"One World Government"

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Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2018
Thames, New Zealand
New Zealand
I perceive that in Heaven, Jesus opened all the seven seals, before 96AD.
We HAVE experienced the effects of the first Five Seals, the terrible wars, disastrous famines and shocking plagues; pls the millions of Christian martyrs.
But the Sixth Seal; no, nothing like it has happened yet.
The Seventh Seal is a time gap, nothing more.
Maybe you are not seeing the potential results of such a war. 1/3 of men shall be killed on a specific date
I see the results of the Lord sending His fiery wrath upon the earth. Billions will die; Isaiah 66:15-17, Psalms 37:9-10 & 20, Isaiah 51:6, Jeremiah 9:22, Isaiah 13:12
God will not allow nukes to pollute His holy Land.
In your scripture references above, I do not find that they sufficiently support your beliefs.
It is necessary to ask the Lord for understanding of the Prophetic Word. Any belief that people have accepted, which does not accurately reflect the scriptures, will result in the inability to understand and eyes closed and ears stopped.


New Member
Mar 15, 2023
United States
I can't believe a Christian would say such a thing, which is essentially saying to 'support' the devil's "one world government" movement.

That system is not about "order". It is about World Communism controlling all nations until the false-Messiah arrives to finalize 'world peace'. And the people of the world will be saying, "Peace, peace" and there will be no true peace, as Christians that 'refuse' their mark of the beast and refuse to bow to their "image of the beast" IDOL, will be delivered up to be killed. This is what Christ revealed for that future time per Revelation 13 when that one-world beast kingdom is setup for the devil on earth.

You mentioned a "One World Government" in your post:

"I can't believe a Christian would say such a thing, which is essentially saying to 'support' the devil's "one world government" movement.
That system is not about "order". It is about World Communism controlling all nations until the false-Messiah arrives to finalize 'world peace"

Where did you find out about this One World Government with world communism?

Who's trying to make a One World Government? The UN?
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Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2019
South Carolina
United States
We HAVE experienced the effects of the first Five Seals, the terrible wars, disastrous famines and shocking plagues; pls the millions of Christian martyrs.
But the Sixth Seal; no, nothing like it has happened yet.
The Seventh Seal is a time gap, nothing more.
Yes, I do agree that five of the seven seals have been manifested on earth, whereby Mat. 6:10 is being applied.
[10] Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is [revealed] in heaven.

Therefore, we must come to terms with God's understanding from HIS Eternity.
God views Past, Present and Future all at the same time, and speaks IN IT accordingly.
We are to understand it by "the mind of Christ", who is within us. As a result, we must also understand that the visions given to John are not all chronological, nor did the visions all come to Him in one sitting. Also, given the fact of him writing it all down, with the limited materials available for writing, it wasn't all done in one day.

As for the manifestation of God's will through the seven seals, they are time frames of events being revealed in earth.
Rev. 6 reveals that all the seals were opened in heaven by Jesus, with the events that are to take place on earth under them.
It's alot like a "table of contents", being that of an overview of spiritual and physical manifestations.
1. 6:1-2 Jesus' 1st coming in the flesh and the Great Commission (the Age of God's Grace through faith in Jesus).
In the Amillennial view, the Age of God's Grace is the figurative 1000 years. Only the Father knows when it shall end. Even Jesus Himself does not know when His Father shall end it.
However, "the mark of the beast" will be the literal separation of the goats from the sheep, and will be a clear sign that no more shall be repenting towards God through Jesus. We are in the beginning stages of it now, with Central Banks rolling out their new economic paradigm of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) in all countries.

2. 6:3-4 Satan is cast out onto the earth, and is in "chains of darkness", being "bound" from Heaven, and everyone that is OF Heaven (the born again saints).

3. 6:5-6 the well being of the BA saints* will not to be hurt by famines, etc. *Those who are under His blood (wine), having His Holy Spirit (oil), are provided for by God Himself.

4. 6:7-8 "the beginning of sorrows"

5. 6:9-11 Malachi. 3:16, all the saints of Israel under the OC., who waited for the "Promise" to come, but had died in faith before Jesus' 1st manifestation in the flesh. After Jesus D,R&A, the OC saints (symbolic 144K) of "God's remembrance" are then given His Gift of the Holy Spirit, and are translated into the "Book of Life", who is Jesus, but now are asleep in Jesus.
They are those who shall be with Him upon His Glorious return in flaming fire.

6. 6:12-17; 7:1-17 "the great multitude", through the "Great Commission", from Pentecost upto the Day of the Lord, being that of Jesus' return from Heaven in flaming fire. 2 Thes. 1:7-10

7. 8:1-13; 9:1-21; 10:1-7. The sealing of all the saints with the Holy Spirit, down through all time, to this present day.
In the sealing of all the saints, all are accounted for, and then the mystery of God's Grace of His salvation shall be finished. Time will then be no more. The wrath of God, through tfhe seven trumpets, is released upon all the unrepentant unsaved, including the complete destruction and elimination of this present planet.

Edit: Now, as all the seven seals have been opened. Under the seventh, come the seven trumpets Rev. 8:2.
So also, under the seventh seal, there are seven vials of judgment that is to be poured out on the earth also. Rev. 15:7.
As a result, from Rev. 8, the judgment of the world by God is enacted, beginning in Rev. 8:6.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2018
Thames, New Zealand
New Zealand
the judgment of the world by God is enacted, beginning in Rev. 8:6.
The Sixth Seal worldwide disaster, will be the next Prophesied event, it will commence all the end times prophesied actions and events., leading up to the glorious return of Jesus for His Millennium reign. Al as is plainly told to us in all of the Bible.


Active Member
Mar 20, 2023
Belief in government = belief in slavery.
Maybe you noticed I put the title of this thread in quotations? I did that because the term "one world government" is not my term, but 'theirs', and by that I mean the globalists that are working for Lucifer to bring about the Revelation 13 beast kingdom of ten horns, seven heads, and ten crowns.

One of the problems today with those in that movement, believe it or not, is that some working for it claim to be Christians. Many just do not realize how deceptive that movement is.

So naturally they don't want to talk about it, even though that coming 'beast' system is laid out in Revelation 13 and 17 by Lord Jesus Christ about the end of this world.

Here is a good source of quotes about the "one world government", and documented.

WHY... would any Christian work with those globalists that work to setup that "one world government" (or beast kingdom if you will)? Thinking about that means a few choices...

1. those only 'claim'... to be Christians, so as to hide their true affiliation, just like many of the higher members in the Occult fraternities do.

2. or they are completely ignorant of what they are involved in, and thus deceived by the devil's workers.

I've known about that "one world government" movement since the 1970's, so when someone tries to act like they don't know about it, or never heard another term the globalists use for it like "New World Order", then I have to assume they aren't really telling the truth.

But why would a Christian be so deceived so as to support that movement? Here are some things to consider about those deceived into working for it. If you look at some of the quotes in that link above, you'll notice some of those well known personalities per history did some good Christian works for the peoples of the United States of America, like Theodore Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman, both ex-Presidents of the United States.

So why... would even those American leaders make statements in support of a "one world government"?...

first off, the old claim to end all wars. This was especially their motto for World War I, the "war to end all wars". The League of Nations organization (early U.N.) pushed U.S. leaders heavily after WWI to join their organization. U.S. Congress refused, because they knew... it meant the U.S. giving up national sovereignty, and putting an international organization in influence over much of U.S. foreign and domestic policy. Anyone today should be able to do a little research about our U.S. involvement with the United Nations and see how American leaders have given away to them much of our national sovereignty.

This point about ending all war is still one of the main purposes for the existence of the United Nations organization. Lord Jesus gave this as a Sign for the coming one-world beast system over all nations too, when through John He said, "Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?" (Revelation 13:4).

U.S. Congress refused to sign onto the League of Nations, so the beasts gave us World War II. And to end it, they made sure nuclear weapons were used in order to usher the whole world into a nuclear scare of having all out WWIII. That idea was especially for the purpose of empowering the United Nations organization, and it worked (see Georgetown University history professor Carrol Quigley's Tragedy and Hope). So our U.S. state department representative Alger Hiss helped in getting the United States signed onto the United Nations charter at San Francisco in 1945, and he was later discovered to be a Soviet spy for Russia (see Alger Hiss | Federal Bureau of Investigation).

Remember what Lord Jesus said in Matthew 24:6, that as long as we hear of wars and rumors of wars, don't be troubled, because the 'end' is not yet. The opposite of wars and rumors of wars is what? A time of world peace, so that is the kind of time we should... be concerned about per what He said. It's because a one-world peace is what the "one world government" is designed to establish, along with one-world religion, one-world finance, one-world military, one-world education system, one-world political system, etc., basically... what the Communist International has been working towards all along.

2. Greater health, prosperity, and education for the poorer nations of the world. No true Christian could argue against this purpose for a "one world government". Christian charity is one of our responsibilities from Lord Jesus. And God certainly knows that the United States of America has handed out loads... of Christian charity to the nations, even to enemy nations. UNESCO has already been long active in the United Nations public education for all nations. This is why concerned parents are seeing some of the crazy policies in today's public school systems; it's because some of them are internationalist policies, and they aren't just for the U.S., but for all nations.

This point is an easy deception path for a Christian to support the "one world government" movement, if they are not careful.

3. Less problems in balancing monetary systems between nations. Bankers, financiers would know more about this point. A one-world currency is... spoken of at the end of Revelation 13 about the "mark of the beast"; that no man may buy or sell without it, so let's not deny what God's Word is pointing to with this "one world government" movement, because the Rev.13 "beast" kingdom is exactly what these things are pointing to for the end of this world.

4. Religious Unity. If you are a true Christian, then you ought to well know what that idea of 'religious unity' means that the "one world government" system is pushing. Per Apostle Paul in 2 Thessalonians 2:4, he said the coming "man of sin" (the Antichrist-false-Messiah) will exalt himself as God, and over all that is called... God, or that is worshiped. You realize brethren that means a 'one-world religion', right?

And that is exactly what Revelation 13:4-8 warns us about, revealing that the whole world will worship the "dragon" (Satan), excepting for Christ's elect. Thusly, those 4 items represent the workings of the locusts of the Book of Joel for the end of this world, the political, the financial, the educational, and the religious.

So how could one claiming... to be a Christian completely 'deny' the existence of such an internationalist movement to destroy the sovereignty of nations? Like I said, those are either just ignorant of history and have not been paying attention, or they actively support such a movement.
We need to see all forms of government and institutions as evil. Weather it is one or divided. Weather it is one person or many.

All government, institutions and even religions are all based in controle and = slavery.

True Christianity = freedom.


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
No! My mind doesn't look for the pope/RCC to be anything of that spirit of antichrist.
If anything, the RCC is highly religious in their beliefs in Christianity.
It is simply that I have heard similar presentations, like that of Selah, which is almost identical to those who have made that claim against the pope. I foolishly assumed that Selah was doing the same.

Down through years since Martin Luther (Lutherans), a number of people and denominations have voiced their opinion that some of the popes were antichrist, simply because some were overbearing to the extreme of being "Pharisaical".
My ancestors in 16th century France were of the first French Protestants, called Huguenots. That's how they came to the Americas, because of Catholic persecution in France. The Reformers thought the pope was the Antichrist back then, because of the persecutions. But he was not. I can't agree with many policies of the Catholic Church either, although I recognize it has many members faithful to Christ Jesus.

As for their being a singular man, that "church-inanity" loves to call "THE Antichrist", being a "one man band, miracle man", I do not see it in the singular, but rather in the plural, as there being "many antichrists".
In The KJV, one will never find the words: "the antichrist" put together, inferring a singular man, being a head of the grouping of antichrists.

By your words: "But God's Word reveals the coming pseudo-Christ, "dragon", "another beast", "man of sin", "son of perdition", "that old serpent", will be Satan himself."
I don't see a singular THE Antichrist, and here is why:
1. The words: "man of sin", "the son of perdition" and "the natural man", simply speak of every man, that does not have Christ as their Savior.
Jesus called Judas Iscariot to be "the son of perdition" (destruction). Apparently, there is more than one, as in many, just as there are "many antichrists". 1 John 2:18.

2. Also, the words: "beast", "the image of the beast" and "another beast", simply describe the empires and kingdoms of men.
God clearly defines how he calls them as such, in the book of Daniel.

3. As for "the dragon", "that old serpent", those words literally do reveal satan to be a fallen angel, who was cast out of Heaven down to this earth, along with one third of the angelic realm.
The Scriptures reveals it will be Satan himself, that mainly per Revelation. Rev.12 & 20 defined the "dragon" as just another title for Satan, as also "that old serpent". And the beast king of Rev.17 that ascends out of the bottomless pit and goes into perdition certainly is not about any flesh human being.

As for singularity, I know a lot of Churches today try to preach a multi-antichrist theme, but that is actually against what the Scriptures reveal. So just like always, most Churches still keep 'doctrines of men' instead of sticking to God's written Word.


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
You mentioned a "One World Government" in your post:

"I can't believe a Christian would say such a thing, which is essentially saying to 'support' the devil's "one world government" movement.
That system is not about "order". It is about World Communism controlling all nations until the false-Messiah arrives to finalize 'world peace"

Where did you find out about this One World Government with world communism?

Who's trying to make a One World Government? The UN?
How much of your Bible do you know? Can you not figure out what the beast kingdom of ten horns, seven heads, and ten crowns is for the end per Revelation 13?

I've known about the New World Order movement since the 1970s.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
You said it yourself "they will say 'peace, peace' but there will be no peace", if there is no peace, how can one nation rule all the others (since there is no established order of priority?)?

Therefore they will assemble, and it will not be for one to rule more than the others.
When the false-Messiah arrives in Jerusalem and is setup as king of the world, that will be a 'fake' world peace, and they will still be saying 'world peace' just like they have been doing since they began the creating of a one-world system.

1 Thess 5:1-4
5 But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you.
2 For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.
For when they shall say, "Peace and safety"; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.
4 But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.

The following tells just how much power of rule over the nations the coming "dragon" will have when that final world beast kingdom is completed at the end of this world...

Rev 13:4-8
4 And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?
And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months.
6 And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven.
And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.
8 And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2019
South Carolina
United States
The Sixth Seal worldwide disaster, will be the next Prophesied event, it will commence all the end times prophesied actions and events., leading up to the glorious return of Jesus for His Millennium reign. Al as is plainly told to us in all of the Bible.
At the end of The 6th seal there is definitely a "worldwide disaster". It is the literal return of Jesus from Heaven in flaming fire.
Rev. 6:12-17, 2 Thes. 1:7-9*
Then in the begining of the 7th seal in Heaven (Rev. 8:1), there is 1/2 hour silence in Heaven, which is the resurrection and gathering of all the Saints unto Himself IN THE AIR.

Immediately after that space of 1/2 hour the DETAILS of the wrath of God are carried out upon the earth in the 7 trumpets, 7 vials for the remainder of time. Rev. 8:6
Luke 17:28-30. As Lot was delivered to safety, Sodom and Gammorah was burned up, all taking place within 24 hours, aka "the same DAY". "Even thus shall it be in the DAY when the Son of man shall be revealed.
Rom. 9[28] For he will finish the work, and cut it short in righteousness: because a short work will the Lord make upon the earth.

* Note: In KJV 2 Thes. 1:7-10, please notice that the word "when" is written twice for two separate events, all taking place in 24 hours.


1. The seven trumpets take place BEFORE the issuance of the mark of the beast. Rev. 8:7. We don't see the issuance of the mark of the beast until Rev. 13:16-17

2. The seven vials take place AFTER the issuance of the mark of the beast. Rev. 16:1-2

At the present time, we are now in the 2nd half of Rev. 9, of the 5th and the 6th trumpet.
WE ALL (globally) just went through the 5th trumpet of COVID-19 and the "Scorpion STING", Rev. 9:1-12.
NOW, we are waiting for the 6th trumpet to sound, in regards to the 4 angels bound in the River Euphrates, aka WW3. Rev. 9:13-15
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