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Do you think there is anything positive about the Democratic Party?

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Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
I think the best way would be to somehow reform our government, reduce the power of lobbyists and corporations in elections, perhaps even introduce new parties other than Democrats and Republicans to help find some middle ground between the political extremes, etc.
This is just a pipe dream. There is no middle ground, and both parties have betrayed the country.
I also think some kind of "revolution" is perhaps needed.
According to the oath taken by the Marines and Special Forces, they were to defend the Constitution against "domestic enemies" at all costs. They were all aware that major election fraud had enabled an illegitimate president representing the domestic enemies of America (also compromised by China) to enter the White House. They were all aware that a treasonous coup d'etat had taken place in the USA. Since their primary responsibility was to protect democracy, freedom, the rule of law, and the Constitution, why did they fail to act?

They themselves betrayed their country by standing by and allowing the internal destruction of America and the hijacking of the government. It might have been necessary for them to arrest the top brass of the military, DOJ, FBI, CIA, DHS, etc. and also arrest Biden, Harris, and all Biden's top officials in one fell swoop.

They also needed to arrest Obama, Clinton, Rice, etc, who were all behind the coup to remove Trump from office. There was really no other way to ensure that America remained a free democratic republic. Since the generals had all turned traitor it was up to the lesser officers to mobilize the soldiers who would get the job done. This is what they are trained to do in other countries, so why not in their own country?
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
This is just a pipe dream. There is no middle ground, and both parties have betrayed the country.

According to the oath taken by the Marines and Special Forces, they were to defend the Constitution against "domestic enemies" at all costs. They were all aware that major election fraud had enabled an illegitimate president representing the domestic enemies of America (also compromised by China) to enter the White House. They were all aware that a treasonous coup d'etat had taken place in the USA. Since their primary responsibility was to protect democracy, freedom, the rule of law, and the Constitution, why did they fail to act?

They themselves betrayed their country by standing by and allowing the internal destruction of America and the hijacking of the government. It might have been necessary for them to arrest the top brass of the military, DOJ, FBI, CIA, DHS, etc. and also arrest Biden, Harris, and all Biden's top officials in one fell swoop.

They also needed to arrest Obama, Clinton, Rice, etc, who were all behind the coup to remove Trump from office. There was really no other way to ensure that America remained a free democratic republic. Since the generals had all turned traitor it was up to the lesser officers to mobilize the soldiers who would get the job done. This is what they are trained to do in other countries, so why not in their own country?
Instead Jan 6 happened. And what should of been a changing of the guard, was an orchestrated coup de ta by the guards themselves.
Meaning both Dems and Reps were in on this so called insurrection.
They don't want to let their power go.
And not all on both sides were complicit. Many had no idea what was happening, and they believed and still believe the Lie concerning J6.

I don't watch tv. But I do watch independent podcasters who share the news in many online communities.
Some lean left some lean right. I try to listen to both sides.
Now Tucker Carlson of Fox News came out last week with new footage from J6.
Kevin McCarthy the House speaker gave the to Tucker to share with the world, that ther is another side of this coin.

You know something is amiss when you have evidence of anything that goes against their narrative and it gets attacked.
J6 is all they have. And they use it against the people to hold on to their control.
A lot of congress people including Mitch McConnell the Minority Senate Leader, came out saying he would only believe the version given by the Capital police Sgt in Arms. And that Tucker was wrong to release any footage that could cause "doubt" as to what happened that day.

For years now they have given us the footage of one side of the building under attack. And it was. And it was orchestrated by those on the inside, a lot of government people were involved in the set up. (more proof will come)
We all saw the fraud of the 2020 election. Even the night the votes were being called, they claimed false pipes bursting in multiple locations. Supposedly closing down the counting houses and sending people home, while some remained behind and pushed more ballots through. We saw videos where cardbourd was being put up in windows and kept at far distances so they couldn't do their job at oversight.
We saw the switch early in the morning when the lights came back on, how Trump had "lost" votes and Biden gained.
How do you "lose' votes?? I can understand gaining or even staying the same. But a vote is a vote and I don't think losing them is possible.

So Trump was angry, His supporters were angry, and we wanted to petition our government with our griences which is our duty and our right. And Congress knew lots of people were planning to come to make our voices heard peacefully and patriotically.
But there was deals going on in the back room. The Capital police had a skeleton crew, bike racks were used as secure fencing,
they didn't want the "optics" of calling in the National Guard, and so they left the Capital intentionally defenceless.
This was a coup de ta, not by the people but by the very congress itself.

All we wanted was for Mike Pence to send the election certifications back to the states for review. To make sure that if there was fraud it would be taken care of. There were letters from certain states themselves asking for the certifications back to be reviewed before it was sealed.

What happened next was the unleashing of a plan that would scare the senators and congress people so much so, they would have to be shuttled away from harm of those breaking into the capital.
They were frightened enough to change their stand on questioning of the the certifications. They caved.
There wasn't anything Pence could do. Without a state having both a senator and a congress person asking for the certification back to the state, without any opposition to the certification, it was Pence's duty to count them.
That's the law.

I watched live videos where certain people getting out of vans went behind trees and bushes putting on Trump supporting clothing.
They pulled MAGA caps out of their backpacks, they pulled flags of all kinds, out of the vans.
Why were they hiding in the bushes and the trees?

There is one thing very special about the Truth. It soesn't stay hidden for long.
Just remember, both sides are equally to blame. Members on both sides were complicit. And that's why they are crying out about it getting exposed.

There are innocent people being held as political prisoners. still after 2 years, being held without any representation.
Simply for being in the vacinity of the capital that day. Not even in the capital.
2 women were killed that day. 1 was shot to death while being unarmed, while other capital police stood by and did not try to prevent her from going through the window. Another woman was trampled by both the crowd and the police. She fell to the ground and was beaten with a billy club to death even though she was unconscious.

It was a bad day.
And anyone who broke into the capital that day should be held accountable.
But there are many people on the south side of the capital that were literally ushered in by capital police.
It was to add to the confusion. And it did.
The only problem was, the J6 Select committee cherry picked what videos it would share with the media. And these are those videos they play over and over again, trying to prove their narrative.
Now we have new video from inside the capital itself. Ones the committee and the public defendants chose to keep hid.

The Big Lie is that Joe Biden recieved 81 million votes and was duly elected President.

The Truth is Joe Biden recieved those votes through fradulent means and usurped the rightful President from Office.
Elections have consequences. And that's exactly what we are experiencing now with inflation, supply chain shortages, lockdowns, and even wars and rumours of wars on the horizon.

I know there is a better day coming. And so I push forward looking to that glorious day of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Until then, the days will grow darker, lies will increase, and people will suffer.
These are the days of tribulation.
Keep your head up and your hopes high.
Never give up your faith and stand strong against the evil day.

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Jim B

Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2020
Santa Fe NM
United States
And this is, I think, the sensitive tipping point.

Millions of Americans are NOT satisfied with their current society and government, with all the messy and complicated problems facing their lives and families. But what are to do, other than perhaps pray? My heart is sick of the death and violence we read on the news every week, it deeply saddens me that humanity has not outgrown these conflicts.

I think the best way would be to somehow reform our government, reduce the power of lobbyists and corporations in elections, perhaps even introduce new parties other than Democrats and Republicans to help find some middle ground between the political extremes, etc.

I also think some kind of "revolution" is perhaps needed. But reading history, some revolutions do much more harm than good, for example, China and Russia's Communist / Marxist revolutions which destroyed their old establishments but made something far, far worse that pushed the world to the brink of nuclear war for decades on end. (Mao and Stalin together killed perhaps 100 million innocent people or more.) Or even the Iranians who successfully overthrew their pro-American shah and established a fanatical theocracy which even most Iranians today, both inside and outside Iran, hate a lot. :(

My point is that I think we should strive for a peaceful, perhaps a spiritual revolution of sorts. Kind of like Jesus Christ did, long ago.
When Ziggy, Grail Hunter, and I agree on something it must have a lot of truth to it!