Revelation Through Prayer!

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One time my friend and I would spend time at my place having coffee, and discussing things about God. I was extremely tired that evening but still had time for my friend and prayer partner.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door and a young lady who ran the youth group from church came with a boy she knew who was not saved. She told me that he needed prayer because there was something dark and sinister following him everywhere, like a dark shadow.

Now I was pretty tired by then but decided I needed to help him so I prayed for him along with my friend. He was happy for us to do so and we waited on the lord.
I had never met this young man before until that very moment.

My prayer went something like this:

[My prayer tend to turn into revelation and sometimes prophesy]

Thank you Father for this young man, please
have your hand upon him as you have always done, in Jesus mighty name.
Thank you that you have been with him all through his life.
You were there when he got in that bad car accident which nearly took his life
and you held his hand when he was thinking of taking his life that fateful day
when everything seemed dark and without hope.
Thank you are with him now.
Please divinely intervene on his behalf, right now, I ask this, in Jesus mighty name! animated-praying-smiley-image-0017.gif

After praying, I opened my eyes and he was staring at me with widened eyes of disbelief. Finally, he said "How did you know I was in an accident?, how did you know that I thinking of killing myself?"

I told him that I didn't know but God knows, he knows all things and he certainly knows your situation right now.
Then I told him things about God which he can testify to because of the prayer. I told him about Jesus and the message of the cross.
He was led to salvation that very minute, became a new creation and his name has been written in the lambs book of life.
That dark shadow disappeared into the shadows from which it had came. When light comes, darkness will disappear. Glory! 459830qyqjkq81to.gif

Angelina 03/05/2022


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