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  • I'm from a family of six.
    Sounds like you have a few 22 rifles in your future, lol. And making lots of your own ammo.

    Even casting lead bullets for the bigger handguns. You wont spend less on ammo but you'll get wayy more ammo out of it. Start saving your brass and picking up all that other brass at the range that people leave. SCrounging lead where you can. Do they still make wheel weights from lead over there? Colect those too
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    It's not that hard. There's a bunch of little stuff to know but that's all in the data books too. I found out fast that the most expensive part of reloading is the bullets themselves, so I bought some moulds and cast my own bullets out of lead or wheel weights. That got the price back down!

    If you're going to start reloading you better start saving your range brass and pick it up!
    Are you a reloader ?
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    Not currently, maybe in the future. I can't stock up. I shoot up everything. I have no self control when it comes to ammo. Its pretty pathetic
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    What’s a reloaded? I am from the U.K.?
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    Growing up in America was when my dad taught all us kids how to shoot guns and stuff. But there was six of us total and everybody wanted to shoot, so he started to reload or make his own homemade ammo for the guns.

    It's just making your own gun ammunition at home. Us guys are called reloaders.
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