Here is why, as an Adventist, I believe America is in Trouble.

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Dave Watchman

Active Member
May 14, 2017
United States
How is it that the intents of the founding fathers have been so roundly rejected and ignored?

"Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers:​




"Nor the desire of women:​


You know that the Dragon chased the "woman", the Christian Church, during the Foxe Book days of the middle ages. So the desire of women is the desire of the Christian Churches, which is Christ.

"Nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all:​



This is all baked in the cake from the beginning.

Because of the signs he is given the power to do.

Who do you think gives him the power?

Only One has that power to give.

Peaceful Sabbath.

The Light

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2022
United States
United States
"Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers:​




"Nor the desire of women:​

You know that the Dragon chased the "woman", the Christian Church, during the Foxe Book days of the middle ages. So the desire of women is the desire of the Christian Churches, which is Christ.

"Nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all:​


Your premise is incorrect. The Christian Church is not the woman. The nation of Israel is the woman and the seed of the woman is the 12 tribes across the earth. The Christian Church will already be in heaven before the 70th week of Daniel begins.

Not regarding the God of his fathers will likely mean he is a Muslim and not having the desire for women will mean he is gay.

You should be looking for a gay Muslim who is a former king of the north. He is an antichrist.


Dave Watchman

Active Member
May 14, 2017
United States
Your premise is incorrect. The Christian Church is not the woman. The nation of Israel is the woman and the seed of the woman is the 12 tribes across the earth. The Christian Church will already be in heaven before the 70th week of Daniel begins.

I put Christian Church because I thought it easiest to understand.

Think Bride of Christ.

It really is God's true People, and He has sheep in many folds.

The "woman' gave birth to the man child Jesus. How did the Church give birth to Jesus, didn't Jesus come before the Church?

Necessity is the mother of invention. God's faithful people from Adam to now are in dire need of a Saviour. The woman, God's faithful People, gave birth to the Man Child, Christ.

And when the Dragon saw that he could not get the Man Child, he chased the Woman through the Foxe Book Days of the middle ages.

Ask Anna Charboniere during her Piedmont Easter:


Her blood cries out from beneath the alter.

"They cried out with a loud voice, “O Sovereign Lord, holy and true, how long before you will judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell on the earth?” Then they were each given a white robe and told to rest a little longer, until the number of their fellow servants and their brothers should be complete, who were to be killed as they themselves had been.​

Not regarding the God of his fathers will likely mean he is a Muslim and not having the desire for women will mean he is gay.

This "man of sin" can't have sex with human women.

Is this the "man" that made the nations tremble?

You should be looking for a gay Muslim who is a former king of the north. He is an antichrist.


King of the north, the Assyrian, is symbolic language for King of destruction, the son of perdition.

And just then Satan entered into him.

Destruction always comes from the north.

It's the same concept as the drying up of the great river Euphrates.

The Euphrates river was a large natural obstacle preventing invading armies from the north coming down into Israel. When this river symbolically dries up, the green light is given for the Kings from the East to bring Divine destruction.

Like the angel ascending from the east bringing the seal of God, and the lightning of Jesus coming from the east to the west, the Kings from the East are heavenly Visitors. God the Father, and Jesus:

"They called to the mountains and the rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb!​

( I wouldn't be waiting for Hal Lindsey's Asian army to be coming through the Euphrates Riverbed. LOL)

But Divine Destroyers came from the north.

Nebuchadnezzar came down from the north and wiped out Jerusalem.

"For I am bringing disaster from the north, even terrible destruction." ... Set up the banner in Zion: come together, do not delay: for I bring evil from the north wind, ...

"Then the LORD said, "This means destruction will break out from the north on all ... cry, O city; Melt away, O Philistia, all of you; For smoke comes from the north, ...

"Egypt is like a very fair heifer, but destruction cometh; it cometh out of the north.

"Then the LORD said to me, "Out of the north the evil will break forth on all the inhabitants of the land.
And notice during a time of restoration God removes the northerner:

“I will remove the northerner far from you, and drive him into a parched and desolate land, his vanguard into the eastern sea,
I think a bunch of the things that the prophecy expositors are having us watch for, have already just happened, and are happening now.

Peaceful Sabbath.

Dave Watchman

Active Member
May 14, 2017
United States
"Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers:​




"Nor the desire of women:​


You know that the Dragon chased the "woman", the Christian Church, during the Foxe Book days of the middle ages. So the desire of women is the desire of the Christian Churches, which is Christ.

"Nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all:​



This is all baked in the cake from the beginning.

Because of the signs he is given the power to do.

Who do you think gives him the power?

Only One has that power to give.

Peaceful Sabbath.

The Declaration of Independence is perhaps the most widely
known and influential political document in the history of the world.
Now more than two hundred years since the Declaration was adopted
by the Continental Congress on 4 july 1776, the document continues to
evoke controversy as to its meaning.

Among the most provocative questions about the Declaration concern its religious dimensions.
Does it create a religious state, or a secular state? If a religious state,
did the Congress intend that the nation be specifically Christian?

Here are the four times the Declaration of Independence mentions God:

1. The Laws of Nature and Nature’s God…
The very opening of the Declaration features a reference to God (emphasis added):

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

2. Endowed by their Creator…
The second reference to God is perhaps better known:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

3. The Supreme Judge of the world…
The Declaration further emphasizes the Creator’s authority:

We, therefore, the Representatives of the United States of America, in General Congress Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by the Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States;

4. The protection of divine Providence…
Finally, the Declaration declares the least deist idea ever:

And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.

"Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers:



It can be easily shown that the United States is in fact the "earth" from Revelation 12 which helped the "woman" after the Christian persecution came to an end when the dark ages of Europe were over.

So it is the same "earth" that the second beast has risen from in the next chapter Revelation 13. He is the Antichrist. He has two horns like a Lamb, two visitations like Jesus, but he speaks like a dragon because he IS the Dragon.

And the Dragon stood on the sands of the sea.

And just then Satan entered into him:


Peaceful Sabbath.
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The Light

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2022
United States
United States
I put Christian Church because I thought it easiest to understand.

Think Bride of Christ.

It really is God's true People, and He has sheep in many folds.

The "woman' gave birth to the man child Jesus. How did the Church give birth to Jesus, didn't Jesus come before the Church?

Necessity is the mother of invention. God's faithful people from Adam to now are in dire need of a Saviour. The woman, God's faithful People, gave birth to the Man Child, Christ.

Again. The woman is the nation of Israel. Those that flee to a place of protection.
And when the Dragon saw that he could not get the Man Child, he chased the Woman through the Foxe Book Days of the middle ages.

Ask Anna Charboniere during her Piedmont Easter:

Her blood cries out from beneath the alter.

"They cried out with a loud voice, “O Sovereign Lord, holy and true, how long before you will judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell on the earth?” Then they were each given a white robe and told to rest a little longer, until the number of their fellow servants and their brothers should be complete, who were to be killed as they themselves had been.​

No brother. This is talking about the woman that flees to the place of protection in the last days. Has nothing to do with history. Those that cry out are those that are killed during the 70th week of Daniel

This "man of sin" can't have sex with human women.

Is this the "man" that made the nations tremble?

King of the north, the Assyrian, is symbolic language for King of destruction, the son of perdition.

And just then Satan entered into him.

Destruction always comes from the north.

It's the same concept as the drying up of the great river Euphrates.

The Euphrates river was a large natural obstacle preventing invading armies from the north coming down into Israel. When this river symbolically dries up, the green light is given for the Kings from the East to bring Divine destruction.

Like the angel ascending from the east bringing the seal of God, and the lightning of Jesus coming from the east to the west, the Kings from the East are heavenly Visitors. God the Father, and Jesus:

"They called to the mountains and the rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb!​

( I wouldn't be waiting for Hal Lindsey's Asian army to be coming through the Euphrates Riverbed. LOL)

But Divine Destroyers came from the north.

Nebuchadnezzar came down from the north and wiped out Jerusalem.

"For I am bringing disaster from the north, even terrible destruction." ... Set up the banner in Zion: come together, do not delay: for I bring evil from the north wind, ...

"Then the LORD said, "This means destruction will break out from the north on all ... cry, O city; Melt away, O Philistia, all of you; For smoke comes from the north, ...

"Egypt is like a very fair heifer, but destruction cometh; it cometh out of the north.

"Then the LORD said to me, "Out of the north the evil will break forth on all the inhabitants of the land.
And notice during a time of restoration God removes the northerner:

“I will remove the northerner far from you, and drive him into a parched and desolate land, his vanguard into the eastern sea,
I think a bunch of the things that the prophecy expositors are having us watch for, have already just happened, and are happening now.

Peaceful Sabbath.

The king of the north is not the Assyrian. There is more than one false Christ. The king of the North is "AN" Antichrist. He is not "THE" Antichrist.

These are two completely different people.

There are two beasts. The beast of the sea and the beast of the earth. The beast of the sea is THE Antichrist. The beast of the earth is AN Antichrist.

The king of the north is the rider on the white horse, when the 1st seal is opened during the 70th week of Daniel. He is given the stephanos crown.

Rev 6
2 And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.

The Antichrist on the other hand was and is not. He is the eighth king who is of the seven. The Bible is very clear who the Antichrist is.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2019
Central PA
United States
You will do anything to change the subject from the bible NOT saying the mark is Sunday worship. The antichrist isn't going to care about the Sabbath or worship on Sundays. That's all SDA fiction. It does not come from the bible. The mark is only about being able to buy and sell. That's what the bible says in Revelation 13.

The mark is not about economics—it is about worship, which is urged by economic distress and, eventually, the threat of death. The Bible would not say plainly that Sunday worship is the mark of the beast because it would make wise the unrepentant wicked (Matthew 13:13-14, Isaiah 6:9, Matthew 13:35, Psalms 78:2,).


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2019
Central PA
United States
Which isn't what scripture does with the mark and seal. They are separated, and never mentioned in the same chapter. "antitype" would be a better word.

There were no chapter divisions in the original text. :)


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2015
United States
The scripture does not say the mark is a fiscal arrangement.

It does say those who have the mark may buy and sell. Nothing is said about the mark being given for worship.

What is going on is that a positive fiscal arrangement is granted as reward and inducement for those who accept the mark.

The bible says nothing about that. That has come from someone outside of the bible, inserting it where it doesn't belong.

God is not threatening the most dire judgement against men for making a social credit arrangement.
The mark is about loyalty... Authority... Faithfulness to God's calling... And obedience. The permission or restriction regarding buying and selling is merely the inducement being used to motivate compliance. Think about it.
Worship is mentioned? Are we reading the same chapter? Think about the context of chapter 12 and 14. The entire tenet of scripture and prophecy throughout those 3 chapters is about who mankind is loyal to... The beast or God. The Antichrist or Christ. The dragon or Jesus.
Who is to be worshipped? God... Or man?
Who is to be obeyed? God... Or man? Whose mark or seal are we to receive on our foreheads... The seal of God or the mark of the beast? There's only room for one.

And even from you not one single word about the mark having anything to do with Sunday worship or the Sabbath being illegal. Wise choice since none of that is scriptural.

Dave Watchman

Active Member
May 14, 2017
United States
The beast of the sea is THE Antichrist.

I promise you brother I know this one. The beast that rises from the sea is not the Antichrist. This first beast is a conglomerate of parts, a composite beast made up of 7 heads and ten horns, feet like a bear, mouth like a lion fast as a leopard. It amounts to church and state. This is the thing that the Dragon works through, giving it his power and great authority.

In the middle ages it's crowns, or authority, was with the church. The King of England had to ask the Pope if he could get divorced.

Now the crowns have switched to the government making the religions rules.

The king of the north is the rider on the white horse, when the 1st seal is opened during the 70th week of Daniel. He is given the stephanos crown.

Rev 6
2 And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.

The Antichrist on the other hand was and is not. He is the eighth king who is of the seven. The Bible is very clear who the Antichrist is.

Rule #1 in understanding Bible Prophecy:

1) Never put the Bad Guy in the spot where Jesus belongs.

Daniel 9 and Revelation 6.

The first seal was opened during the reformation. It was the Gospel message that salvation came through faith in Jesus, and not what the church told us to do.

I'd be more worried if I'm right about this:

"Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers:​




"Nor the desire of women:​


You know that the Dragon chased the "woman", the Christian Church, during the Foxe Book days of the middle ages. So the desire of women is the desire of the Christian Churches, which is Christ.

"Nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all:​



This is all baked in the cake from the beginning.

Because of the signs he is given the power to do.

Who do you think gives him the power?

Only One has that power to give.

Peaceful Sabbath.

Because the next verses says:

The God of forces.

A strange god.

And a god whom his fathers knew not

"But in his estate shall he honour the God of forces: and a god whom his fathers knew not​


shall he honour with gold, and silver, and with precious stones, and pleasant things. Thus shall he do in the most strong holds with a strange god, whom he shall acknowledge and increase with glory.​

The God of forces.

A strange god.

And a god whom his fathers knew not



Nuclear Explosion |


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2015
United States
The first seal was opened during the reformation.

According to Revelation, all the seals were opened at a time when Christ showed up in heaven as a slain lamb. That's clearly when he ascended and that places all the seals being opened in the 1st century, in the same literal hour.


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
According to Revelation, all the seals were opened at a time when Christ showed up in heaven as a slain lamb. That's clearly when he ascended and that places all the seals being opened in the 1st century, in the same literal hour.
Making literal that which is metaphorical/symbolic ensures an interpretation waaaayyyyy off the intention

example.....hearing a joke and hoping to get it by interpreting the words literally, ensures you never get it.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2015
United States
Making literal that which is metaphorical/symbolic ensures an interpretation waaaayyyyy off the intention

example.....hearing a joke and hoping to get it by interpreting the words literally, ensures you never get it.

Never learned that swords have two edges?

Making metaphorical/symbolic that which is literal ensures an interpretation WAY off the intention

Example.....hearing a joke and hoping to get it by interpreting the words symbolically, ensures you never get it.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
The mark of the beast is not Sunday worship. That is not from the bible which should make you concerned but it doesn't. Stop believing the doctrines of men and stick to the bible only!
Says he who rejects the 7th day Sabbath as written in the 4th commandment in favor of man's tradition.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
7th Day Adventism's Founder (Ellen G. White) The False Prophetess, In 2,000 Self Proclaimed Dreams And Visions, A Lie!
Ellen White wasn't the founder of Seventh Day Adventism. Jesus was. Seventh Day Adventism began in the garden of Eden when Jesus the Creator gave Adam and Eve a day for rest and a promise of redemption in His coming.


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2015
United States
Ellen White wasn't the founder of Seventh Day Adventism.

She founded the SDA denomination.

Jesus was. Seventh Day Adventism began in the garden of Eden when Jesus the Creator gave Adam and Eve a day for rest and a promise of redemption in His coming.

This isn't biblical. Nothing in the text states the day of rest was for anyone other than God. Man wasn't even told about the Sabbath until they escaped Egypt.


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2015
United States
Says he who rejects the 7th day Sabbath as written in the 4th commandment in favor of man's tradition.

The NT Sabbath is not a man's tradition. It is the true and current, and eternal Sabbath. It is no longer about resting on a day of the week.