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  • Welcome to Christian Forums, a Christian Forum that recognizes that all Christians are a work in progress.

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  1. Arthur81

    Apocalyptic Language and Symbolism

    Clouds - Isa 19:1 NRSVAue "An oracle concerning Egypt. See, the LORD is riding on a swift cloud and comes to Egypt; the idols of Egypt will tremble at his presence, and the heart of the Egyptians will melt within them." Nah 1:3 NRSVAue "The LORD is slow to anger but great in power, and the...
  2. Arthur81

    Can a Bible believing Christian own a Bar? In the interesting article is a statement by the bar owner - Fitzpatrick remarked that the idea was "honestly pretty last minute" as simple pushback against the nationwide promotion...
  3. Arthur81

    Young Evangelicals Moving Toward Amillennialism and Postmillennialism Maybe it is not all doom and gloom in the future! Who knows, maybe the Almighty will bring about a true Holy Spirit revival to His people. We can surely keep praying that would happen.
  4. Arthur81

    A Great Conservative Study Bible using the ESV that is ANTI-dispensational

    It is difficult to find a scholarly, conservative Study Bible that is not either Dispensationalist, or Calvinist/Reformed. Though I'm a Baptist, I find the Lutheran Study Bible by the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod to be my favorite, and the one I've gifted to friends and relatives. While it...
  5. Arthur81

    There is a Wealth of Bible-Reference Material Online for Deep Bible Study

    "It is not the Bible which divides us but what we bring to the Bible. We come with our minds already conditioned, and in the words of God we still hear the echo of our own. We fail to listen to God in our obsession with our own thoughts." Myron S. Augsburger *This is especially harmful if...
  6. Arthur81

    The Biblical World View Repudiates Communism & Socialism

    Yours, Lord, is the greatness and the power, the glory, the splendour, and the majesty; for everything in heaven and on earth is yours; yours, Lord, is the sovereignty, and you are exalted over all as head. Wealth and honour come from you; you rule over all; might and power are of your...
  7. Arthur81

    Did Christ Mean Memory of a Person's pre-resurrection Marital Status is Gone?

    Lk 20:34 "Jesus said to them, 'Those who belong to this age marry and are given in marriage, 35 but those who are considered worthy of a place in that age and in the resurrection from the dead neither marry nor are given in marriage. 36 Indeed, they cannot die anymore, because they are like...
  8. Arthur81

    How I am dodging Hollywood's trash

    As a retiree, I watch a lot of TV. I was sickened by the blasphemous ways God's name is used in most Hollywood TV and movies. The shacking up, one night stands or bf/gf cohabiting being portrayed as normal, was sick enough... but using God's name with such vile gutter trash words angered me...
  9. Arthur81

    What is the Relationship of Faith to Justification?

    A. Faith is the new law, neonomianism - "So you see, faith or belief is counted the same as obedience. It is obedience. On the other hand, unbelief is counted the same as disobedience." B. Faith is the means or instrument to apply justification to the believer - "Faith is the sole means or...
  10. Arthur81

    Are there differences between the 1644/1646 and 1689 Baptist Confessions?

    YES, there are major and important differences between the First and Second London Confessions of Baptists. For instance, the following important points - There is NO mention of the Ten Commandments, Old Covenant or the Sabbath in the 1644/1646 Confession. Also, importantly, In the 1644/1646...
  11. Arthur81

    Christian Theology must be based on Correct Translation

    There are definite rules for biblical interpretation and a couple of articles illustrate this well: From an article found in the 1952 RSV, "Method and Procedure of Revision": "A recent speaker has told of a project to issue 'a theologically conservative translation of the Bible.' Doubtless this...
  12. Arthur81

    Interpretation based upon Systematic Theology

    It is human nature, that any of us who have studied the Bible for any length of time, develop our own Systematic Theology, maybe gained from one source or several sources. Then, we will tend to interpret a passage so that it fits our already believed System of Theology. Don't we all risk doing...
  13. Arthur81

    What Old Covenant Laws are the New Covenant believer to obey?

    1. Everything that is not specifically annulled by name in the New Covenant? 2. All that is called "Moral" law which is the Ten Commandments PLUS what is added to the Ten such as in the Larger Westminster Catechism? 3. All the Old Covenant laws for they come from God? 4. No Old Covenant...
  14. Arthur81

    Trump is dangerous - a Messianic Complex

    I support fully so much of the policy decisions President Trump has made and put into effect. I voted for him in 2016 and 2020 and also supported his Presidential run with money. His narcissism in the past I attributed to a sense of humor that was geared to tweak and arouse the anger of...
  15. Arthur81

    A Presentation of the Bible and the Christian Faith

    I debated where to place this, but since it comes from Bible study, I'm posting it here. I have been asked a young Japanese man who is Buddhist, to tell him about the Bible and the Christian faith. The following is what I emailed him. I know I've missed some key points I should have included...
  16. Arthur81

    Jesus was an Oriental in west Asia

    The magazine Christianity Today has stirred up the social media with their article about photos depicting Jesus looking like an Oriental. Well, Jesus was from west Asia, the Orient. Why was it more offensive to portray Jesus as looking like a Chinese than depict him looking like white...
  17. Arthur81

    The Seed of the Righteous Never go Hungry?

    "I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread." (Ps 37:25 KJV) Matthew Poole has good comments on this verse: "This assertion seems to be contradicted by many experiences; nor can it be denied, that both good men and their children...
  18. Arthur81

    Dating the NT Books

    The men writing the NT books did not put dates on them. Some contain enough in the body of text that a date of writing can be confidently accepted. Others have quite large variance in scholar's ideas of the date of writing. If the NT writers did not give a date, then there must be some key...
  19. Arthur81

    Theologian Dabney Warned about Government Schools 150 years ago

    Robert Lewis Dabney, Presbyterian Theologian and Philosopher, (1820-1898) R. L. Dabney is my favorite theologian, even though he is Presbyterian and I am Baptist. He warned soon after the War Between the States as follows: "But the American...
  20. Arthur81

    The beatitudes of Matthew 5

    Beatitude means blessedness, and as defined: Blessed - Oxford: Endowed with divine favor and protection. Theological Dictionary of the NT - Often, then, we find sacred paradoxes (Mt. 5:3ff.; Lk. 6:20ff.). God effects a reversal of all human values. True happiness is not for the rich and secure...