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I am 71 and my beautiful wife is 68. Between us, we have 6 children, 12 grandchildren and 5 great grandchildren. We have been blessed with adopting Jack, our youngest grandson, who is is 11.

As well, because God saw I had too much free time on my hands, lol, He allowed us to adopt Gavin, our youngest great grandson, who is four. We have raised both from when they were new born.

I was saved by a true miracle in 1971 and been a follower of the Lord for 49 years.
Region / City
Maryville, Tn.
United States
Personal Statement of Faith
I believe that Jesus came from Heaven and lived a perfect life, and was crucified, dying as a sacrifice for the sins of men. Those who believe on Him and His atoning blood will be saved and spend eternity in Heaven with Him.
Landscape designer/ deck builder




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    Can't Get Enough of Your Stuff

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    Keeps Coming Back

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    I Like It a Lot

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