Although the situation here is still hell bad and no signs yet of God answering to help make it not so bad (and me still being trapped not able to fix it myself as every option is blocked by regime/system/elite & others like neighbours & services/tradespeople), I have made some possible biblical historical and prophetic discoveries that may be of interest to you fellow christian/messianic friends/acquaintances/contacts. I don't pretend to be anymuch of a genuine christian due to my bad situation making it difficult to do and not do anything much that bible/God says/wants, and I can't be sure that the possible discoveries are right/true/correct (or that they haven't already been seen/said/shown) but they seem pretty good and if they are possibly right then may be of use for edification/encouragment or ministry/mission.
First just on a previous possible discovery about the 7 Churches of Rev 1-3 and the theory about them being 7 church ages between apostles and present. I discovered that the 7 church cities may also match 7 centres/capitals/cities of the church ages. Ephesus seems to match Jerusalem because Ephesus' historical and biblical details have many analogous similarities with Jerusalem. Smyrna might similarly match Alexandria in nw Egypt. Pergamum might similarly match Rome. Thyatira possibly matches Constantinople/Istanbul/Byzantium in nw Turkey. Sardis I'm not sure but might match the likes of Madrid. Phildelphia seems to match somewhere in the USA like the place there with the same name of Philadaelphia. Laodicea the last/7th pretty sure matches London of Victorian and present because many analogoud similarities including the similar names. I've posted on this at .
Now for the 2 present possible discoveries. Recently I have been looking at Revelation and prophecy a little abit and I found two possible discoveries relating to the White Horseman of Rev 6 and the earth-beast/lamb-dragon/false-prophet of Rev 13.
1. The White Horseman of Rev 6 is often supposed to be bad and to be the "Antichrist" and "conquest", (and the bow he has is often supposed to be "a covenant with Israel confirming its rights to the land of Israel/Palestine",) but I found on the contrary that it may rather/instead match Christianity.
The reasons why I think it may match christianity are:
The White horse(man) of Rev 6 is similar to the Lamb/Word on the White Horse in Revelation 19. Although there are some slight differences like the one in Rev 6 only has 1 crown, and the one in Rev 9 has many.
White often symbolises light, purity, cleanliness, chastity, innocence, sacrifice, lamb, and peace, which are all also linked with Christ/Christianity.
The Pope also wears white and is even called the "White Pope". (Though the pope is not a real true christian.) Christianity was mostly spread by "White" Europeans too.
The WH has a crown which could maybe match Jesus as king of the Jews and king of kings, or match the Kingdom of heaven. (The Pope also wears a tiara crown.) The crown could also relate to the wreath on the Labrarum symbol of Constantine?
The crown is stephanos "victor's crown" which sounds like Christ & Christianity as well as also St Stephen.
The bow the WH has might also point to Christianity, as the bow is a symbol of a covenant like the Old Testament/Covenant & New Testament/Covenant. It might also maybe link with the Popes supposedly having Peter's keys/authority (though the pope is not really a genuine christian or successor of Peter). The bow of the WH might also possibly match the Labrarum P & X symbol of Constantine?
The WH's conquering/conquest could relate to "In this sign conquer" of Constantine. The alternative reading "overcoming" could also parallel Christ's & Messianics'/Christians' overcoming? It is notable that the conquering of the White Horseman doesn't include war (red horse?) but is like peaceful, which again matches "christianity".
Also compare the pope has an orb with a cross on it symbolising "Christian" dominion over the globe (according to the BBC).
The WH of Rev 6 is associated with 1st living creature with face of lion, which could also match Yeshua the Messiah as the Lion of Judah aka "Aslan". Some also correspond the 4 living creatures with 4 gospels/evangelists, which means the WH matches Matthew/Levi "written to Jews", which also supports match of the WH with "Christianity".
The first three horsemen could also match the 3 sons of Noah, with the White one matching Shem, which again supports christianity/messianism. (The red one could match Ham, and the black one Japheth, while the pale one might be world?)
There is nothing bad about the White Horseman despite it being assumed to be bad, except that the "conquering" could be seen as either bad or good or neither/both. Otherwise it is all good: white, overcome/conquer with no war, victor's crown, bow with no arrows.
All the above reasons together make a pretty strong case for the White Horseman of Rev 6 being christianity. The other other possible matches candidates like Napoleon, Antichrist, etc don't seem to have as good quality and quantity matches.
2. The lamb-dragon/earth-beast/false-prophet of Revelation 13 now looks to me like it may be a near-future false Jewish messiah/christ. The reasons for this are:
The lamb-dragon is a beast with 2 lambs horns and speaks like a dragon.
The lamb is Jesus/Messiah, and the dragon is Satan.
Ram/lamb horn would be shofar which might mean he is Jewish?
The 2 horns/shofars could be 2 Messiahs in Judaism (Messiah ben David/Judah and Messiah ben Joseph or Messiah ben Aaron/Levi)?
The lamb-dragon comes from the earth not from the sea like the other first beast of Rev 13.
This is like Adam created from the earth.
It might also match coming from the centre of world (Eden/Jerusalem/Israel)?
The lamb-dragon is also called the false prophet.
The FP is the anti/rival of the Prophet like Moses who John denied being and who is Jesus (Messiah), and who Islam claims is Mohammed.
(The lamb-dragon of Rev 13 is also similar to the Ram in Daniel which was "by the river" which could match Israel by Jordan or Euphrates or Nile.)
All the above reasons together make a pretty strong case for the lamb-dragon of Rev 13 being a fales Jewish Messiah. Other possible matches candidates don't seem to have as good quality and quantity matches.
First just on a previous possible discovery about the 7 Churches of Rev 1-3 and the theory about them being 7 church ages between apostles and present. I discovered that the 7 church cities may also match 7 centres/capitals/cities of the church ages. Ephesus seems to match Jerusalem because Ephesus' historical and biblical details have many analogous similarities with Jerusalem. Smyrna might similarly match Alexandria in nw Egypt. Pergamum might similarly match Rome. Thyatira possibly matches Constantinople/Istanbul/Byzantium in nw Turkey. Sardis I'm not sure but might match the likes of Madrid. Phildelphia seems to match somewhere in the USA like the place there with the same name of Philadaelphia. Laodicea the last/7th pretty sure matches London of Victorian and present because many analogoud similarities including the similar names. I've posted on this at .
Now for the 2 present possible discoveries. Recently I have been looking at Revelation and prophecy a little abit and I found two possible discoveries relating to the White Horseman of Rev 6 and the earth-beast/lamb-dragon/false-prophet of Rev 13.
1. The White Horseman of Rev 6 is often supposed to be bad and to be the "Antichrist" and "conquest", (and the bow he has is often supposed to be "a covenant with Israel confirming its rights to the land of Israel/Palestine",) but I found on the contrary that it may rather/instead match Christianity.
The reasons why I think it may match christianity are:
The White horse(man) of Rev 6 is similar to the Lamb/Word on the White Horse in Revelation 19. Although there are some slight differences like the one in Rev 6 only has 1 crown, and the one in Rev 9 has many.
White often symbolises light, purity, cleanliness, chastity, innocence, sacrifice, lamb, and peace, which are all also linked with Christ/Christianity.
The Pope also wears white and is even called the "White Pope". (Though the pope is not a real true christian.) Christianity was mostly spread by "White" Europeans too.
The WH has a crown which could maybe match Jesus as king of the Jews and king of kings, or match the Kingdom of heaven. (The Pope also wears a tiara crown.) The crown could also relate to the wreath on the Labrarum symbol of Constantine?
The crown is stephanos "victor's crown" which sounds like Christ & Christianity as well as also St Stephen.
The bow the WH has might also point to Christianity, as the bow is a symbol of a covenant like the Old Testament/Covenant & New Testament/Covenant. It might also maybe link with the Popes supposedly having Peter's keys/authority (though the pope is not really a genuine christian or successor of Peter). The bow of the WH might also possibly match the Labrarum P & X symbol of Constantine?
The WH's conquering/conquest could relate to "In this sign conquer" of Constantine. The alternative reading "overcoming" could also parallel Christ's & Messianics'/Christians' overcoming? It is notable that the conquering of the White Horseman doesn't include war (red horse?) but is like peaceful, which again matches "christianity".
Also compare the pope has an orb with a cross on it symbolising "Christian" dominion over the globe (according to the BBC).
The WH of Rev 6 is associated with 1st living creature with face of lion, which could also match Yeshua the Messiah as the Lion of Judah aka "Aslan". Some also correspond the 4 living creatures with 4 gospels/evangelists, which means the WH matches Matthew/Levi "written to Jews", which also supports match of the WH with "Christianity".
The first three horsemen could also match the 3 sons of Noah, with the White one matching Shem, which again supports christianity/messianism. (The red one could match Ham, and the black one Japheth, while the pale one might be world?)
There is nothing bad about the White Horseman despite it being assumed to be bad, except that the "conquering" could be seen as either bad or good or neither/both. Otherwise it is all good: white, overcome/conquer with no war, victor's crown, bow with no arrows.
All the above reasons together make a pretty strong case for the White Horseman of Rev 6 being christianity. The other other possible matches candidates like Napoleon, Antichrist, etc don't seem to have as good quality and quantity matches.
2. The lamb-dragon/earth-beast/false-prophet of Revelation 13 now looks to me like it may be a near-future false Jewish messiah/christ. The reasons for this are:
The lamb-dragon is a beast with 2 lambs horns and speaks like a dragon.
The lamb is Jesus/Messiah, and the dragon is Satan.
Ram/lamb horn would be shofar which might mean he is Jewish?
The 2 horns/shofars could be 2 Messiahs in Judaism (Messiah ben David/Judah and Messiah ben Joseph or Messiah ben Aaron/Levi)?
The lamb-dragon comes from the earth not from the sea like the other first beast of Rev 13.
This is like Adam created from the earth.
It might also match coming from the centre of world (Eden/Jerusalem/Israel)?
The lamb-dragon is also called the false prophet.
The FP is the anti/rival of the Prophet like Moses who John denied being and who is Jesus (Messiah), and who Islam claims is Mohammed.
(The lamb-dragon of Rev 13 is also similar to the Ram in Daniel which was "by the river" which could match Israel by Jordan or Euphrates or Nile.)
All the above reasons together make a pretty strong case for the lamb-dragon of Rev 13 being a fales Jewish Messiah. Other possible matches candidates don't seem to have as good quality and quantity matches.