Weekly Gym Workout 2024 And Into 2025

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This is something I haven't attempted to do, mostly because I am still unfamiliar with some of the names given to certain sets of gym exercises but I feel it's time to write out my progam I do at the gym. I normally go four times a week. The first of the week I will work on exercises relating to my arms or the top half of my body, the next day it's legs. On both days I will also throw in some form of cardio and glute exercises, then I have a days break. After that, it repeats until the last day of the week (Friday) Then I beginning the same routine starting on Monday and this has been repeated for the past 10 months since I joined our local gym. Before going, I normally do some pre-warm up exercises.

This Is My Workout Routine At The Gym:

Day 1: Arms
Seated dumbell good morning x50
Seated Shoulder Press x50--One arm Arnold shoulder press 50x2
Single arm bent over row 50 x2--Single arm bent over row tricep extentions 50x2
Low cable tricep curls x50--Raised down cable tricep extention x50
Cable cross over x20--Cable chest flys x20
Cable punches 10x2--Standard lat pulldowns x20
Wipe grip lateral pulldowns x20--Close grip lateral pull downs x20
Seated barbell curls x 50--Rowing Machine 10 minutes
Floor kettle bell pull overs x40--Floor bridges with a 20kg bag x40

Day 2: Legs
Raised, low cable single hamstring curls 10x2
Hip abducter 45 degree behind 10x2
Cable Hip abducters 10x2 Donkey kicks 10x2

Dead lifts x20 Seated dumbell good morning x50
Basic leg presses x10 on an isolateral leg press machine
Single leg narrow presses x10 Single leg wide stance presses x10
Single leg high presses x10 Single leg low presses x 10
Leg press toe raises x20 Basic leg presses on one iso pedal 10x2
leg extentions x50 Leg extention pull ups x50
Assault bike (without arms) 10mins
Cross trainer (without arms)10mins
Seated hip reduction x50 Seated Banded heel raises x50
Floor kettle bell pull overs x40 Floor bridges with a 20kg bag x40

3 John 1:2 2 Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, as it goes well with your soul.

Angelina 28/12/2024

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