Scripture Of The Day – January 11, 2022

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Habakkuk 2:2 - "And the LORD answered me: “Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it."

As we spend time in God's presence we come to a place when the Holy Spirit places a vision in our heart that He wants us to follow. Our problem is we don't know how to get fully unstuck from the routines and demands of the present. The cycle of life overtakes us where the Holy Spirit puts a vision in our heart. We wonder if maybe it's not the "right time" to move forward. Invariably we bury our vision AND STAY STUCK. We make our spiritual lives too mechanical. It isn't about pleading, negotiating, praying, and fasting. It's about being clear in your own heart about what dream or vision you want to see manifested.

Habakkuk 2:2 reminds us of the following three steps:

Step #1 - Write The Vision Down.

Don't let "reality" or "false wisdom" rob you of your dreams. There is nothing too out of the box, nothing you can't afford, nothing too unrealistic. When it comes to vision, if it doesn't make you a little apprehensive, it's not God.

Step #2 - Make It Clear

Be specific. You need to stretch yourself to see as much detail as possible! When you do this, you create a sensory radar that picks up on cues and connections that correspond to your destiny.

Step #3 - Run With It

Meditate on it. Bring it with you wherever you go during the day. As you feed it, the vision materializes.

There is nothing more important in your life for all time and eternity than fully answering the call of God.

What is the most recent vision/dream you've had that is calling out to you to take action this week?

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Albert Finch
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2 min read
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