-Day Saints are on their website, I have concluded that yes they are Christians.

Was there something in particular they believe you were curious about?

Rella ~ I am a woman

Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2023
United States
Drop your opinions on whether you think Mormons (Latter Day Saints) are Christian or not and why, please keep all debating friendly, thought it would be a fun topic to start and I'm a little in between on the topic and I'd like to hear Christian viewpoints on the matter as Mormons do believe they are Christians.

See the short video here...

Then read this

The Relationship Between Jesus and Lucifer in a Mormon Context​

And just for fun do a search on their special underwear.....


Sep 4, 2022
United States
aside from the doctrinal and vernacular differences between Christianity and Mormonism; the early LDS prophets themselves distinguished mormons from christians.

Some of their teachings:

“The Christian world, so called, are heathens as to their knowledge of the salvation of God.” (Prophet Brigham Young, JD 8:171)

“…the God whom the ‘Christians’ worship is a being of their own creation…” (Apostle Charles W. Penrose, JD 23:243)

Are Christians ignorant? Yes, as ignorant of the things of God as the brute best.” (Prophet John Taylor, JD 13:225)

“What does the Christian world know about God? Nothing…Why so far as the things of God are concerned, they are the veriest fools; they know neither God nor the things of God.” (Prophet John Taylor, JI) 13:225)

“ a perfect pack of nonsense...the devil could not invent a better engine to spread his work than the Christianity of the nineteenth century."

(Prophet John Taylor, JD, v. 6, p. 167)


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2023
United States
aside from the doctrinal and vernacular differences between Christianity and Mormonism; the early LDS prophets themselves distinguished mormons from christians.

Some of their teachings:

“The Christian world, so called, are heathens as to their knowledge of the salvation of God.” (Prophet Brigham Young, JD 8:171)

“…the God whom the ‘Christians’ worship is a being of their own creation…” (Apostle Charles W. Penrose, JD 23:243)

Are Christians ignorant? Yes, as ignorant of the things of God as the brute best.” (Prophet John Taylor, JD 13:225)

“What does the Christian world know about God? Nothing…Why so far as the things of God are concerned, they are the veriest fools; they know neither God nor the things of God.” (Prophet John Taylor, JI) 13:225)

“ a perfect pack of nonsense...the devil could not invent a better engine to spread his work than the Christianity of the nineteenth century."

(Prophet John Taylor, JD, v. 6, p. 167)
You're exactly right. When Joseph Smith had his original vision he had retreated to the woods to seek God. He was confused and wanted to know which Christian group was the right one. God's response, according to Smith, was that they were all apostate. Thus Mormonism was born as the "one true church."
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Rella ~ I am a woman

Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2023
United States
You're exactly right. When Joseph Smith had his original vision he had retreated to the woods to seek God. He was confused and wanted to know which Christian group was the right one. God's response, according to Smith, was that they were all apostate. Thus Mormonism was born as the "one true church."
Srill makes me wonder what he was smoking when he went into those woods?


Sep 4, 2022
United States
The biggest doctrinal conflict Mormonism has with Christianity, is that both Our Heavenly Father as well as Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son, are both created beings that used to be regular human beings that have progressed over time to become a God of our planet, (the Father) and a Jesus is the next human from our planet to get to become a God of His own planet. Also, God the Father presently is not a Spirit, but is flesh and body, and was not Almighty God in eternity past. He had physical, bodily intercourse with Mary to sire the baby Jesus.

As Lorenzo Snow the 5th mormon prophet taught, “As man now is, God once was: As God now is, man may become.” This same teaching continues to modern day, repeated by the 15th Prophet Gordon Hinckley who died in 2008: “Well, as God is, man may become. We believe in eternal progression. Very strongly.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2023
United States
IMO, no they are not Christian.

In 1844 the founder,Joseph Smith and his brother Hyrum were murdered,shot to death, by vigilantes in Carthage, Illinois.

Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
As a member of a group often misquoted and misrepresented, I also went to the LDS to hear from the people themselves…otherwise things can get very twisted.

Here is what I found….

“Like many other Christians around the world, Mormons, also known as members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, look to Jesus Christ as their Lord and worship Him as their Savior. Many Mormon beliefs about Jesus Christ are similar to other Christian beliefs about Him. But Mormons also believe many pure and precious truths about the Savior that are unique to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Who do Mormons believe Jesus Christ is?

Like most Christians, Mormons believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the Creator of the World. However, Mormons hold the unique belief that God the Father and Jesus Christ are two distinct beings. Mormons believe that God and Jesus Christ are wholly united in their perfect love for us, but that each is a distinct personage with His own perfect, glorified body (see D&C 130:22).”

JW’s also believe that Jesus and his Father are two separate beings, and distinctly different as Father and son. They have a warm and loving bond from ages together before creation began….he as God’s firstborn. (Col 1:15-17; Rev 3:14)

Christendom believes that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are all one God, yet the Bible itself does not teach this. It never made any sense to me.…and much of the Bible argues with this belief.

“Mormons believe that all men and women ever to be born, including Jesus Christ, lived with God as His spirit children before this life. God wanted each of us to come to earth to gain experience, learn, and grow to become more like Him. But God also knew that His children would all sin, die, and fall short of His glory. We would need a Savior to overcome our sins and imperfections and reconcile us with God. Mormons believe that Jesus Christ was chosen to be this Savior long ago during our premortal life with God. We shouted for joy when we were presented with God’s glorious plan for His children (see Job 38:7).”

JW’s have a very different view of “life before birth” and “life after death”….we believe what the Bible teaches, that Adam was formed from the dust of the earth and so was his wife, and together they were told to produce children and fill the earth with them, subduing it until the whole planet was like the garden of Eden.

Everything started off beautifully, but a rebel spirit intervened and took the humans away from God for his own selfish purpose. This is what created the need for God to send a savior to redeem them.
Adam was not told about “life before birth” and he was not told about any “life after death” either. He was simply told that if he disobeyed he would die and return to the dust of the earth out of which he was created. Earth was never supposed to be a training ground for heaven, because everlasting life was to be lived right here in paradise on earth…..there was “the tree of life” in the garden that guaranteed that everlasting life could be enjoyed in mortal flesh that did not age, get sick or die of “natural causes” since there weren’t any……that is what would have happened if the humans had just rejected the devil’s temptations.…they would never have died. Disobedience was the only cause of death given to Adam.

I’m not really sure how Christendom views the fall, and what steps God took to rectify the damage. Having been raised in the Anglican Church, they could never quite explain their big picture, so I was grateful when I found people who could explain everything very simply. I had so many questions that the church minister could never answer, it was frustrating….we were told to pray the Lord’s Prayer but no one ever told me what I was praying for….when I found out, it was life changing!

What do Mormons believe about Jesus Christ’s mortal life?

Mormons believe that Jesus was born as an infant in Bethlehem. As the child of God the Father and a mortal mother, Mary, He grew up learning His divine mission and His Father’s gospel line upon line, precept upon precept (see D&C 98:12). Mormons believe that Jesus Christ lived a perfect mortal life to set the ultimate example for us to follow. He became the Messiah, the promised Savior of God’s people whose coming prophets had long foretold. The scriptures record that He taught His gospel through word and deed as “He walked the roads of Palestine, healing the sick, causing the blind to see, and raising the dead” ( “The Living Christ: The Testimony of the Apostles,” Ensign or Liahona, Apr. 2000, 2).

This is what the scriptures teach. But the reason why Jesus had to come to earth as a human is very important….his sacrifice was a “ransom”, which is the price demanded to free a captive. The human race were being held captives to sin and death through no fault on their part, so God sent his own precious son to bring them back to him by dying instead of them. “Atonement” is “at-one-ment”…one for one. His life paid for Adam’s sin.…balancing the scales of God’s perfect justice.
We are just waiting now for God to take us “home”…some to immortal life in heaven and others to everlasting life on earth…..where we serve God is unimportant because we love him and know that he has chosen the best ones for his Kingdom rulers. Just imagine having the best government that this earth has ever had….what a joy life will be without sickness, death and all the hardships that satan’s world brings upon us.

“Mormons also believe that through His Atonement, Jesus Christ suffered beyond description in Gethsemane and on the cross for the sins of all mankind, so that He could aid us perfectly in all our afflictions. Mormons believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross and rose again so that all humankind could be resurrected and one day return to live with a loving Heavenly Father. As the only person who has ever lived a completely sinless life, the Savior was a perfect sacrifice, a lamb without blemish. Unique to Latter-day Saints is the belief that after Jesus Christ’s death, He visited His people in the Americas (see John 10:16; 3 Nephi 11).

JW’s have a different belief again….”the resurrection”, from the Bible’s teaching, was a two fold one.
Some, Jesus said would be resurrected to heaven for a specific role in God’s Kingdom, as “kings and priests” to rule over redeemed mankind here on earth. These “chosen ones” or “elect” would be “resurrected first” (Rev 20:6) and those over whom they will rule will be resurrected after Christ’s Kingdom rule is established here on earth, as he said in John 5:28-29. He calls these ones from their graves to resume their human lives on earth, back with their families and friends. All of the resurrections performed in the Bible were back to human life….they were not turned into spirits when they died. The dead are not in a conscious state. (Eccl 9:5, 10, Psalm 115:17)

As for the last part where Jesus visits his people in the Americas after his resurrection…..that is completely unsubstantiated by anything in the Bible, and we are told that nothing was to be added to God’s word… inventing people, whose existence cannot be historically proven, and whose names are completely unknown to anyone but Mormons, I have serious doubts about the truth of that claim.….I need proof about everything.
If it’s not in the Bible I cannot accept it.
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Rella ~ I am a woman

Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2023
United States
The biggest doctrinal conflict Mormonism has with Christianity, is that both Our Heavenly Father as well as Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son, are both created beings that used to be regular human beings that have progressed over time to become a God of our planet, (the Father) and a Jesus is the next human from our planet to get to become a God of His own planet. Also, God the Father presently is not a Spirit, but is flesh and body, and was not Almighty God in eternity past. He had physical, bodily intercourse with Mary to sire the baby Jesus.

As Lorenzo Snow the 5th mormon prophet taught, “As man now is, God once was: As God now is, man may become.” This same teaching continues to modern day, repeated by the 15th Prophet Gordon Hinckley who died in 2008: “Well, as God is, man may become. We believe in eternal progression. Very strongly.
Who created the Heavenly Father?

Shirley McClain claimed to be God.... guess she was well on her way.

This is not progression this it truly evolution at its best.....

Rella ~ I am a woman

Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2023
United States
Nothing, many people in the bible were prophets, seers and had prophetic dreams
As did a contemporary of Joseph Smith by the name of Mrs. Ellen G White (Who also had a movement dedicated to her teachings....)

Neither of these people were in the bible.

Joseph Smith 1808 -1844 first vision 1820

Ellen G White 1827 - 1915 first vision 1844 (Ah, I wonder if God's intention was to replace Joseph Smith with Ellen G White.

There is a paper comparing the two of them

Compare Mormon Prophet Joseph Smith with Ellen White: Similarities in Experience and Message​

Yet her teachings are not the same as his....
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Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
The biggest doctrinal conflict Mormonism has with Christianity, is that both Our Heavenly Father as well as Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son, are both created beings that used to be regular human beings that have progressed over time to become a God of our planet, (the Father) and a Jesus is the next human from our planet to get to become a God of His own planet. Also, God the Father presently is not a Spirit, but is flesh and body, and was not Almighty God in eternity past. He had physical, bodily intercourse with Mary to sire the baby Jesus.

As Lorenzo Snow the 5th mormon prophet taught, “As man now is, God once was: As God now is, man may become.” This same teaching continues to modern day, repeated by the 15th Prophet Gordon Hinckley who died in 2008: “Well, as God is, man may become. We believe in eternal progression. Very strongly.
Since this idea is not even hinted at in the Bible, and is way past anything that is taught in Scripture, do you understand how Bible believing Christians would balk at this notion?

Unless you are raised with this belief, it is rather repulsive and denigrating to the Supreme Sovereign of the Universe who, with his son created all that exists. (Col 1:15-17) Not a single thing that the Bible teaches about God, his son, and creation is remotely even close to what Mormons believe.

In my own search for God, I investigated Mormonism and rejected it because of its departure from Scripture and reliance on what is not Scripture to anyone else but your church members.
The Bible alone is the word of God, so any departure must be viewed with suspicion IMO, regardless of the sincerity of believers.
You have the word of a self-proclaimed prophet, that what he said was true…..yet the last prophet mentioned in the Bible is Jesus himself…..the “prophet like Moses” who was foretold. (Acts 3:19-22)

Heb 1:1-4…..
“God, after He spoke long ago to the fathers in the prophets in many portions and in many ways, in these last days has spoken to us in His Son, whom He appointed heir of all things, through whom He also made the world. And He is the radiance of His glory and the exact representation of His nature, and upholds all things by the word of His power. When He had made purification of sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high, having become so much better than the angels, to the extent that He has inherited a more excellent name than they. (NASB)

I hope you can understand why there is disbelief when you begin talking about God and his son this way….it is totally foreign to any student of the Bible. If the Bible spoke of such things, then there would be something to debate….but there cannot be any debate from the Bible on this subject, because it is not taught in Scripture and is exclusive to your church.


Active Member
Dec 3, 2023
United States
The biggest doctrinal conflict Mormonism has with Christianity, is that both Our Heavenly Father as well as Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son, are both created beings that used to be regular human beings that have progressed over time to become a God of our planet, (the Father) and a Jesus is the next human from our planet to get to become a God of His own planet. Also, God the Father presently is not a Spirit, but is flesh and body, and was not Almighty God in eternity past. He had physical, bodily intercourse with Mary to sire the baby Jesus.

As Lorenzo Snow the 5th mormon prophet taught, “As man now is, God once was: As God now is, man may become.” This same teaching continues to modern day, repeated by the 15th Prophet Gordon Hinckley who died in 2008: “Well, as God is, man may become. We believe in eternal progression. Very strongly.
Not much different than what catholics/protestants say about Jesus. "God in the flesh" is just as false about the Father as it is about the Son. God never was, is, or will be a man under any circumstances according to Scripture.
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Jan 1, 2024
United Kingdom
Not much different than what catholics/protestants say about Jesus. "God in the flesh" is just as false about the Father as it is about the Son. God never was, is, or will be a man under any circumstances according to Scripture.
Technically speaking tho, theologically, wasn't God man in the flesh as Jesus? When Christians typically believe the holy trinity is all one. I know its a banned discussion on here so I don't want to go into it, but couldnt that be the idea Catholics and Mormons are coming in at?

Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
Technically speaking tho, theologically, wasn't God man in the flesh as Jesus? When Christians typically believe the holy trinity is all one. I know its a banned discussion on here so I don't want to go into it, but couldnt that be the idea Catholics and Mormons are coming in at?
“Theologically” as in Christendom’s teachings…yes, but biblically it does not exist except when Scripture is misinterpreted and mistranslated. The church who formulated this doctrine kept the Bible to themselves for centuries, and forbade the people to read it, or to be in possession of it under pain of death….this groomed ignorance allowed them to get away with all manner of pagan adoptions and passing them off as “Christian” beliefs and practices, when none of them were. The people had no way to question anything….especially the authority of the church….purely self imposed…and thoroughly corrupted.

God did not need to come in the flesh because as an immortal, he could not die to ransom the human race….Jesus could volunteer to give his life, because he was not God, nor was he an immortal.

In order to understand the reason why Jesus had to die, you have to understand the mechanics of redemption.…also called a ransom.…which gives us the idea that a person or people were being held captive till someone paid for their release.
In Israel, a man who got into debt and couldn’t pay, was pressed into service to the creditor until the debt was paid in full. If the man had a family to support, one of his children could serve the creditor until the debt was paid. Or if a benevolent benefactor volunteered to pay the debt, the man was freed.

Adam threw the whole human race into “debt”, which was sin and its consequence of death. (Rom 5:12)
No one could pay the debt because everyone in the human race descended from Adam was also in the same amount of debt.
To settle this debt, a human equivalent of Adam had to be offered, but there was now no one sinless to pay for what Adam had done. A benevolent benefactor stepped in and offered his son as a payment for the debt to free Adam’s children….something that out of love, the son was more than willing to do.

In order to be born as a sinless human God’s son was transformed into a human embryo and implanted in the womb of a Jewish virgin, to prove that this was a miraculous birth….her husband to be, was also an honorable man and when God told him his fiancé was going to have a child, he assured Joseph that the child was a product of Holy Spirit, not infidelity, so he took her as a wife, but respected her virginity until the child was born…..the child grew up to be the savior of mankind, Jesus Christ willingly sacrificing his life for ours.

Once his mission was accomplished, he returned to his God and Father in heaven and is waiting patiently for the conclusion of this period called “the time of the end”….a time when all wickedness will be eliminated from the earth and the restoration of all that Adam lost for his children, including their paradise home, here on earth is given back to us…..something I really look forward to. (Rev 21:2-4)

God’s Kingdom is the means by which He will bring all things back to his original purpose, establishing peace and harmony in all of creation.
The Bible is one story, with one author…and it’s ending will the the beginning of the life we were meant to have on this earth all along.

We never got to experience God’s rulership because the first humans threw it away when they chose a different “god” to rule over them… who has wreaked havoc on earth as we see things going from bad to worse every day. Soon now God will intervene and put things to right…..eliminating all his enemies and those who cause distress to others in their selfish pursuits….I can’t wait! joy:
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Active Member
Dec 3, 2023
United States
Technically speaking tho, theologically, wasn't God man in the flesh as Jesus? When Christians typically believe the holy trinity is all one. I know its a banned discussion on here so I don't want to go into it, but couldnt that be the idea Catholics and Mormons are coming in at?
I interpret the bits about God having "back parts" or a "right hand" or Moses seeing God "face to face" as not literal. There could also be translation issues there. All I know is a man didn't create the heavens and earth. The Bible says the first humans were Adam and Eve. Too many discrepancies in the Bible with God being a man of flesh or a human. It would mean God was both created while at the same time the Bible forbids the worship of created things. I'll leave it at that.

Rella ~ I am a woman

Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2023
United States
I interpret the bits about God having "back parts" or a "right hand" or Moses seeing God "face to face" as not literal. There could also be translation issues there.

Dead Sea Scrolls....

Exodus 33 from Scroll 4Q22 PaleoExodusm

12 Moses said to Yahweh, “Behold, you tell me, ‘Bring up this people;’ and you haven’t let me know whom you will send with me. Yet you have said, ‘I know you by name, and you have also found favor in my sight.’ 13 Now therefore, if I have found favor in your sight, please show me your way, now, that I may know you, so that I may find favor in your sight; and consider that this nation is your people.”


15 Moses said
to him, “If your presence doesn’t go with me, don’t carry us up from here. 16 For how would people know that I have found favor in your sight, I and your people? Isn’t it that you go with us, so that we are separated, I and your people, from all the people who are on the surface of the earth?”

17 Yahweh said to Moses, “I will do this thing also that you have spoken; for you have found favor in my sight, and I know you by name.”

18 Moses said, “Please show me your glory.”

19 He said, “I will make
all my goodness pass before you, and will proclaim Yahweh’s name before you. I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and will show mercy on whom I will show mercy.” 20 He said, “You cannot see my face, for man may not see me and live.” 21 Yahweh also said, “Behold, there is a place by me, and you shall stand on the rock. 22 It will happen, while my glory passes by, that I will put you in a cleft of the rock, and will cover you with my hand until I have passed by; 23 then I will take away my hand, and you will see my back; but my face shall not be seen.
All I know is a man didn't create the heavens and earth.
:eek: And also you KNOW.. unless you want to toss out the four corners of the Holy Bible that
the "Man" YOU are referring to was NOT born until at least 4000 years , give or take a day or so, from when "they" claim "In the beginning"....

Those back then that did the creation end of things were not flesh and blood. God was not, The Word was not and neither was the Spirit that hovered over the waters.

So get over it..... it is a dead argument.... read your bible
The Bible says the first humans were Adam and Eve. Too many discrepancies in the Bible with God being a man of flesh or a human. It would mean God was both created while at the same time the Bible forbids the worship of created things. I'll leave it at that.

Too many discrepancies in the Bible with God being a man of flesh or a human. It would mean God was both created while at the same time the Bible forbids the worship of created things. I'll leave it at that.

Well I wont because you obviously have had one too many tonofbricks.gif

For, hopefully, the last time..... No one at any time before His resurrection worshipped Jesus.
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Ronald David Bruno

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2020
United States
Drop your opinions on whether you think Mormons (Latter Day Saints) are Christian or not and why, please keep all debating friendly, thought it would be a fun topic to start and I'm a little in between on the topic and I'd like to hear Christian viewpoints on the matter as Mormons do believe they are Christians.
You were a Mormon. Did you believe that Jesus died for our sins, was buried and rose from the dead on the third day according to the scriptures (in the Bible)?
Mormons and JW's are drawn to Christ.
Faith comes by the Word ... and they are consuming it AND being changed by it.
Satan tries to keep us away from Christ. He did with me for at least 25 years. People don't flock to Christ for no reason. They are drawn to Him.
Mormons have extra-Biblical material that they believe in that is not true. However, we see change in them. We see goodness and love and other fruit. That is not coming from Satan. He may have appeared as an angel of light to Joseph Smith, and Joseph took the bait and formed an offshoot of Christianity. But I think Satan was deceived to think that God would not redirect this group. Did Joseph preach a different gospel?
>> If we define the gospel in one sentence as is quoted in bold above, no. But he added to it.
A Mormon's saving grace ( and what will only save them) is that simple truth in bold letters above - nothing more, nothing less. Many legalists would add to that prerequisite - a long list.
Repentance is turning to Christ. To believe, we must find out who He is; but the Mormons do not disregard His Biblical story, they just add to it a flight to the Americas, an additional ministry - which was fabricated. There is no historical proof that these people describe in tye Book of Mormon existed. There were only native "America Indians" (as we later called them) here. They had no idea of Jesus, they did believe in some fabricated spirits above and their own religions.
So the Mormon's concept of Jesus _ learned from the Bible only _ is intact, their belief in Him as far as I can see _ intact, their faith _ intact, resulting in changed lives - we see this evidence. What we don't see is the Holy Spirit rapidly growing this church after over 150 years since its founding. Thwy hae a mere 16 million. That's not growth ... maybe at a dnails pace. The Body of Christ had 500 milliin believers in 1900 and now nearly 2.6 billion - that's growth. The Holy Spirit keeps them alive, but does not grow their church because of too many false doctrines. Nevertheless, I do believe that they believe. I have JW's in my family. I see love, goodness, kindness, obedience to Christ ... I just don't see much growth. They only have about 8+ million after over 100 years. Before Covid-19, they typically logged in 200 million hours of knocking on doors and witnessing. Wow. My relative has been a JW for 50 years and cannot think of one person she witnessed to join their congregation. It is mostly there kids that grow their numbers and then a few trickle on here and there. Oh, these are better off now then not hanving God.
So is God mercifully, forgiving us of our deceptions? As long as we receive Christ as Lord and Savior.
I will get flack from this for sure.
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