When Was The Last Time Your Church Helped Its Own?

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Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2009
South Florida
United States
I saw this question come up and it really made me think, what can we do and what do we do for those who may need help right in our very own local church. Is there a systematic fund set up in the church for helping those in need for even temporary funding for medical or housing issues that may occur to members. Or do the church members band together and take a collection, what does your church do to handle these things when they come up....
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Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2020
United States
I saw this question come up and it really made me think, what can we do and what do we do for those who may need help right in our very own local church. Is there a systematic fund set up in the church for helping those in need for even temporary funding for medical or housing issues that may occur to members. Or do the church members band together and take a collection, what does your church do to handle these things when they come up....
That's an interesting question.... would be great to hear some answers.

Churches I had attended for many years went way liberal (gay agenda) so I am not attending them anymore.

After those churches I finally found a (Korean) church that was Bible believing. It was nearly all young people (I'm a white senior citizen). The young pastor did tell the young congregation to let him know if they knew of anyone needing help. But I don't think they knew of anyone.

I told him about a friend from one of my former churches who had mental health issues. He did do some counseling with her and took her grocery shopping once. She was on assistance so didn't need any financial help.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2022
I saw this question come up and it really made me think, what can we do and what do we do for those who may need help right in our very own local church. Is there a systematic fund set up in the church for helping those in need for even temporary funding for medical or housing issues that may occur to members. Or do the church members band together and take a collection, what does your church do to handle these things when they come up....
The freedom to choose to do something for others, is great!

On the one hand, my Church collects a "benevolence fund", on the other hand, my Mum and I go to another Church that puts on the Passion Play at Easter for the public.

Whenever someone comes to my house, I say "Do you want a drink, before you go?" and if I get a telemarketer on the phone, I tell them "God loves you".

When the youth of our day, are around, I say "What do you think of Jesus?" and I buy them lunch, if I can.

I always pray for the homeless, and donate something.

I guess you would say that Jesus is a pre-occupation of mine.

I think sometimes the best we can do for Christ, is get excited about what we are already doing?
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Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
I chose to become one of Jehovah’s Witnesses over 50 years ago and I have never seen any of my brotherhood in need. We have a central fund that we can donate to as our circumstances allow, that will take care of our brothers and sisters in disaster relief and other situations on a global basis, whereas we take care of our own locally. Because we are a family and view each other as related to us in the faith, if someone comes into need or becomes ill, we will rally around those ones and make sure that their needs are met.

We do not operate like other churches who simply try to help the poor and needy in the community. We understand that people can fall on hard times, but we do not do “charity” work….we believe that “God helps those who help themselves” and would rather “teach a man to fish, rather than hand him a fish”…..self sufficiency is a great skill to learn, and we have helped many to get back on their feet so that they in turn can help others to stand up again.

The apostle Paul gave us a principle in 2 Thess 3:7-10…..
”For you yourselves know how you should imitate us, because we did not behave in a disorderly way among you, 8 nor did we eat anyone’s food free. On the contrary, by labor and toil we were working night and day so as not to impose an expensive burden on any one of you. 9 Not that we do not have authority, but we wanted to offer ourselves as an example for you to imitate. 10 In fact, when we were with you, we used to give you this order: “If anyone does not want to work, neither let him eat.”

This applies to our elders who are the shepherds in our congregations…none are paid for their service, but are self funded like the apostles often were, so as not to be an expensive burden on the congregation. I know many local churches who have to hassle their members for money to support their minister…..he gets a house, a car and all expenses paid……no one should be paid to do the Lord’s work.

Just giving people a solid hope for the future can bolster their spirits.…the good news of the kingdom can get them excited about the future, when from the human standpoint, it looks grim. This is why Jesus sent his disciples out to find the lost ones….(Matt 10:11-14) to give them hope of something better to come.

Studying the Bible with them shows us who the genuine ones really are. Those who want to abuse our hospitality are soon shown that we are not there to be abused and used as an excuse not to take care of their own responsibilities. We love to help anyone who genuinely seeks the truth and wants a relationship with Jehovah and his son.

We had a local church here who used to put on a weekly social get together where there would be a short Bible topic discussed and refreshments served afterwards…..they called it “Hope Fellowship”, but most people came for the free food with no real interest in God or any intention of changing their ways….and it wasnt long before they began to call it “Hopeless Fellowship” because that is not what Christ taught us to do. True Christianity concentrates on finding those who are seeking God for the right reason, not those with ulterior motives. We soon find out who the “rice Christians” are….(for those who know what that means….)

It is very comforting to belong to such a loving brotherhood who will share what they have with their brothers and sisters. This is genuine Christianity where everyone knows each other and if someone is missing from the meetings, we give them a call to see if they are OK. (John 13:34-35)


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2009
South Florida
United States
That's an interesting question.... would be great to hear some answers.

Churches I had attended for many years went way liberal (gay agenda) so I am not attending them anymore.

After those churches I finally found a (Korean) church that was Bible believing. It was nearly all young people (I'm a white senior citizen). The young pastor did tell the young congregation to let him know if they knew of anyone needing help. But I don't think they knew of anyone.

I told him about a friend from one of my former churches who had mental health issues. He did do some counseling with her and took her grocery shopping once. She was on assistance so didn't need any financial help.
Well, there are many ways to help, not all involving money..
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