Supernatural Experiences In Everyday Life

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I would hang out with my brothers as a small child. One day we were in a sports field close to a state forest. We lived in a forest village at the time so there were alot of wild horses and cattle that would turn up in that area and we learned to keep away from them as they were not domesticated. One time, my oldest brother (12) decided to chase a herd of wild cattle onto the field and I was standing in their path. My brother did not see me there but when he realized, he tried to get ahead of them without success. All I could do was put my hands over my eyes because it mean't that I didn't have to watch them as they stampeded right over me full speed.
A few seconds later, I took my hands away from my eyes and saw that they had completely changed direction. Glory to God!

I was invited to a party with some friend when I was in my late teens and my friend came up to me to say she was going for a ride with a group of young people and would I like to come. I was about to say yes, when I got this prompting of caution from the Holy Spirt and I said to her that I wasn't going to go with them and suggested that she should not go also because they were going to have an accident but she did and then came back to tell me that the car had flipped and the occupants were in hospital. Praise Jesus, she walked away okay. Thank you Jesus!

I was walking into town one day thinking to stop in at the store to buy some food but realised I had left my wallet at home. So I walked along a footpath close to the shops, then I noticed the small rocks on each side of the footpath. When passing a certain area, I stared at a rock and the Holy Spirit prompted me to lift it up. I was just going to keep walking by but that prompting was strong so lifted one of the rocks and found money under it.
I will always remember that. Made me happy. Thank you Jesus!

Another time, I went to buy some groceries when I realised that I didn't have enough to buy everything I needed so I prayed that the Lord provide. Just then, a car drove past me on the main road. Suddenly [not sure if it came from the car or not] a $20.00 note was caught in the updraught of the speeding car and slapped me in the face... that was real funny! Thank you Jesus!

Sometimes the Holy Spirit reminds me to look down and when I do, there is always money somewhere on the ground. Just recently I picked up a $5.00 walking home from work one day. So far, I have managed to pick up $20.00 and $5.00 notes. Not many $10 notes though....Praise the Lord for his provisions!

I was in a car with some friends [not the driver]. The guy driving was going too fast and we ended up on a grassy verge. We were about to drive back onto the road when suddenly a seriousness came over me which created a slowing down of time as I detected a loud caution from the Holy Spirit. We were going very fast and were about to turn back onto the road when I called out very loudly for the driver to STOP!

He breaked hard. When the car had stopped, we got out and saw, just in front of the car and hidden in the grass, was a railway line. Driving at the speed would have catapulted the car and it's occupants into the air and I am sure we would have been hurt badly, possibly worse...Praise Jesus!

Angelina posted 13/10/2022

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