Mercy to the world

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Oct 15, 2017
Do not fool yourself

(67) O Messenger, announce that which has been revealed to you from your Lord, and if you do not, then you have not conveyed His message. And Allah will protect you from the people. Indeed, Allah does not guide the disbelieving people.

What is the purpose of your presence on the surface of the earth?

What is the benefit of sending prophets and messengers?

You say I'm good I did it easily
Do not lie - do not commit adultery - do not eat pork - do not drink wine - and so
There are a lot of things do
Taboo in religions

You live the earth created by allah
You must carry out his orders

I can simply explain to you
You go to work every day
You know that there are rules and laws to work
If those laws violated
Will be expelled

Do you want to lose your job?

Such as this example of human life in this world

Should the human commitment to the teachings of God through the prophets and messengers
From Adam to Muhammad, peace be upon them companions

Human life can not on the ground without God's teachings

What will he do after death?
- You must know that you will be asked in the Hereafter for all your words and actions

Must be prepared
If you want happiness and salvation in this world and the Hereafter
Through the unification of God and follow prophet, Muhammad peace be upon him, and that Isa(Jesus) Abd Allah and His Messenger

you must know

You alone will bear the results and consequences

after death

You are alone and no one else

allah is remain does not change or die

We change and die

And the laws of allah remain

Do not want to carry out God's orders

You are free to do that

do not die
, If you can

allah guide you
شاب مسيحي رأي النبي محمد (ص) فى المنام و أسلم ... إسمع ماذا يقول

مولاي صلي وسلم دائما ابدا _ماهر زين انجليزي

here like you said and why

جديد ذاكر نايك إذا كان الله قوياً فلماذا لا ينزل إلى الأرض بنفسه بدلاً من الأنبياء Zakr Naik



Oct 15, 2017
look and listen very well

allah is one for Muslims , Jews and Christians....

Christian alter the message of Jesus Christ, peace be upon him upside down

from Uniformity to the Trinity

Distortion of the heavenly books ( the Torah and the Gospel )

This led to dissent and disagreement

And create a new teachings do not relate to the true teachings

Drinking blood , pork and drinking alcohol , adultery , lying ,...

So look to the Prophet Muhammad , peace be upon him and his companions and all Muslims so far

Do not say Muhammad is God or the son of God

الرد على ادعاء تأليف القرآن من اجل ارباح مادية - ذاكر نايك Zakir Naik

Jesus in the Quran holds one of the highest statures amongst the Prophets. Unlike other Prophets who performed miracles, Jesus himself was a miracle, as he was born of a virgin mother, and God describes him and his mother Mary as such:
“…and We made her (Mary) and her son (Jesus) a sign for the worlds.” (Quran 21:91)
Nonetheless, in the Quran, Jesus is described as having many miracles not bestowed upon other prophets. God says:
“And We gave unto Jesus, son of Mary, clear miracles” (Quran 2:87)

Since there were so many sects in early Christianity, each with different beliefs about Jesus and with their own versions of the Bible, which one can we say was following the true teachings of Jesus?

It doesn’t make sense that God sends countless Prophets like Noah, Abraham and Moses to tell people to believe in one God, and then suddenly sends a radically different message of the Trinity which contradicts his previous Prophets teachings. It is clear that the sect of Christianity who believed Jesus to be a human Prophet and nothing more, were following the true teachings of Jesus. This is because their concept of God is the same as that which was taught by the Prophets in the Old Testament.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
You wrote to me and I answered each question you had for me. You did not take the time or make the effort to do as much. Rather you went right back to your pre-conceived general ideas about Christians as if I had not written anything. That is OK as you have the right to do what you want. But if you really wish to correspond further with me on this, I would suggest you reread my post #139 and respond honestly to each point I made in response to your previous post. Thank you for your time.
Give God the glory!
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Well-Known Member
May 30, 2009
West Australia
one God, and then suddenly sends a radically different message of the Trinity
Hi there, thought I'd join in here....:)....Well this 'trinity' as you call it, is ONE....Even you are a 'triune' being...You are a spirit being, you posses a soul and you live in a body....Or you could say you are ' Heart, mind and body'......But all three are still the one you, right ? It works much the same way.......No other person I am aware of who 'died' two thousand years ago, is able to come into and visit with and speak with people? Do you know of any ? All I can tell you with utmost sincerity and honesty, is that when I was 30 years old and an unbeliever, I died for a time, and it was Jesus who saved me...Not Buddha, nor Mohamed, but for me, that settled it for ever more......
god, our Father is the God of the Hebrews, who sent His 'seed' His Word, into a human female, and begat a Son, which was the only way He could save mankind, but this takes revelation from above, which you should most certainly seek, instead of just assuming that you know everything already....He has so very much to show us and teach us, if we are willing..


Oct 15, 2017
I understand very well
What do you want to say
Do you think that God created human on earth
To live in prosperity and happiness
You are mistaken

Everyone on earth
A test of a different kind

That which does not learn to understand,
And boggle your mind

- A rich man but can not have children no matter how hard
- A poor man has children and can barely spending them
- A strong man and can use his power to do good but does not do it
- Weak man but help people to the best of his ability
- Infidel and polytheist man but he has all the blessings
- A Muslim man has diseases in health

Here everyone trials and test its own
Disease = test
Health = test
Disbelief = test
Money = test
And so on
You will succeed and reach to the right path

Like you would say
do not believe it will be worthwhile to hear that if you become muslim all these will go away, you will be protected, etc. We know at practical level that it ain't so.


In the Holy Qur'an
4. Verily, We have created man in toil.

5. Thinks he that none can overcome him?

6. He says (boastfully): "I have wasted wealth in abundance!"

7. Thinks he that none sees him?

8. Have We not made for him a pair of eyes?

9. And a tongue and a pair of lips?

10. And shown him the two ways (good and evil)?

This is wrong thinking
Which you portray Satan
The mind that is far from the
the oneness of God and the prophets and messengers

And if you want to know part of the practical side of Islam to my words

See here

The story of how he became a Muslim youtube

Why an American doctor convert to Islam -Islam youtube
The goal is the resistance and the constant pursuit of success

And not to fall prey to the instincts of the Forbidden

For everything
The price of its

Satisfaction of God and enter heaven will not happen until after exert your effort


Oct 15, 2017
Allah sent the prophets as a mercy to the slaves and supported them with miracles to indicate the truthfulness of their message. Of all the prophets, our Prophet, Muhammad, was blessed with the most miracles. Al-Isra 'and al-Mi ^ raj are among the many miracles of Prophet Muhammad.

The miracle of al-Isra 'is confirmed in the Qur'an. In Surat al-Isra ', Ayah 1, Allah said:

which means: [Praise be to Allah Who enabled His slave, Muhammad, to make the journey at night from Masjid al-Haram in Makkah to Masjid al-Aqsa in Jerusalem, which is surrounded a blessed land.] This journey is also confirmed in the sahih hadith. As such, there is scholarly consensus (ijma ^) Prophet Muhammad journeyed in body and soul the night of al-Isra 'from Masjid al-Haram in Makkah to Masjid al-Aqsain Jerusalem. Moreover, these scholars indicated the person who denies al-Isra 'is a blasphemer for belying the explicit text of the Qur'an.

Al-isra And Al-miraj ....... )scenes From Paradise And Fire

1- On Prophet Muhammad's journey from Masjid al-Haram to Masjid al-Aqsa, Allah enabled him to see some of His wondrous creations. Allah enabled the Prophet to see the world (dunya) like an old woman. However, this old woman was wearing a great deal of jewelry, and in this there is an indication signifying the reality of the world.

2- Allah enabled the Prophet to see Iblis. The Prophet saw something on the side of the road which did not dare to stand in his way or speak to him. What the Prophet saw was Iblis. Originally, Iblis was a believer and lived with the angels in Paradise. When Allah ordered the angels to prostrate (sujud) to Prophet Adam, Iblis was ordered to prostrate to him as well. The angels prostrated to Adam in obedience to Allah, because angels do not disobey Allah. However, Iblis did not obey, and he objected to the order of Allah. He said, "You created me out of fire, and You created him out of clay. How do You order me to prostrate to him?" So this objection by Iblis to the order of Allah was the first blasphemy he committed.

3- On his journey, the Prophet smelled a very nice odor. He asked Jibril about this pleasant scent and Jibril informed him this good smell was coming from the grave of the woman whose duty used to be to comb Pharaoh's daughter's hair. This woman was a good, pious believer. One day, as she was combing Pharaoh's daughter's hair, the comb fell from her hand.

At this she said, ""Bismillah. "Pharaoh's daughter asked her, "Do you have a god other than my father?" The woman said, "Yes. My Lord and the Lord of your father is Allah." Pharaoh's daughter told her father what had happened. Pharaoh demanded this woman blaspheme and leave Islam, but she refused. At that, Pharaoh threatened to kill her children. He brought a great pot of water and built a great fire under it. When the water boiled, Pharaoh brought her children and started to drop them into that pot one after the other.

Throughout all this, the woman remained steadfast to Islam, even when Pharaoh reached her youngest child--a little boy still bosom feeding--but she felt pity for him. At that, Allah enabled this child to speak. He said to his mother, "O Mother, be patient. The torture of the Hereafter is far more severe than the torture of this life, and do not be reluctant, because you are right." At this the woman requested Pharaoh collect her bones and the bones of her children and bury them in the same grave. Pharaoh promised her that--then dropped her into that boiling water. She died as a martyr. The good odor the Prophet smelled coming from her grave is an indication of her high status.

4- During his trip, the Prophet saw people who were planting and reaping in two days. Jibril told the Prophet, "These were the people who fight for the sake of Allah (mujahidun). "wink."

5- The Prophet also saw people whose lips and tongues were clipped with scissors made of fire. Jibril told the Prophet, "These are the speakers of sedition (fitna) who call people to misguidance."

6- He also saw a bull which exited a very small outlet, then was trying in vain to return through that small outlet. Jibril told the Prophet, "This is the example of the bad word--once spoken, it cannot be returned."

7- The Prophet saw people grazing like animals, with very little clothing on their private parts. Jibril told the Prophet, "These are the ones who refused to pay zakat. "."

8- The Prophet saw angels smashing some people's heads with rocks. These heads would return to the shape they had been, and then the angels would smash their heads again--and so on. Jibril told the Prophet, "These are the ones whose heads felt too heavy to perform prayer--the ones who used to sleep without praying."

9- On his journey the Prophet saw people who were competing to eat some rotten meat--ignoring meat that was sliced and unspoiled. Jibril told the Prophet, "These are people from your nation who leave out that which is permissible (halal), and consume that which is forbidden ((haram). "This reference was to the fornicators, that is, the ones who left out the permissible (marriage) and committed sins (fornication).

10- Also, the Prophet saw people who were drinking from the fluid coming from the bodies of the fornicators, (water mixed with blood). Jibril indicated to the Prophet these were the ones who were drinking the alcohol which is prohibited in this world.

11- The Prophet saw people scratching their faces and chests with brass finger nails. Jibril said, "These are the examples of those who commit gossip ((ghibah). "