Weapon of Choice

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Come forward and get your teeth smoked, word
Come forward and get your teeth smoked, word
Come forward and get your teeth smoked, word
Come forward and get your
Come forward and get your
Come forward and get your
Come forward and get your
Come forward and get your
Don't be shocked by tone of my voice
Check out my new weapon, weapon of choice
Don't be shocked by tone of my voice
Check out my new weapon, weapon of choice yeah
Listen to the sound of my voice
You can check it on out, it's the weapon of choice yeah
Don't be shocked by tone of my voice (aah...)
It's the new weapon, the weapon of choice yeah
You can blow wit' this
Or you can blow wit' that
You can blow wit' this
Or you can blow wit' that
You can blow wit' this
Or you can blow wit' that
Or you can blow wit' us
You can blow wit' this
Or you can blow wit' that
You can blow wit' this
Or you can blow wit' that
You can blow wit'...
Walk without rhythm, it won't attract the worm
Walk without rhythm, and it won't attract the worm
Walk without rhythm, and it won't attract the worm
if you walk without rhythm, huh, you'll never learn
Don't be shocked by the tone of my voice
Check out my new weapon, weapon of choice
Don't be shocked by the tone of my voice
Check out my new weapon, weapon of choice
Be carefull, we don't know them
Be carefull, we don't know them
Be carefull, we don't know them
You can blow wit' this
Or you can blow wit' that
You can blow wit' this
Or you can blow wit' that
You can blow wit' this
Or you can blow wit' that
Or you can blow wit' us
You can blow wit' this
Or you can blow wit' that
You can blow wit' this
Or you can blow wit' that
You can blow wit'...
Organically grown
Through the hemisphere I roam
To make love to the angels of life, yeah
and my girl .....
I guess you just don't understand
It's gone beyond being a man
As I drift off into the night
I'm in flight
She's a boy's scoundral gal
But I'm gonna hold my cool
Cause the music rules
Yeah, so move on baby, yeah
Halfway between the gutter and the stars
Halfway between the gutter and the stars
You can blow wit' this
Or you can blow wit' that
You can blow wit' this
Or you can blow wit' that
You can blow wit' this
Or you can blow wit' that
Or you can blow wit' us
You can blow wit' this
Or you can blow wit' that
You can blow wit' this
Or you can blow wit' that
You can blow wit'...
Source: LyricFind

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2 min read
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