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  • Welcome to Christian Forums, a Christian Forum that recognizes that all Christians are a work in progress.

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  1. PossibleThrowawayAccount

    Why is it so hard to find a copy of the Douay-Rheims Bible?

    Feel free to skip this paragraph, it is just me explaining how I got to the question. Recently I won an Amazon gift card and used it to buy a copy of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. This inspired me to build a home altar with a Bible, a censure, the Catechism, some candles, a prayer book...
  2. PossibleThrowawayAccount

    Try to find peace. God will make everything right

    So far I am doing pretty good in trying to get my faith back, or at least I think so. I am not as faithful as I used to be but I am closer to God than what I was last week. And so I would like to make a post reminding you all that God will make everything ok in the end. When we least expect it...
  3. PossibleThrowawayAccount

    Should only a few people be allowed to have children?

    I hope this is not too controversial of a topic to debate, but it I would like to get insight from people who might disagree with me. I want to say for the record that I am pro-life but do think that in some cases abortion is ok (if the baby will die immediately after birth, if it will cost the...
  4. PossibleThrowawayAccount

    Animals go to heaven and why it matters

    All over the world many Christians are wondering what will happen to their pets after death. Unfortunately they are often told that an animal ceases to exist after death which further burdens their grief and worse even sometimes turns them away from God, perhaps justifiably. What makes this...
  5. PossibleThrowawayAccount

    Will anyone else be bitter this Christmas?

    There is a lot going on in the world and I am probably not alone in feeling bitter this time of year. A while ago I wrote about things going on in my life and how they have effected my spiritual life. Despite how hard I have tried to get back the faith I have lost my efforts have been for...
  6. PossibleThrowawayAccount

    I think I finally lost my faith

    After years of trying to hold onto my faith I am ready to give up. I once had a beautiful relationship with God but many things made me question his love for me: a lifetime of poverty, an abusive relationship with my father, trauma, being isolated, people who treated me badly getting away with...
  7. PossibleThrowawayAccount

    Did this Archbishop's statement come out wrong? An archbishop of the Church of England declared that "I know the word ‘father’ is problematic for those whose experience of earthly fathers has been destructive and abusive, and for all of us who have...
  8. PossibleThrowawayAccount

    How do we help Christianity?

    Christianity has always been the world's punching bag and it is not necessarily the unbelievers' faults either. I thought about why people hate us and I came up with some reasons, most of which we are not responsible for. I think the biggest reasons why people look down on Christianity are...
  9. PossibleThrowawayAccount

    An open letter to God

    I heard that it is therapeutic to write a letter to someone and never send it though I am doing the opposite by writing something that I intend for the person it is for to see. Since I cannot physically send a letter to God I felt that this was the best place to put this. I feel like a lot of...
  10. PossibleThrowawayAccount

    Finally working up the courage to ask a question that deeply distresses me

    For 19 years now there has been something that has been deeply bothering me but I have been too afraid to ask because it is something very personal to me. I am finally ready to ask it because I need closure, despite knowing that hearing the wrong thing could potentially deeply upset me. Are...
  11. PossibleThrowawayAccount

    Theories about Abraham

    I have not yet read the entire Bible but I do know the Torah sections by heart. Every time I read/hear them I think of something new. Over the years I have come up with a few theories regarding Abraham and want to share them with you all to hear what you think. For starters, it is clear that...
  12. PossibleThrowawayAccount

    Questions about incense

    I enjoy different kinds of fragrances; candles, incense, etc. I am looking into building a home altar and know exactly what I want for it, but I am unsure about what incense to burn. I know that it fundamentally doesn't actually matter what I burn, but I want to have something different than...
  13. PossibleThrowawayAccount

    What is the best way to write a summary of the Bible?

    For a very long time I have wanted to write a detailed summary of the Bible but never really knew how to. I tried reading several on the internet but they always seem to leave a good bit out, even crucial things. I am finally going to start working on it but don't know how to. I am going to be...
  14. PossibleThrowawayAccount

    It is a bad idea but I think about it anyway

    I know it is a very bad idea, but I have often considered joining a monastery. I always wanted to get married but I know deep down that it will never happen and figured I might as well duck out of the modern world. I don't have anything holding me down anyway. On one hand I want to live a holy...
  15. PossibleThrowawayAccount

    How do you forgive God?

    A while ago I wrote a post asking if my faith could be saved. To summarise it: I used to be very close to God but horrible things that have happened throughout my life got in the way of it. I had a horrible life, I am stuck with a sometimes abusive father, people walk all over me, I have self...
  16. PossibleThrowawayAccount

    Did Jesus REALLY know what it was like to be human?

    This might sound blasphemous and I do not mean any disrespect towards the Lord but did Jesus really know what it was like to be human? I know he came as a man, was born and suffered many things but I don't think he actually had to deal with the things we have to. It seems that he chose a lot of...
  17. PossibleThrowawayAccount

    Is it possible to get my faith back?

    Trigger warning: abuse, other themes Sorry for the long read. I made an account on this forum specifically to ask my fellow Christians for help. I hope none of this comes off as rant-ish, I posted this because I need help with my faith. My life has always been a mess and for the past ten years...