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  • I will be in Melbourne for 12 days in December with my wife for a wedding...
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    Reactions: Brakelite
    Hope you strike good weather. Have you been here before?
    Carl Emerson
    Carl Emerson
    My wife's sister is in Kangaroo Ground - we will stay there. I have never been, but she was in Melbourne from 7 to 17 years of age.

    Are you up for a chat on a video call ?
    Yeah, I'm up for a video call. I don't live far, in Australian terms, from kangaroo ground. I pass through there whenever I go to the airport, and my school bus run ends in Warrendyte, which neighbours Kangaroo ground.
    Thanks for the rating, i appreciate it.

    Best wishes to you and yours, my cousin.
    It doesn't matter if you are right or wrong, choosing one is better than procrastinating or being indecisive. The road of life is paved with flat possums who couldn't make a decision.
    Sports lovers , money loers , lovers of this world aint gonna make it my friend .
    The love of cares and pleasures in life , pride of life , etc IS NOT OF GOD .
    But one thing most fear , IS the homosexual movement . Fear it not my friend .
    Fear not to correct it within the church either . Correct any and all error within the church .
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    Reactions: Marvelloustime
    The LGBT mob are an easy target, and one of the more obvious and extreme examples of worldliness. I think there are far more dangerous, at least for the Christian, avenues whereby genuine Christians can be deceived and led astray. Less obvious. More subtle.
    Like entertainment. Even some "good" Christian entertainment, like "Christian" movies and "Christian" music. Even Christian music that is played in the sanctuary. And what about sport? How many of us think more, talk more about, and support more financially our favorite sport team over and above Christian missions and the work of God in our neighborhood?
    Anything, anything that has our attention, our loyalty, our time, our interest, our LOVE, more than God, has become an idol. That would include even our own spouse. EVEN OUR CHURCHES. Our cars and houses. Our hobbies. If Jesus isn't our all in all, we are in danger of being lost.
    KJV Hebrews 5:9
    9 And being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him.
    Is the obligation to obedience to God one of the least common topics of conversation in the Christian world?
    "We have nothing to fear for the future, except as we shall forget the way the Lord has led us, and His teaching in our past history.”
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    Reactions: BarneyFife
    Fear knocked at the door..............
    Faith answered................
    And there was NO one there !

    A PREACHER in revival many years ago said this and it has resonated in my heart since then........
    Perfect love cast out fear.
    I'm back!!! After a couple years in the wilderness operating under pseudonym, "backlit", I am now reinstated to my original persona.
    Who is the little one in your PP and what costume is she wearing? It is not Maori...so is it Tongan? Samoan? Tokolau?
    It's pretty amazing how birds have the ability to turn their heads upside down like that.
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    Reactions: Brakelite
    So Josh. Looking forward to the cricket tomorrow night. Gonna be a late night though. Oz must be favourites.
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    Reactions: Josho
    Too ez ;-)
    I think it's based on a belly spotted eagle owl native to Asia. The cross eyes and lady bug may not necessarily be original lol.
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    Reactions: Josho
    Oh wow haha, I did not know that there was a lady bug on it. I thought it may have been a part of the owl. :p
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