The White Board: Dream

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I had difficulty in getting to sleep last night and have been having this issue for the past couple of nights. Perhaps it's just the cold weather as we are into winter here or perhaps it's some other thing. Last night I had another quick dream. I saw what appeared to be a white board covered in partly drawn pictures and beginnings of drawings. These pictures were constantly moving and you could see that there were other pictures that had been erased under it and new pictures beginning to form.

eyes 3.jpg

Just as one started to become clear, it would be removed and another would start to be drawn. On the right and the left side of the white board, there were two cartoon like scribbles. They were also constantly moving like little whirlwinds and they monitored the white board as pictures began to form and then disappear.

I think I have an idea what this dream means but I will leave the outcome up to God. Glory!

Angelina 05/06/2024

Whiteboard dream.jpg
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