Thoughts on the events of 9/11/2001

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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
@Ronald Nolette I did make one big boo boo about Dr Piper...he was born in 1941 and took over the camp as its sole curator for many years well into the 90s. There were other local Polish person's before him that were acting as the property managers prior to and after 1940. This though does not negate the facts at hand.

One more thing, Wikipedia at least, completed falsified and lies about his findings and gave him the credit for producing their 'gassed' death numbers. Piper claimed there were no forced systemic gassing at Auschwitz Birkenau or at other Camps. Read Coleman's interview with him.

Wikipedia is a continuous and systemic lie machine concerning the Camps of Poland, at least.
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Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
Dr. Markiewicz Responds
In late April, IHR Associate Editor Mark Weber wrote to Dr. Jan Markiewicz, director of the Institute of Forensic Research, to ask for a comment on his agency's September 1990 report. He was specifically asked to comment on the significance of his institute's report in light of Leuchter's 1988 investigation and report. A copy of the April IHR Newsletter, which told about the Krakow Institute's investigation and report, was mailed along with Weber's inquiry. In a letter dated June 7, 1991, Dr. Markiewicz responded:

I received your letter with enclosure on 16 April 1991. I agree with you that a commentary should necessarily be affixed to our report of 24 Sep. 1990, which is called for by the straightforwardness of information, so essential to any scientific studies. Our Institute of Forensic Research is a scientific-research establishment attached to the Ministry of Justice. Investigations of material evidences are carried out in it independently of the parties to the suit and expert opinions are expressed in civil and criminal cases for the purposes of the administration of justice.

In a letter of 17 May 1989 the then Director of the State Museum at Auschwitz, Mr. Kazimierz Smolen, asked me to make "an analysis of plaster samples from the walls of the gas chambers for the presence of hydrogen cyanide." In connection with the question posed in that letter I qualified the chances of detecting hydrogen cyanide in such samples as nearly none. As a chemist engaged in forensic chemical toxicology for 45 years, I am familiar with the properties of this volatile substance. Hence my reply. Anyway, I stated that, if only such investigation was considered to be expedient, I was ready to undertake it. As my partner in further talks and possible study I named Dr. Wojciech Gubala of the Forencis Toxicological Laboratory of our Institute. At the same time I referred to the expert appraisal made by Dr. Jan Robel in this Institute in 1945, closely connected with the problems in hand ...

Having communicated by phone with the Management of the Museum at Auschwitz, Dr. Gubala went there together with his co-worker, Mr. Jerzy Labedz on 10 Feb. 1990. Both these workers were taken round the Camp territory by the curator, Dr. Franciszek Piper, and toward the end of their visit by Mr. Piotr Sethkiewicz and they took samples of plaster in places indicated to them, in compliance with the wish expressed by the Director earlier. I was not informed then about the so-called "Leuchter's Report" or about the publications coming out at that time, and nor were my co- workers. Their investigations and results are known to you from the expertise the copy of which is in your possession. I'd like to mention that the Management of the Museum did not inform us about the copying of this expert appraisal and its propagation.

Now, in the light of letters and publications coming to us from different countries, I have arrived at the conclusion that our investigations aiming at the confirmation, if possible, of the use of cyanic preparations in the rooms that survived whole or only in the form of ruins, were rather preliminary in nature and incomplete. We are bent on widening and deepening these investigations and have already been preparing for them. It is only now when suitable materials from literature have become accessible to us that we see the purpose and sense of such studies. Naturally, we shall publish their results and make them accessible to you and your Institute.

The IHR is naturally gratified by Dr. Markiewicz's open-minded and cooperative attitude, which serves the cause of honest scholarship and historical truth.

We are pleased that the Krakow Institute will continue its investigation into this very important aspect of the Auschwitz extermination story, and we appreciate his pledge to keep us informed of the results.

In response to a couple of issues raised in this letter:

  • As Dr. Markiewicz mentions -- and as Dr. Faurisson and others have repeatedly stressed -- hydrogen cyanide is indeed a volatile substance. However, this point is not directly relevant to the investigations conducted by Leuchter or the Krakow Institute. In contrast to the volatility of hydrogen cyanide, the ferro-ferric-cyanide compounds ("Prussian blue") produced as a result of the interaction of hydrogen cyanide and iron are remarkably stable, as authoritative chemistry reference works confirm.
  • The IHR is familiar with the 1945 forensic report referred to by Markiewicz in his letter, and more will be said about it in a forthcoming issue of the Journal.
[A letter similar to the one sent by Weber to Dr. Markiewicz was also sent to the Auschwitz State Museum. So far, though, no response has been received to that inquiry.]


So then to conclude on the camps and the death of 6 million Jews at the hands of the Germans, you contend as do the Nazis, neo-Nazis, and Muslims that this is one of the greatest hoaxes foisted upon mankind. that all the eyewitness and testimony of Camp survivors attesting ot he deaths are lies composed for some Zionist conspiracy. That the convictions of German officials for esterminations were all falsely done for they did not kill all these people.

Russian And American soldiers took part in this lie.
German guards took part in this lie.
Inmates took part in this lie all for a zionist movement .

Okay you are free to believe what you wish, but I will still maintain what I believe based on teh mountains of what you would consider is forged and made up evidence and intentional lies by people who said they were eyewitnesses.

Let us end the WW 2 and move to the towers as is the OP I started.

I await your empirical evidence that Shows Silverstein, Kissinger and the Mossad had a hand in teh felling of the towers, shanksville PA. and the Pentagon.

BTW What is your area of expertise and what degree in this field do you hold?


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
@Ronald Nolette :You know Ron as I said near the beginning or as you asserted, it is classified and shall not see the light of day. Like other plans of the few of the past.

Now I can point to very convincing circumstantial evidence that when combined together does show a clear picture of the Israeli connection if that is what you are so concerned with for some reason. But this should not shock you, or maybe it does, like the Holocaust stories I attempt to bring to your attention. So you do not want to go there. But can you do this work yourself as well on 9/11 with the Israeli connection. I really do not need to provide you with any of this information because you are already comfortable and set in your mind about the issue. You have no interest in searching, and my info is just an annoyance to you.

It is not empirical or scientific hard data as with the absurdity of using Zyklon-B in say a damp enclosed room below 45 deg F...and even in its gaseous form it is heavier than air, and can be highly volatile if not handled correctly.

For starters, you do know about the celebratory dancing agents of Israel, dancing even on their vehicles as they took video of the smoke filled portion of South Manhattan? And they were detained by the NJ Sate Troopers? Eventually allowed to return to Israel by inconspicuous means?

You do know that all Israeli companies within the towers were given warning to not show up to work on that Day?

You do know that many of these so-called Arab terrorists were part of the Mossad and had their Visas personally managed by the CIA? Some even impersonated these Arabs for the camera? And going through APs security?

You do know that a couple of Israel security companies managed the Silverstein properties up until that Day?

You do know the the PM of Israel applauded what 'he', they had done on that Day?

Now do not ask me this time, to present evidence for all this. It is still out there if you care to find it.

And my credentials or background has nothing to do with this area of 9/11. My astronautics, aerospace, computer science, analysis background was useful for the 911 Truth movement of Richard G. I remember calling up an IL Univ., Case Western, asking a professor of CS to stop feeding CNN with wireframed unscientific images of how the planes supposedly impacted the buildings. Remember them? I got them (2 profs) to take it all down. It was a sham and a lie.

Up to you now Ron. I believe I met you more that half way on the Israel connection. Cannot do the work for you...

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
For starters, you do know about the celebratory dancing agents of Israel, dancing even on their vehicles as they took video of the smoke filled portion of South Manhattan? And they were detained by the NJ Sate Troopers? Eventually allowed to return to Israel by inconspicuous means?

No but I trust you shall show me a report on it!

And my credentials or background has nothing to do with this area of 9/11. My astronautics, aerospace, computer science, analysis background was useful for the 911 Truth movement of Richard G. I remember calling up an IL Univ., Case Western, asking a professor of CS to stop feeding CNN with wireframed unscientific images of how the planes supposedly impacted the buildings. Remember them? I got them (2 profs) to take it all down. It was a sham and a lie.

So you are a space engineer or scientist.

You do know that all Israeli companies within the towers were given warning to not show up to work on that Day?

I await the evidence you have. Unless of course it is classified. And if it is classified- How did you come about knowing it? do you have that level of clearance?

You do know that many of these so-called Arab terrorists were part of the Mossad and had their Visas personally managed by the CIA? Some even impersonated these Arabs for the camera? And going through APs security?

And you kjnow this how? did someone leak to you classified information, thus being guilty of treason?

You do know the the PM of Israel applauded what 'he', they had done on that Day?

If I did I would think differently. So I trust you will show some report or news bit.

See? You are asking me to just take your word for the fact the holocaust never occurred, that it was Israel and Netanyahu (for He would know if the Mossad was doing this) who attacked America that day.

Now I reject teh standard story of how the towers came down, because there is hard empirical data known long before the planes hit that showed those planes would never straight drop those towers at near free fall speed all the way to the ground. You are just proposing take your owrd or what I told you is a secret. Sorry but that pig don't fly in the real world.

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
It is not empirical or scientific hard data as with the absurdity of using Zyklon-B in say a damp enclosed room below 45 deg F...and even in its gaseous form it is heavier than air, and can be highly volatile if not handled correctly.

Now I know you are making lots of stuff up!

Zyklon-B is basically hydrogen cyanide (prussic acid) that was initially a pesticide. It has a boiling point of 25.6 degrees C. and it is 7% lighter than air. but try again.


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
Now I know you are making lots of stuff up!

Zyklon-B is basically hydrogen cyanide (prussic acid) that was initially a pesticide. It has a boiling point of 25.6 degrees C. and it is 7% lighter than air. but try again.

Your source is deliberately being deceitful to you. Stop your ignorance and listen. Let me cut the to the chase, to the truth of it. Last time though.

HCN: Vapor density at STP is .94, making it only 6% lighter than the atmosphere.

This vapor density is a function of temperature - vapor density relative to air of hydrogen cyanide increases with increasing temperature. At 25.7° (it’s boiling point), it is 1.007, or slightly heavier than air." This is its effective point of use!

I have to point out other thoughts in my mind when I said Zyklon B is heavier that air/atmosphere and then you accused me of making things up....quite premature again....

Atmosphere is a relative term when it comes to compouns that can be in one, two or three states at the same time. For example: With a supposed packed full of people in a sealed room, the vaporized form HCN would be heavier than the local atmosphere within minutes. There would be more CO2 and less O2 in the room. Secondly, even in ambient outside air conditions, HCN would be heavier that nearly 80% of the air. And this is especially significant because air is never usually stratified by gaseous weight, where CO2 is below and H2 at the top.

And this brings me to another thought I had in my mind...

Any form of dew dense fog would create an hydrocyanic acid aerosol, drifting with the wind. And on very cold and/or humid days, HCN is actually heavier than the atmosphere, and will hug the ground. And for this topic, outgassed from chambers and next to the Krema's, it can be speculated that among other things, a big crowd of people waiting 'their turn' would be around the trains (Auschwitz 2 camp), and the plume could have drifted in there, to them.

And, if wind, temperature and humidity conditions were optimal, the aerosol would drift even hundreds of yards into rest of the camp. This is another reason Zyklon B would not be used. Everyone outside would eventually get a whiff of it and most would die. It is a fantastic story told to convince the ignorant, and there are many.

I'm done with this entire subject for obvious reasons....
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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
No but I trust you shall show me a report on it!

So you are a space engineer or scientist.

I await the evidence you have. Unless of course it is classified. And if it is classified- How did you come about knowing it? do you have that level of clearance?

And you kjnow this how? did someone leak to you classified information, thus being guilty of treason?

If I did I would think differently. So I trust you will show some report or news bit.

See? You are asking me to just take your word for the fact the holocaust never occurred, that it was Israel and Netanyahu (for He would know if the Mossad was doing this) who attacked America that day.

Now I reject teh standard story of how the towers came down, because there is hard empirical data known long before the planes hit that showed those planes would never straight drop those towers at near free fall speed all the way to the ground. You are just proposing take your owrd or what I told you is a secret. Sorry but that pig don't fly in the real world.
Pretty bold person are we. No, I shall not give you another ounce or factoid on the subject as you are either completely lazy or content with your view of the subject. I came in good faith wanting to provide some info and now I see you don't appreciate any of it. You are not deserving of any more attention on this subject as you mind was already set way before I got on this thread.

I did figure you were a bit stubborn and a little delusional, I just did not know how much until now.
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Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
Your source is deliberately being deceitful to you. Stop your ignorance and listen. Let me cut the to the chase, to the truth of it. Last time though.

HCN: Vapor density at STP is .94, making it only 6% lighter than the atmosphere.

This vapor density is a function of temperature - vapor density relative to air of hydrogen cyanide increases with increasing temperature. At 25.7° (it’s boiling point), it is 1.007, or slightly heavier than air." This is its effective point of use!

I have to point out other thoughts in my mind when I said Zyklon B is heavier that air/atmosphere and then you accused me of making things up....quite premature again....

Atmosphere is a relative term when it comes to compouns that can be in one, two or three states at the same time. For example: With a supposed packed full of people in a sealed room, the vaporized form HCN would be heavier than the local atmosphere within minutes. There would be more CO2 and less O2 in the room. Secondly, even in ambient outside air conditions, HCN would be heavier that nearly 80% of the air. And this is especially significant because air is never usually stratified by gaseous weight, where CO2 is below and H2 at the top.

And this brings me to another thought I had in my mind...

Any form of dew dense fog would create an hydrocyanic acid aerosol, drifting with the wind. And on very cold and/or humid days, HCN is actually heavier than the atmosphere, and will hug the ground. And for this topic, outgassed from chambers and next to the Krema's, it can be speculated that among other things, a big crowd of people waiting 'their turn' would be around the trains (Auschwitz 2 camp), and the plume could have drifted in there, to them.

And, if wind, temperature and humidity conditions were optimal, the aerosol would drift even hundreds of yards into rest of the camp. This is another reason Zyklon B would not be used. Everyone outside would eventually get a whiff of it and most would die. It is a fantastic story told to convince the ignorant, and there are many.

I'm done with this entire subject for obvious reasons....

This proves you don't know what you are talking abnout.

Zyklon-B: A Brief Report on the Physical Structure and Composition (

Zyklon B - Symptoms and Lasting Effects (

CDC | Facts About Cyanide

What is zyklon-b - The Medical Questions

Its good you are done- you are over your head in this category.

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
Pretty bold person are we. No, I shall not give you another ounce or factoid on the subject as you are either completely lazy or content with your view of the subject. I came in good faith wanting to provide some info and now I see you don't appreciate any of it. You are not deserving of any more attention on this subject as you mind was already set way before I got on this thread.

I did figure you were a bit stubborn and a little delusional, I just did not know how much until now.

So you make your ex-cathedra proclamations and run.

I can disagree but still debate civilly. You made an accusation that it was the Jews who were behind 9/11. I asked you to prove it. we got sidetracked with WW 2 and the holocaust you alleged never happened.

It is not for me to search out your claims. You supposedly have them handy and if you had integrity, though we can disagree you would provide your evidence and not just some ethereal claim that it is classified.

But when one stands up to you with counter evidence and counter facts- you appear to take the lower road and throw some subtle ad-hominems and take your ball and run home. so be it. It's sad and speaks to your character, but so be it.


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
So 4 general sources show empty words on my part and because why I ask? Don't bother you cannot even start to answer it. Wow, you must really hate my views on this subject apparently and are making any desperate attempt to discredit me. A Christian man you say you are?

And I have not provided any technical evidence yet because I already surmised you cannot understand technical data that I would present.

I actually agree with 3 of 4 of these sources although they are of a general nature and do not address the topic of make-ship modified chambers found in the Camps. Therefore they are essentially irrelevant as support.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
So you make your ex-cathedra proclamations and run.

I can disagree but still debate civilly. You made an accusation that it was the Jews who were behind 9/11. I asked you to prove it. we got sidetracked with WW 2 and the holocaust you alleged never happened.

It is not for me to search out your claims. You supposedly have them handy and if you had integrity, though we can disagree you would provide your evidence and not just some ethereal claim that it is classified.

But when one stands up to you with counter evidence and counter facts- you appear to take the lower road and throw some subtle ad-hominems and take your ball and run home. so be it. It's sad and speaks to your character, but so be it.
"I ask you to PROVE IT." you say. are civil, not. And stop your lying again. I said they were ankle deep in it at back

I'm not one of your subjects mi Lord. Why don't you get off your lazy duff and get off the couch and try and prove it or not yourself if you are interested. And you are not right? Are you an honest person Ron.....?

Happy your dysfunctional thread

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
So 4 general sources show empty words on my part and because why I ask? Don't bother you cannot even start to answer it. Wow, you must really hate my views on this subject apparently and are making any desperate attempt to discredit me. A Christian man you say you are?

And I have not provided any technical evidence yet because I already surmised you cannot understand technical data that I would present.

I actually agree with 3 of 4 of these sources although they are of a general nature and do not address the topic of make-ship modified chambers found in the Camps. Therefore they are essentially irrelevant as support.

Four general sources that are science based! trested proven and reported.

Well we are supposed to be moving on and I await your evidence that the Jews are responsible for th eevents of 9/11.

those chambers were well built concrete bunkers in many instances. and the method they deliverd this rodenticide would have been more than adequate to kill all in the "shower."

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
"I ask you to PROVE IT." you say. are civil, not. And stop your lying again. I said they were ankle deep in it at back

I'm not one of your subjects mi Lord. Why don't you get off your lazy duff and get off the couch and try and prove it or not yourself if you are interested. And you are not right? Are you an honest person Ron.....?

Happy your dysfunctional thread

Because you made the allegation public here on this forum! So all I have been asking you to do is show th eevidence that caused you to believe the Jews are "ankle deep" in 9/11. what does that mean anyway? 5% responsible? 3% responsible?

I would even take some evidence that teh 19 Arabs are actually MOssad agents who accepted the suicide mission they embarked on.

If this were a court of law- you as the prosecutor would be screaming at the defense attorney to get off their lazy duffs andgo and find the evidence you said is out there that proves their clinet guilty!

So I must ask you . Was you rintent in posting your allegations just to accuse and run? Or were you posting to present a case with th eknowledge you would get pushback?