Summary of the 66 Bible Books

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Active Member
Nov 11, 2022
Oh sure, no worries! Faith alone in Christ, the Lord, saves us permanently. We learn about the Lord, Jesus through the Bible which has 66 books. Any translation version works, ESV, Aionian, etc. since it’s written in multiple languages Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek. Here’s a summary.

Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God, YHWH, created the heavens and the earth. Angels created. First human male ADAM = MAN, first female, Eve created in image of God. Paradise, Garden of Eden. Adam, Eve, disobey God, eat forbidden fruit, sin, tricked by serpent, Satan, the Devil, fallen angel. All human descendants’ genetics cursed to have limited life, death. Adam and Eve son, Cain, became first murderer, killed brother Abel. Long lives, almost 1000 years old, shortened to around 120 years old. Earth violent, all humans evil. Flood, ark, saved NOAH = COMFORT family and animals. Consequence of sin is death. Bloodline names spells out ADAM = MAN Appointed Mortal Sorrow; The Blessed God Shall come down Teaching His death shall bring The Despairing COMFORT = NOAH Descendant Abraham’s son Isaac going to be killed, God provides lamb to be sacrificed instead. Jesus’ foreshadowing. Descendant Jacob named Israel, place where Jesus will die, city Bethlehem.

Exodus 12:1-13. Children of Israel in slavery in Egypt by Pharoah. Moses, prophet of God. Prophecy can be prediction of future. Plagues, for all except those protected with blood of Lamb. Plagues against false gods of Egyptian mythology. Moses parts Red Sea, Israelites escape. Exodus 20, God gives 10 Commandments. 1) The LORD YHWH is only God. No other gods 2) No worship of idol images 3) No misuse of God’s name. 4) Keep Sabbath day holy, day of rest, Jesus is now our rest. 5) Honor your father and mother 6) No murder 7) No adultery 8) No stealing 9) No false witness 10) No coveting neighbor’s belongings.

Leviticus 17:1 Consequence of sin is death. Animal sacrifice to atone for sin. Jesus foreshadowing. Rituals, festivals, tabernacles, ceremonies.

Numbers 14:33 Israelites too scared to go into God’s Promised Land. Wander in wilderness 40 years. Miracles.

Deuteronomy 18:15-22 Moses announces new prophet.

Joshua 11:1. Israelites military victories against Canaanites cult with child sacrifice for demon Molek, which LORD was against. Israelites enter Promised Land.

Judges 11:24 Joshua dies. Israelites worship evil Canaanite demons. God lets enemies oppress Israelites. Israelites worship God, they win. Cycle repeats several times for 300 years.

Ruth 1:1 Famine. Bethlehem man takes family out of Israel. Boaz and Ruth great grandparents of Israel king David.

1 Samuel 7:15. Samuel Israel’s final judge anoints Saul first king. Saul too prideful, disobeys God. Samuel anoints David, who slayed tall guy Goliath. Saul jealous, killed.

2 Samuel 1:1 Jerusalem city. David commits sin of adultery, dies.

1 Kings 1:1 David’s son, Solomon, now king, blessed. Solomon worships other gods, dies. Civil war. New prophet, Elijah.

2 Kings 1:1 Elisha new prophet. Israel worships more false gods. Babylonians attack, Jerusalem destroyed.

1 Chronicles 1:1 Summary of genealogy, Adam to David.

2 Chronicles 1:1 Summary of 1 and 2 Kings.

Ezra 70 years captivity in foreign land. Rebuild temple.

Nehemiah 1:1 Construction of Jerusalem walls.

Esther 1:1 Exiled Jews no return to Jerusalem, they stay in Persia instead. King wants to genocide all Jews, evil, the Queen is secretly Jewish.

Job 1:12 Lord and Satan talk. Upright man named Job tortured by Satan. Lord restores Job’s fortunes, heals.

Psalms. Collection of songs of praise to the Lord. King David wrote a lot of it.

Proverbs Wisdom and moral teachings from the Lord. King Solomon wrote a lot of it.

Ecclesiastes 3:41 King Solomon existentialism, depressed, life is meaningless without God.

Song of Solomon 1:1 King Solomon talks about love. Married people make love to each other.

Isaiah 26:9 Isaiah new prophet, saves Jerusalem from Assyrian attack. Predicts Babylon attack. Predicts a promised Messiah, born of a virgin, rejected by His people and killed to save them from sin. Jesus foreshadowing.

Jeremiah 30:24 Jeremiah new prophet. Babylonians attack. 70 years captivity.

Lamentations 3:31 Jeremiah sad.

Ezekiel 38. Ezekiel new prophet. Prophecies that Gog, chief prince of Rosh, Meshek and Tubal, (President of Russia, Moscow and Tobalski, Vladmir Putin) will invade center of land (Ukraine). Nuclear bombs. Apocalypse.

Daniel 12:4 Daniel new prophet. Captive in Babylon. Predict’s Christ’s appearance and the Internet.

Hosea 6:1 Hosea new prophet, gives Israel advice.

Joel 2:28 Joel new prophet, predicts end of the world.

Amos 9:14 Amos new prophet Lists sins

Obadiah 1:5 Obadiah saves 100 prophets.

Jonah 1:1 New Israel prophet. Swallowed by great fish, Jonah recognizes sin, thus repents, fish spits him out. Jonah warns Assyrians. Assyrians repent. God forgives them.

Micah 1:1 Micah new prophet. Promises end to God’s anger, God’s people all restored, aka everyone.
Nahum 1:1 Nahum new prophet. Promise of God’s judgement.

Habakkuk 1:1 Habakkuk new prophet. God promises to do something amazing for everybody.

Zephaniah. 1:1 Zephaniah new prophet. God promises to restore His people.

Haggai 1:1 Haggai new prophet. Reconstruction of temple.

Zechariah 1:1 Zechariah new prophet. Reconstruction of temple. Predicts Messiah’s coming, suffering and glory.

Malachi 1:1 Malachi new prophet. Condemns sins.

New Testament

Matthew 8:1-4, Mark 5:21, Luke 8:40, John 20:30. The Gospel, good news, told from 4 perspectives. Jesus Christ is the Lord God in human flesh. He was born of a virgin, Mary and Joseph. Lived a perfect life, free of sin. Healed and fed the sick and hungry. Miracles. Cast out demons possessing people. Raised the dead. Calms storm. Water to wine.

Acts 3:21 Holy Spirit arrives. Everyone who believes in Christ has the Holy Ghost, God, inside of them permanently. Thus, all people will be made Holy through Him and be saved. Paul, former enemy against Christians, is converted.

Romans 3:28 Jesus’ message to the Roman Empire. All humans of Adam are evil, they all have sin. The wages of sin is death. Only faith alone in Christ washes away all sins.

1 Corinthians 15:22 Paul gives instructions to Church in Corinth.

2 Corinthians 5:19. Paul gives encouragement to Church in Corinth

Galatians 3:8 False work salvationists appear. Faith alone in Jesus is the only way to be saved from sin!

Ephesians 2:8 Salvation is grace through faith in Christ. This is for Jews and Gentiles alike, everybody.

Philippians 3:9 Paul in Roman prison. Gospel of Christ spreading worldwide.

Colossians 1:15. Jesus is God. We are not bound by Old Testament Mosaic Law, but the new law of love through Christ.

1 Thessalonians 1:1 Paul reviews new church start up. Christ will resurrect all believers. Thus, everyone will become believers in Christ and be made alive permanently.

2 Thessalonians 1:1 Church getting persecuted, God will protect them.

1 Timothy 2:3 Church pastor, Timothy, gets letter from Paul for advice.

2 Timothy 1:1 Personal letter from Paul to Timothy.

Titus 2:11 Beware of false teachers, false Christs.

Philemon 1:1 Thieving slave should be welcomed back as beloved brother in Christ.

Hebrews 1:2 Jewish people want to go back to Jewish law. Jesus Christ better than all human prophets before, better than all angels.

James 2:13 Good works only come after salvation, not before. Only with the Holy Spirit inside of us are we capable of producing good works.

1 Peter 1:1 Asian believers persecuted, encourages them of God’s grace through suffering.

2 Peter 3:9 Peter going to die, beware false prophets, await coming of Christ.

1 John 2:2 God is light, love, truth. Believers have a new Holy Spirit supplied nature that’s against sin.

2 John 1:1 Christians must balance truth and love.

3 John 1:1 Contrast of Gaius and Diotrephes, love vs lack of love.

Jude Gospel is always the same, always true.

Revelation 5:13 The end times. End of the world. Mark of the Beast. 666. Antichrist has one-world government. Satan on Earth attacking. Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Civil wars, plagues, famines. New Heaven and New Earth are created. Everyone eventually becomes believers in Christ and lives in New Jerusalem in peace and joy. No more pain, no more sorrow. A happy ending for everybody :D


Active Member
Nov 11, 2022
Recollection Entry 17

Makes Sense

Believe in Jesus Christ with faith alone and be permanently saved my friends. Thus, this is true, everyone will, in their own turn, eventually become believers in Christ Jesus and all people will be saved. Amen.

John 6:33 "The Bread of God is He who comes down from heaven and gives Life to the WORLD."

Yesterday I was helping my sister with her work, and we saw that there was a mention of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Now, this political situation has been going on for a long time, so I explained about what was going on there to her.

Gal 3:8 "ALL the nations shall be blessed."

On the topic of religion, I showed her a summary of all 66 Bible books I hade made. Originally, I created this for a friend on Roblox from the game “Free Draw” where I write Bible verses and evangelize people to become believers in Christ by faith alone through Christian Universalism, where eventually all people will have faith alone in Jesus and be saved permanently. I posted this on another article I made, either on the Bible or Roblox Bible version. It can be tricky with Roblox because they censor the name of Jesus. Yes, that’s right, if you say “Jesus” it gets replaced with ##### so to bypass it I have to say Jxsus instead. Luckily, most people understand that Jxsus refers to Jesus. Same with Christianity, replaced with ############, so I can say Christ andity instead.

Eph. 1:10, 11 Jesus came "that in the dispensation of the fullness of the times he might gather together in one ALL THINGS in Christ, both which are in heaven and which are on earth in Him. In Him also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestined according to the purpose of Him who works ALL THINGS according to the counsel of His will."

Then came the topic of rebuking, so I showed her the false beliefs of Mormons, the latter days, because they falsely believe in works salvation! They believe that you must do good works in order to be saved, which is completely wrong! The only way we can be saved is by believing in Jesus Christ with faith alone. Therefore, all people will become believers in Christ and be permanently saved. Church denomination titles don’t matter, with some Mormons falsely saying that you must be “Mormon” to be saved, which is wrong, because as long as a person believes in Jesus Christ with faith alone they are saved. It doesn’t matter if that person is named a “Catholic”, “Protestant” or “Orthodox” in title, if they believe in Christ only, they are a Christian, they are saved permanently, that’s it. When I say these words, I say them with kindness, a love for the truth, because I don’t want people to go through unnecessary pain of trying to do all sorts of good works with the panic of not being saved. Christ already paid the full cost of sin, which is death, which is why He resurrected 3 days later, so all people will, in their own turn, believe in Christ’s sacrifice and be washed of their death (thanatos) and be given permanent life (athanatos).

Phil. 2:10:11 "At the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and those on earth, and of those under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father."

I then also showed her the false beliefs of scientologists, and the Jehovah’s witnesses, who believe in works salvation, which I rebuked for the reasons above.

With the Jehovah’s Witnesses, they only believe that a limited amount of people are saved, for example, 144 000 people. Which is wrong. Everyone will be saved! I told my sister that “it’s ridiculous that you have the Almighty God and He’s only to save, what, 144 000 people, out of the billions of people that exist in the world?” and she agreed with me, saying that “Yeah, it makes sense that all people will be saved”. Which truly warmed my heart to hear her say those words. I’m glad I was able to tell her about Christian Universalism, before she was able to be fooled by the false beliefs of Hell. Biblically, as points out in this excellent article, there’s no Hell mentioned in the Bible at all. Eternal Conscious Torment is false because eternal means aionios in Greek, olam in Hebrew, which means “pertaining to an age” not forever, and Annihilationism is false because the Lord does not cast off forever, as Lamentations clearly tells us.

LAMENTATIONS 3:31-33 For men are not cast off by the Lord forever. Though he may punish cruelly, yet he will have compassion in the fullness of his love; he does not willingly afflict or punish any mortal man.

No loving God would torture people forever! For me, I hope she’s never had to worry about the false doctrines of ECT and Annihilationism. There were times in my life where I was an ECT believer, which I rebuke my past self for, and Annihilationism, which again I also rebuke my past me for. I know personally the feeling of despair, hopelessness and sadness that comes with believing those lies. I suffered from scrupulosity, a type of OCD, which is intense religious fear. I would worry about the fate of my family, my friends, where, even though I was saved, what about them? That survivor’s guilt ate me up inside. That’s my motivation for evangelizing. She’s asked me before something along the lines of “What’s the point of spreading the Bible truth if eventually everyone will be saved anyways” just simply out of curiosity, and I’m fine with answering these questions, so I told her that “The pain that people feel is real”. There’s people out there who used to be like me, utterly tormented by ECT and Annihlationism. That’s why I spread the Gospel of Christian Universalism, to give them relief. My sister has told me her friends are becoming more nihilistic. One friend constantly talks about drinking alcohol and that’s the only thing she has to look forward to in life. Or another friend so easily detaches from things because she views life as meaningless. I say to them, there’s more to life than just this, sure life is extremely difficult right now, with the upcoming recession, climate change, world war 3, but eventually, everyone will be happy. Everyone will recognize this meaning. And maybe I’ll be the one to tell them that when the opportunity arises, maybe not, but eventually, everyone will realize the immense love that God has for everybody! :D I’m going to be heading off with my family today as I write this, so I will end my typing for this article here <3

ZECHARIAH 13:9 This third I will bring into the fire; I will refine them like silver and test them like gold.

John 12:47 Jesus "did not come to judge the world but to save the world."

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
yeah but HIS WORDS will be the judge on the last day . BELIEVE IN CHRIST JESUS
He who denies Him will be denied . Damned to the lake that burns with fire .
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