Unfolding Revelation About Rescuing Someone From The Sea. (Open Vision).

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Rescue From The Sea

I had a revelation in the form of an open vision today. In this vision, I saw a man in the water from the boat I was in, so I threw him a life line and held on to the other end, thinking that he would climb out and into the boat, but he was not ready to pull himself up. He stayed there for some time because he didn't mind being in the water, but knew he had to come out at some stage. He tied the rope around his waist, enjoying my company as I tried to coax him into the boat, but he really wanted to save himself, (by building his own boat while still in the water) although he liked our verbal exchanges as it gave him a sense of hope. Then another woman on a different boat, saw him in the water and she also threw him a line holding the rope steady for him to climb into the boat she was in.

He spent a lot of time talking with this woman and he grew to like their exchanges also. When I realised that he already had another rescuer, I felt compelled to let go of my rope so that he would eventually make the right decision about being rescued.

Angelina 26/12/2024
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