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  • Sure is a bright avatar . No wonder Calvin is wearing sunglasses. Reformed theology is so bright you got to wear shades lol .
    Day 5 of my Daily Reflections had been posted under this sites blogs! Feel free to check it out!
    Hey brother, not sure if you have seen this video yet or not, but it's good! Thought you would enjoy it. I attached a link for it down below, it's just under 5 min. long
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    Reactions: Mjh29
    I understand what you are trying to say, but again, you can refer to Calvinism in calling it Calvinism without calling yourself a Calvinist.
    But... I adhere to the doctrines of Calvinism? What you are saying than is that I should say I am a "Calvinism believer?"
    If that is how you see it leads to, then stop referring to Calvinism and just refer to what Calvin saw in the scriptures and thus refer to Christ & His words. Calvin did not get any teachings unless it was from His words anyway, and thus they are His teachings; not Calvin's. That is to say, if nothing in scripture opposes what Calvin had taught.
    Hey everyone! I would just like to make known that I have opened up voting for my next book on my blog Book Reviews Discussion Forum
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