Night Walk Experience!

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I was taking my dog for a walk one night and it was dark. Not the normal time to take my dog for a walk but I was late for some reason.
My dog was medium sized and long [lean and not fat] with a long tail, brindle and white, boxer, border collie cross with a touch of foxy [a bitsa]

We were walking in a darker area of town where there were hardly any streetlights. Houses were on one side where my dog and I were walking on a footpath and a small grove of trees were on the other side. I could see a couple of young men coming my way a little further down and I felt a little uncomfortable in my spirit so I prayed for God's protection and that he would keep my dog and I safe.

Not sure if you understand this part but I noticed my dog's gait start to change. Instead of his quick doggy steps, he appeared to be stretching his front legs out further and his movements seemed more exaggerated when his paws hit the ground. The bones of his shoulder blades were visibly moving under his skin where they were not visible before. Very much like a lion. You may know what I am talking about. He appeared to be walking like a lion.

Anyway, we got closer to these two men, they jumped off the footpath and walked on the other side of the road. I heard one of them say to the other, "Did you see that" the other man told him to shush up and keep walking. Amazing! I personally think that they saw me coming toward them with a lion on a leash. (my dog passed away around 2005)

Angelina posted 14/10/2022

similar but light brown in color


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