The coup d’etat that became election fraud in America

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Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018

“[A] coup d'etat, also known as a coup, is typically an illegal, unconstitutional seizure of power conducted by a dictator, a guerrilla military force, or an opposing political faction.”

Anyone with an ounce of awareness of what happened during the presidency of Donald Trump knows that “the opposing political faction” – the Deep State and the Democratic leadership – tried an unconstitutional and illegal seizure of power from January, 2017 to January, 2020. This was all at taxpayer expense (probably running into billions of dollars and hundreds of thousands of wasted man-hours).

First it was the filthy and fraudulent Steele Dossier, then the illegal FISA warrants, then the bogus Mueller Investigation, then the sham impeachment kangaroo court. And all along the shrill and strident cries of “Russian Collusion” daily -- without a shred of evidence. All of this while Joe and Hunter Biden were engaged in serious corrupt activities in the Ukraine and China, and Obama and Clinton sold uranium to Russia while funding and encouraging ISIS to succeed in their evil jihad (all of which was ignored or suppressed by the media),

It was known since at least 2013 that there was a very serious issue with the way elections were being conducted across America, and that there was a huge possibility of election fraud (which is a federal crime). At the same time it was known as recently as 2016 that foreign governments were trying to influence election outcomes in favor of the Democrats, and precisely Hillary Clinton. But no one imagined that any state would actually engage in election fraud in order to steal the victory from any candidate. And that too with the blessings of all the federal courts and the Supreme Court!

There is absolutely no question that election fraud was committed in America on November 3 & 4 (and subsequently). But the Deep State and the Democrats had already decided that absolutely nothing would stop the steal. However, had the constitutional remedies been applied immediately, the fraud would have been exposed, and the perpetrators would have been prosecuted.

Below is what one expert has said about this matter (with paragraphs reformatted here):

"The following shows what the State Legislatures and each Branch of the federal government have the authority to do to address the monstrous crime which has been committed against our Country.

1- Article IV, §4, US Constitution
The fundamental Principle which should guide us in dealing with this issue is set forth at Article IV, §4, US Constitution. It reads,
“The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government…” The essence of a “Republic” is that sovereign power is exercised by Representatives elected, directly or indirectly, by The People.[1]

Election fraud strikes at the heart of our Constitutional Republic. Therefore, Congress, the federal courts and the Executive Branch [i.e., the “United States”] have the duty, imposed by Article IV, §4, to negate the fraud in order to preserve our republican form of government.

As shown below, the States also have authority to remedy the election fraud committed in their State.

2- The Constitutional framework governing federal elections.

These are the clauses in the US Constitution everyone should study:

I, §4 is the “times, places, and manner” clause: It means what it says! Federal and State judges, and federal and State executive agencies, have no authority to tinker with election laws made by the State Legislatures or Congress. When they tinker with the laws, their acts are usurpations and must be treated as such [link].

II, §1, clause 2: The President & Vice President are to be elected by Electors appointed, in such manner as the State Legislatures shall direct…

II, §1, clause 4: Congress may determine the Time of chusing [choosing] the Electors and the Day on which they Vote.

The 12th Amendment sets forth the procedures for how the Electors are to cast their votes for President & then for Vice President. To our detriment, we have ignored those procedures for a long time.

The 20th Amendment, §1, says the terms of President & Vice President end January 20; and the terms of Senators & Representatives end January 3.
And §2 of the 20th Amendment says Congress shall meet on January 3, unless they make a law setting a different date. Congress did make a law which changed that date to January 6.


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018

3- The Statutory framework

At Title 3, US Code, §§ 1-21 [link], Congress implemented the constitutional provisions.
Congress understood there would be fights in the States over the selection of the Electors. So they provided for the fights:

At 3 USC §1, Congress set November 3 as the date for appointing the Electors in the States.
But the next two Sections address what happens when Electors aren’t appointed on November 3. §2 says the Electors may be appointed on a subsequent day in such a manner as the Legislature of each State may direct.And §3 says Electors are chosen when any controversy respecting their appointment has been finally determined. “Determining the controversy” is, of course, the purpose of the litigation and the hearings in State Legislatures.

Article II, §1, clause 4, US Constitution, gives Congress authority to determine the Date on which the electors vote:
3 USC §7 sets that date for December 14. But 3 USC §§12 & 13 provide for what happens when Congress hasn’t received the Electors’ votes by December 23. So we see that flexibility to deal with fights in the States over the selection of Electors is built into the US Code.

Now we get to the counting of the Electors’ Votes in Congress: 3 USC §15says Congress is to meet on January 6 to count the votes. The President of the Senate [Mike Pence] presides. He is to call for objections to the votes. The rest of §15 and §§16-18 deal with handling the objections in Congress respecting the Electors’ votes.

So the statutory framework recognizes that selecting the Presidential Electors can get messy; and that there would be fights over the Electors in the States and in Congress. We are working through this process right now.

4- Congress has the power to determine whether the President elect and Vice President elect are qualified for office.
Section 3 of the 20th Amendment shows that Congress has the authority to determine whether the President elect and Vice President elect are qualified for office.[2] If either is not a natural born citizen, Congress has the power and the duty to disqualify that person.[3] Accordingly, it was Congress’ duty to inquire into whether Obama was a natural born citizen; and today it is Congress’ duty to inquire into whether Kamala Harris is a natural born citizen.

Congress also has the power – and the duty – to disqualify Biden and Harris on the ground that the fraud bringing about their sham “election” was an attack on the States’ Right, guaranteed by Article IV, §4, to have a republican form of government.

5- Election Fraud is a federal crime
It is the DUTY of the Department of Justice to investigate and prosecute the election fraud. It is disgraceful that they have done nothing.

6- The Duty of the Supreme Court
The Supreme Court is surely aware of its Duty, imposed by Article IV, §4, US Constitution, to guarantee to the States a republican form of government where Representatives are elected by The People – and not by corrupt politicians who pay for massive organized election fraud and cheating.

While the Supreme Court obviously cannot enforce its own rulings and must depend on the Executive Branch of the federal government to enforce them;[4] the Supreme Court must issue an Opinion consistent with Article IV, §4, which, when enforced by the Executive Branch of the federal government, solves the present crisis.

7- The State Legislatures should appoint replacement Electors
It is clear that State Legislatures have the power to ignore the fraudulent election and appoint a new set of Presidential Electors. Such is consistent with the Constitution and the statutory scheme laid out in 3 USC §§1-21. Furthermore, the Supreme Court has already acknowledged that State Legislatures may do this.

REMEMBER that Article II, §1, clause 2, US Constitution, says Electors are to be appointed “in such Manner as the State Legislatures” may direct.
Originally, Electors were generally chosen by the State Legislatures. In McPherson v. Blacker, decided 1892 [
link], the Supreme Court gave the history of how each State Legislature chose their Electors since the first presidential election. It was only later that State Legislatures began to provide for the popular election of the Presidential Electors.

Congress expressly recognizes that State Legislatures may resume at any time the power to select the Electors. Remember that 3 USC §2, says,
“Whenever any
State has held an election for the purpose of choosing electors, and has failed to make a choice on the day prescribed by law, the electors may be appointed on a subsequent day in such a manner as the legislature of such State may direct.”

Additionally, in Bush v. Gore, decided 2000 [link], the Supreme Court said that the State Legislature’s power to select the manner for appointing electors is plenary; it may, if it chooses, select the Electors itself; and even after granting the franchise to the People to select the Electors,State Legislatures can resume the power at any time.
So yes, in States where the election was stolen, the State Legislatures may – and should – reassume their plenary power to select the Electors. America urges the State Legislators to be bold and do what is right.

8- Warning
Republican establishment cowards who refuse to confront and defeat the election fraud don’t seem to understand the consequences of their refusal to man up and fight the fraud. Our Country is right now in the process of being overthrown and taken over by profoundly evil people. You better fight while we still can."

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A Constitutional Roadmap for Conquering Election Fraud