i hurt

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New Member
Aug 22, 2007
I come here tonight as a broken person. I guess i should let you know some of my past life so you might be better able to help with the present. I imagine you have many messages from many hurting people so I will try to keep this short but I usually get a little longwinded.
I was raised in a loving Christian family. My parents were nondenominational missionaries in Colombia SA. When I was 11 the whole mission school board, including myself, was kidnapped by Colombian rebels. They let everyone go except for my dad and one other man named Steve Welsh. We waited for a year and half for word that they might be released but on July 19, 1994 we got the word that they had been killed in a battle between the rebels and the Colombian army. As you can imagine this was very hard for my mom and my siblings to go thru. I don't think we really dealt with our grief as a family should and now both my older brother and my younger sister have many mental and emotional scars. As I do also. My older sister thankfully chose the right path for her life and was able to work thru her grief with the help of her husband and friends.As soon as I moved out of my moms house I basically turned my back on God and got into drinking and doing drugs. I even lost my virginity and am at the moment living in sin with a boy who is not a Christian. I don't know how to get myself out of the hole that I am in. God has been on my back even though I still turn from him and sin and that makes me feel like such a worthless person. I know that He loves me and wants to help me but still I prefer to do things my own way. I was just hoping that you might have some insight that would help me and my family. My brother and sister are both going to counseling and still don't seem to be doing too much better. Every day I fear that they will get to the point that they will give in to their feelings of dejection and committ suicide as they have nearly been at that point before. Do Christians who committ suicide go to hell? someone told me that one time and it has been weighing on my mind.I would appreciated your prayers in this matter. I don't want to keep you any longer as I know you have much on your shoulders too. Thank you for your time and I look forward to your response.


New Member
Jan 7, 2007
Hi Katrina,When I became Christian, I concentrated on learning to be Christian by reading the Bible and strived to obey everything what I learned. I was in a bottom of life even though I was not so young; I was in a mess and wanted to disappear from this life. That's why I became Christian because I did not have anything to lose. By focusing on the Bible it helped me a great deal forgetting about my problems.My story might be a typical one but this is the only thing I can offer you.My family and I pray for you.Love,hitomi


New Member
Aug 5, 2007
Katrina my heart and prayers go out to you. I went through the drugs, the sex, the running from God myself. I can tell you from experience that if you realised just how faithful, loving, and merciful God is...you wouldnt be running from him.. youd be running to him. He is the only one that can pull you out of that and set you on high ground. "The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. A righteous man may have many troubles, but the LORD delivers him from them all"; Psalm 34:18, 19 Since you asked if someone goes to hell for commiting suicide, I am worried to death that you are thinking about commiting suicide. I was bakeracted in February for trying to kill myself.. I wondered the same thing when I tried to do it. So I will not answer that question, but i will tell you that you need God in your situation asap. If not for your own benefit, at least think of how your family could really use your prayers right now. I was in a relationship with an unsaved girl, thats why I was suicidal. The devil goes for the heart. It is so dangerous for a christian to be become one flesh with an unsaved person. I treated this woman like a queen and was perfect to her. Something inside of her hated the God inside of me. She just wanted me for sex and adventure. I was looking for marriage.. The Devil used her to almost kill me. I barelly made it out alive. I can tell you from experience that running to God is the only way you will make it out of this. With everything else on your plate, and your current lifestyle, the devil is getting closer and closer to declaring checkmate over you. He's got all his pieces in the right place already. You will not win this by yourself. You need God. Please let him back into your situation today by asking him to forgive you. Even when I turned my back on him and totally betrayed him, he took me back with open arms. He always does. 2 Timothy 2:13-"If we are unfaithful, he remains faithful,.." Remember the story of the Prodigal son? The son who squandered away his inheritance on prostitutes and sinful living decided he had his full of the lifestyle and came home. The father ran out and met his son halfway and embraced him and even threw a party in celebration. God wants you to come back that bad and will forgive everything you have done and he will rejoice that his lost daughter is home. My prayers go out to you. My heart aches for you. If you ever want anyone to unload on and talk to, please message me.


Active Member
Apr 6, 2007
Oh dear, Katrina, I'll pray for thee, that you can come back to God. You need Him to help you on your situation. You can not win on your own power as ryangrom said on his post.I'll pray.Lovest thou in Christ Jesus (Yahshua) our Lord and Saviour.


New Member
Jul 13, 2007
I come here tonight as a broken person. I guess i should let you know some of my past life so you might be better able to help with the present. I imagine you have many messages from many hurting people so I will try to keep this short but I usually get a little longwinded.
I was raised in a loving Christian family. My parents were nondenominational missionaries in Colombia SA. When I was 11 the whole mission school board, including myself, was kidnapped by Colombian rebels. They let everyone go except for my dad and one other man named Steve Welsh. We waited for a year and half for word that they might be released but on July 19, 1994 we got the word that they had been killed in a battle between the rebels and the Colombian army. As you can imagine this was very hard for my mom and my siblings to go thru. I don't think we really dealt with our grief as a family should and now both my older brother and my younger sister have many mental and emotional scars. As I do also. My older sister thankfully chose the right path for her life and was able to work thru her grief with the help of her husband and friends.As soon as I moved out of my moms house I basically turned my back on God and got into drinking and doing drugs. I even lost my virginity and am at the moment living in sin with a boy who is not a Christian. I don't know how to get myself out of the hole that I am in. God has been on my back even though I still turn from him and sin and that makes me feel like such a worthless person. I know that He loves me and wants to help me but still I prefer to do things my own way. I was just hoping that you might have some insight that would help me and my family. My brother and sister are both going to counseling and still don't seem to be doing too much better. Every day I fear that they will get to the point that they will give in to their feelings of dejection and committ suicide as they have nearly been at that point before. Do Christians who committ suicide go to hell? someone told me that one time and it has been weighing on my mind.I would appreciated your prayers in this matter. I don't want to keep you any longer as I know you have much on your shoulders too. Thank you for your time and I look forward to your response.
Hi (((Katrina))),The Lord loves you and that has not changed towards you. The circumstances of your life have been painful and overwhelming but when the good shepherd finds a sheep missing who keeps wandering off, he puts the sheep around his neck and carries it every day till they stop wandering off.God loves you so much he even knows how many hairs are on your head.
You have allowed yourself to stop hopeing that things can be different and by livng with your conditions have been unable to see a way out of them.Jesus is your way to see the plans God has for you. They do not lie in death and misery, but in truth and life. The enemy had blinded you but God is still there waiting for you to trust him and call out to him to bring you out.Katrina, call to the Lord and start studying his word again. Ask for his forgiveness, remembreing he will forget your past sins, and then tell him you trust him every day in everything you do. When difficult times come, just tell him your trusting and say the Lords prayer. As you study the word and trust God, changes will take place in your life and he will bring you into the life he had planned for you.Jeremiah 29:11-13.11.For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. 12.Then shall ye call upon me, and ye shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you. 13.And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart. You have access to a computer and everyone here will pray with you and for you, giving support and help with the scripture to read.Love faithful.
As soon as I moved out of my moms house I basically turned my back on God and got into drinking and doing drugs. I even lost my virginity and am at the moment living in sin with a boy who is not a Christian. I don't know how to get myself out of the hole that I am in. God has been on my back even though I still turn from him and sin and that makes me feel like such a worthless person. I know that He loves me and wants to help me but still I prefer to do things my own way. I was just hoping that you might have some insight that would help me and my family. My brother and sister are both going to counseling and still don't seem to be doing too much better. Every day I fear that they will get to the point that they will give in to their feelings of dejection and committ suicide as they have nearly been at that point before. Do Christians who committ suicide go to hell? someone told me that one time and it has been weighing on my mind.I would appreciated your prayers in this matter. I don't want to keep you any longer as I know you have much on your shoulders too. Thank you for your time and I look forward to your response.
I've been Christian for three years now. After becoming a Christian, two weeks later God allowed the carpet to be pulled out from under my feet and everything went downhill. My oldest son fell to temptation and committed a horrible crime. Now, I wont go into details about that but that single event changed everything. My wife and I have only now began to start the rebuilding process of what is left of our family...three years now and we are just now able to start. Was it tough? I can't describe how hard it has been in words. Really, I can't...I've always been the individual how handles it 'my way' and nobody could tell me otherwise. Nobody. But I had to either accept Jesus and what he has told us in His word and walk away into apostasy. Let me tell you. I ain't easy. No matter how a person tries, it's a tough, long, hard, painful, excruciating road back. Your on that same old road walked so many times by so many people. Temptations, rejection, fear, anguish, hate, anger, and so many more words to describe it. But, you can come back. God will never lose you and you can never be lost again."and I give eternal life to them, and they will never perish; and no one will snatch them out of My hand." - John 10:28He is always there, always waiting, always patient. (Ain't that amazing?)As for what you should do, I believe it is your choice and that nobody is joining to be able to make it for you. You have to do it yourself. First off though I think your relationship with God needs to be restored and the relationship with your boyfriend needs to either end or come to terms in which, regardless of his standing with Christ, is Biblically correct. Just because he isn't a Christian doesn't mean you can live like him. If you are living with him, move out. Go home and get your feet back on solid ground. God will help but he isn't going to do it for you.Worthless? Heck, we all are! Paul himself said he was the biggest of them all!"It is a trustworthy statement, deserving full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, among whom I am foremost of all." - 1Tim1:15 I remember giving my testimony to my Church before I got Baptized. The first words out of my mouth were "I'm a sinner". Guess what? I still am!But Paul got a wakeup call the rest of us can only dream of. Still, God made sure he knew his place." Because of the surpassing greatness of the revelations, for this reason, to keep me from exalting myself, there was given me a thorn in the flesh, a messenger of Satan to torment me--to keep me from exalting myself!" - 1Cor 12:7But look what God did with Him!Make no mistake and have no thought that it'll be easy though because it will not. These last three years have been the single hardest part of my life and rest assured, I've had my own doubts, my own bouts of depression, of hate, of fear, of anger, and most of all, of questioning.Trust. Have faith and trust in His word. He will see you through but He isn't going to do it for you. I suggest a tremendous amount of personal reflection in both prayer and in His word to start. Listen to Him.God bless!


New Member
Jan 7, 2007
As for what you should do, I believe it is your choice and that nobody is joining to be able to make it for you. You have to do it yourself. First off though I think your relationship with God needs to be restored and the relationship with your boyfriend needs to either end or come to terms in which, regardless of his standing with Christ, is Biblically correct. Just because he isn't a Christian doesn't mean you can live like him. If you are living with him, move out. Go home and get your feet back on solid ground. God will help but he isn't going to do it for you.
Postcode,You gave powerful testimony, Thank you, it is so blessing to hear such faith.And this advice you gave her is just excellent. May God continually bless you and use you powerfully.thank you, hitomi