If Jesus was God, why …?

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Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2023
E.g., 1 Peter 3:

21The like figure whereunto even baptism doth also now save us (not the putting away of the filth of the flesh, but the answer of a good conscience toward God,) by the resurrection of Jesus Christ: 22 Who is gone into heaven, and is on the right hand of God; angels and authorities and powers being made subject unto him.
If Jesus was God, wouldn't the angels be subject unto him already? Why make them subject unto him all over again?

If Jesus was the creator, how could he die in his own creation?

If Christ existed with God before time, should it not be Spirit? How can It die?

If Jesus is God why didn’t Jesus know the hour?

There exists an infinite number of questions of this form: If Jesus was God, why/how …?

All of them could be answered by saying that Jesus was also a human when he was born from Mary.

Philippians 2:

5 Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, 6 who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, 7 but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. 8 And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.

Randy Kluth

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2020
Pacific NW
United States
E.g., 1 Peter 3:

If Jesus was God, wouldn't the angels be subject unto him already? Why make them subject unto him all over again?

If Jesus was the creator, how could he die in his own creation?

If Christ existed with God before time, should it not be Spirit? How can It die?

If Jesus is God why didn’t Jesus know the hour?

There exists an infinite number of questions of this form: If Jesus was God, why/how …?

All of them could be answered by saying that Jesus was also a human when he was born from Mary.

Philippians 2:
I agree. Jesus is like a compressed file, expressing God with the limitations of humanity. How an infinite Person can be expressed as a distinct finite person is explained purely by the fact God is infinite.

On the "angels," I suggest that angels were always subject to God. But Jesus became a Man to take history through a process in which evil angels are overcome and ultimately defeated.


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
If Jesus was God, wouldn't the angels be subject unto him already? Why make them subject unto him all over again?
Well, Jesus of Nazareth is... God, as we are shown in plenty of Bible Scriptures, like Matthew 1, and Jesus Himself at the end of John 8 with His saying He is The "I AM", and in Revelation when He used the Old Testament Titles of God. So a believer on Jesus Christ should not doubt that, but be solid knowing that ONLY God can save, meaning that if Jesus is not God, then His Sacrifice on the cross couldn't save anyone. And that is the reason why Satan's host push the lie that Jesus is not God, but Satan wants to destroy the idea of the cross regarding Jesus' status as God having come in the flesh as The Savior.

The angels never stopped... being subject to Christ Jesus. Even though God came in the flesh through woman's womb as Jesus Christ, He never... stopped being God. Didn't you ever read Matthew 1:23 where Jesus' Name is "Emmanuel", which means "God with us"? And have you not read that Lord Jesus chose to lay down His life on His cross in order to save us from our sins? And have you not read that Jesus Christ was ordained before the foundation of the world to be born of woman and present Himself as the Perfect Sacrifice for sin for one and all time, and for this purpose defeat death and the devil?

Too many Churches today preach the devil's 'Humanist' doctrines instead of staying with Bible Scripture, so I feel sorry for you brethren that sit in those pews listening to that junk. I don't see how you stand it. Never look at Lord Jesus Christ as ONLY just a human man, for that is a mistake. He took upon Himself human form, and felt what we feel, but that never meant He stopped being God walking on earth with a flesh body. And can you believe it, some deceived actually believe that Jesus Christ never even existed until He was born through Mary's womb!!

If Jesus was the creator, how could he die in his own creation?
His Spirit did not die.
His flesh is what died. And just to show that He is God come in the flesh, The Father raised His flesh body from the dead, while Jesus' Spirit went to preach The Gospel to the "spirits in prison", and led those spirits who believed out of darkness of that heavenly prison house (see also Isaiah 42:7).

So how confused can one get about spiritual things? Lord Jesus Christ existed WITH The Father ETERNALLY. Jesus was never 'created'. Per Apostle John, God is a Spirit. Jesus existed as a Spirit with The Father eternally, and that means WITHOUT a flesh body! So how could anyone ever think that Jesus' Spirit died on the cross, when it was only His flesh that died??? To ask that kind question means thinking with one's fleshy carnal mind, and not heeding the things of The Spirit. So I suggest a Bible study on the topic of our created make up of spirit, soul, and flesh. Thinking that a person is flesh only is gross error.

If Christ existed with God before time, should it not be Spirit? How can It die?
I pretty well covered that in the previous question.

If Jesus is God why didn’t Jesus know the hour?
You mean, why does Jesus not know the hour of His future coming.

He did not tell us 'why'. He just commanded us to be 'watching', because we don't know that hour of His future coming either. But He did give us SIGNS leading up to it though.

There exists an infinite number of questions of this form: If Jesus was God, why/how …?
Study Hebrews 1 & 2. God's Word declares Three Persons in The Godhead. God The Father, God The Son, and God The Holy Spirit. And those 3 are One. Hebrews states that Jesus is the "express image" of The Father.

All of them could be answered by saying that Jesus was also a human when he was born from Mary.

Philippians 2:
Not really, you cannot answer all those question just with thinking in the 'human flesh' sense. That because before Jesus was born through woman's womb, He existed as Spirit only, but with the image of man which God Himself has (per Genesis 1:26-27).

It appears that you have yet to understand about the Heavenly dimension order. That Heavenly dimension has many parallels to our earthly dimension. The image of man is one of them. GOD Himself has that image of man, because it originated from His Image Likeness. All the angels in Heaven also have that image of 'man'. Even Satan has that image of man. And that has absolutely nothing to do with flesh, because GOD and the angels do not have flesh bodies.

I've even noticed that some brethren are so far away from understanding this, that they think for an angel to appear on earth with the image of man, they must first somehow take on human form. There ain't nuttin' written in God's Word about any such requirement for them. That thinking is just a show of lack of Biblical understanding in God's Word, and about the reality of God's creation.

The angels can appear, and disappear, on earth, just like Lord Jesus Himself did after His resurrection. At one time when Jesus was dining with His disciples, He just up and disappear right amongst them! Those in the angelic type heavenly body can do that. In Genesis 18, Lord Jesus and two angels appeared to Abraham at his tent door out of nowhere. That Scripture called them "three men", meaning they appeared to Abraham with the image of man. Two of the angels were sent to Lot per Genesis 19, while Jesus stayed talking with Abraham of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. Jesus did not have a flesh body to do that, nor did those two angels. And Abraham prepared food for them and they did eat as written.

The Israelites in the wilderness ate angel's food, called "manna" (means 'what is it?', their expression when they first saw it rain from Heaven). Angels can eat our food, they have the image of man, etc. Apostle Paul even said to be mindful to entertain strangers, because some have entertained angels and didn't know it.

So don't get stuck in your flesh, with wrongly thinking that's all you are, for our flesh body is just a shell that our spirit/soul lives in for this present world time.
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Dec 20, 2020
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