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  • I cannot reply to any of your posts.
    Is that because you have me on ignor? There are others... the same thing, and just wondering
    Hi Rella
    How strange, no I don’t have you on ignore. It’s not something I really do because I am a moderator, but I would have no reason to put you on ignore anyway xx
    Has it only just started happening ?
    I can respond to your posts okay @lforrest or @Angelina - got any idea why Rella may not be able to respond to my posts ?
    Perhaps it is a browser issue as Rella has no special permissions that would make her different than other members.
    Precious Rita, I apologize for my error of posting about the 'Trinity' - the ruling slipped my mind as I was
    Very Excited about Resurrection Sunday. Thanks for 'locking the thread'.

    God Bless.
    Hi Rita, I was just wondering, I wrote an ebook a few years back, "God Tales, An Anthology" it has faith-based short stories, and poems. I am one of those "wannabe" authors that never get their book off the ground. I used to sell it for a few bucks or pocket change, but I usually just send it out. If you want a free copy, just send me your email address.
    Thank you for closing that thread.
    Seems like every so often I really hit a stinger and I see trouble on the horizon.
    Bless your evening with rest & peace.
    Hi @Rita; so did it cool down at all over there? here it's not too bad......
    It’s been raining all day, so it is much cooler. They still have hosepipe bans ect in certain places, I believe one starts in London today x
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    @Rita Hoping it cools down over there; it's been hot here also, but here air conditioning is very widespread also........
    Yes we do not have air conditioning in our homes, I am working in a hot laundry at work right now. Only have a fan to cool me down x
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    Reactions: farouk
    Sounds like it gets pretty hot sometimes.......
    I will keep you in my prayers. Covid isn't fun. It hasn't been a nice two weeks for me.
    Awww sorry sisters
    A number of my work colleagues have also tested positive today as well.
    Praying for you Rita. Keep well and be blessed dear sis xox
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    Thank you, the care home is really stretched as quite a few people are off with it now and we were already short staffed
    Wow! that's really tough! I know how that is. I have been working with another nurse in a Hospital, resthome, dementia unit all on our own because there is noneto cover the extra staff losses and that's not due to Covid 19 but folks just don't want to get the injection etc....
    Oh dear, tested positive on my lateral flow test ……no work for me today. Got to wait for my main test result.
    Hi @Rta; did you see that @Mayflower has started a thread on Proverbs, your favourite? :)
    Yes, I have had a difficult week with a tooth infection that is proving hard to get rid off.
    Sorry about your health issue; hoping you will cope okay...
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    Hi @Rita I see you got the vaccine. I too just got the second dose. Hope you and yours are doing well. Blessings.
    I had mine months ago, everyone is not too bad. My youngest is recovering from surgery on his upper arm. He went through a glass panel door at home. It’s going to take a year for the nerve he severed to grow back and bring feelings back to part of his right hand. He has to wear a splint until it mends. So it’s challenging as he is right handed !
    Wow; he was mercifully preserved, it seems. Let's hope the experience helps him in some way to think about spiritual things.
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    Glad you are okay...
    Hey Rita, you wouldn't be the Rita from Valley Hearts?
    No, sorry , I don’t know what valley hearts is …
    Hi, Rita; I agree with your ref. just now about the relevance of Ephesians 6. Being outside the US it's hard to get really worked up with their election candidate issues. I like @Heart2Soul 's repeated emphasis in her posts on the Armour of God, as per Ephesians 6.
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