Dream About A Camel In The Desert 2

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Following a Camel in the Desert:

This is the second time I have had this dream. The last time was the night before 4/12/24.
The dream began with me looking at a camel standing in the desert, and I wondered where he came from because he was alone. It almost seemed that he was waiting for me.
He walked over to a nearby tree and stood under it for a while out of the full desert sun. Then he began to walk, and I followed him from behind.

He walked across the desert dunes for a long time. It was hot and arid with no vegetation, just orange-coloured sand as far as the eye could see.

We continued to walk till we got to an oasis where there was grass growing, springs of water, and fruit trees. He took me all the way there, and then he seemed to have disappeared. Dream Ended

Angelina 5/12/24 (2 of 3 dreams)
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