300 Words or Less!

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Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Jan 27, 2021
North Carolina
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Well-Known Member
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Jan 27, 2021
North Carolina
United States
The cursor blinked as Keela struggled to type. An ungodly amount of tabs were open. Manicured nails clicked against a pumpkin spice Latte mug.

October's blog post might take longer than she thought. Like most things of hers, the words should have come easy. Unlike the typical avocado toast eating competition, she had something to say. What, she didn't know.

The mug steamed. Scented candles and lamps glowed warmly. Soothing jazz filled the airwaves, drowning out city sounds. Orange leaves fell against brick and concrete. The sun was disappearing like a tiny death. Her eyes fell.

The black screen inside the glittered phone case lit up with a message:

Be unknown and Follow Me.

The laptop screen was replaced by a huge crowd of masked people with cameras flashing and a familiar little girl. The girl was in her favorite place: a spot by a lush garden under the wings of a tall angelic statue. Her secret place, she always called it.

The girl held out her muddy arms, beckoning her to come. In her face was a joy she had long lost. The invitation seemed both impossible to accept and turn down at once. The masks had wounded her. The insecurities all had forgotten names but were alive and well. However, when the spotlight was on, she too could pretend she was living.

But the mud pie the little girl was making for no other reason than to please herself suddenly looked so good that she began to cry with longing for something intangible. Something fell off her face and thudded. She followed the girl to the secret place under the wings. It was just the two of them.

Waking up with a start, she checked her phone. There had never been any new messages.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2017
United States
They say time heals all wounds. “What are you even doing in here?” her father asked. “All you do is cause trouble,” he said referring to the drunk that hit on her at the bar, resulting in his having to kick him—a paying customer—out of their barbecue joint. “It is your fault” went unspoken, but it didn’t need to be spoken, being right there in “All you do is cause trouble.” There it was the message, the one she sensed all along in every word, every look, every frown of disapproval from her father, to which, within her thoughts her response was always the same, “where else am I supposed to go?”
Things were different way back then; inside toilets and television were the new rage, moonshine was still a decent way to make extra cash, the introduction of cars with a rumble seat… and “Mush-Rat-Slide” called so because of its muddy street and neglected homes. Mush-Rat-Slide was her home. The muddy street where she dreams of a mother home at night to tuck her. Where she dreams of coming home from the barbecue joint before the am hours to prepare for school the best day. A place where men didn’t get drunk and flirt with young children, or where a father would never ask, “what are you doing here? You always cause trouble.”

Mush-Rat-Slide is long gone, along with her father and mother. Oh, she still lives over at Mush-Rat-Slide but the name has been healed; being replaced by a paved street and newly built homes. “Nothing looks the same.” She says riding shot-gun through, as if seeing it all anew “everything has changed.”

Except for one thing, that doesn’t change, “Why are you even here? All you do is cause trouble.” Three failed marriages later, one bent spine from the physical abuse, a body worn out from the wear and tear of it all, even a mind failing with long age…time has not healed this one thing: “what are you doing here? All you do is cause trouble.” It circulates, repeats, circulates, repeats…around and around in the slow passing, dragging of time. With every tick, every tock in the quiet passing of the clock…

They say time heals all wounds. But they also say that it takes a thousand words of approval, to cover up one ill word of disapproval. Yesterday she said “I talk to the good Lord all the time, but He doesn’t listen to me.”

My first thought was she meant that God doesn’t give her what she wants. But then it hit me, that maybe, what she meant was that same message on repeat “what are you doing here? All you do is cause trouble.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2022
Plymouth UK
United Kingdom
Here's a little story i've woven around an incident involving a woman we'll call Jessica in Mark chapter 5..:)


Jessica had a good life in ancient Israel, she grew into a fine young woman, got married and had children, and was kind and friendly to all.
Like everyone else, she knew the story of the young carpenter from Nazareth who the snooty priests had killed years before when she was just a little girl, and she often used to sit and think about him and wished she'd seen him.
The years passed, and grey hairs began to appear. Her dear father died of old age, and then her mother became gravely ill. As she sat at her bedside holding her hand and talking to her, their conversation turned to years gone by.
"Mum" she said, "you were a young woman when Jesus was alive, and i just wonder if you ever saw him?"
Her mother looked up into her eyes and said with a gentle smile:- "Well yes, as a matter of fact he came to our town one day when you were just a little girl, but you wouldn't remember because you were...very ill.."
"Wow mum!" replied Jessica "and did you manage to catch a glimpse of him among all the crowds?"
"Yes i did, in fact he came down our very street!" replied her mother.
"Really?" asked Jessica in wide-eyed astonishment.
"Yes darling" answered her mother, "and as a matter of fact your dad ran out to him and asked him to come into our house"
Hearing this, Jessica's jaw dropped in amazement.
"Oh mum, thats fantastic!..I wish i hadn't been ill or i'd have remembered it, and i could have held his hand and talked to him!"
"Darling" replied her mother tenderly, "I've never told you this before, but when he came in he held your hand and he spoke to you!"
"Wow thats absolutely incredible mum!" said Jessica in delight, "And what did he say to me?"
Her mother looked into her beloved daughters eyes and replied:- "He said to you softly and gently 'Get up little girl'.."
"Ooh and what happened then mum?"
"You came back to life darling" answered her mum, "he brought you back to us.."



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Encounter Team
Apr 9, 2019
United Kingdom
She hugged her cardigan close to her slim body as she watched the headlights disappear from the driveway and turn left into the rush hour traffic. She uttered a deep contented sigh and stooped to pick up the little cat twining around her ankles.

They had all gone, every last one of them and relief flooded her as she turned to go back into the warm house. Placing the cat gently down on the floor she locked her front door and headed to the kitchen where she put on the kettle and opened a packet of Mimi's favourite chunks, tipping them into the cat's bowl and replenishing her water.

The kettle boiled. She collected her favourite mug from the draining board and popped in a tea bag, pouring on the hot water and giving it a stir. Her kitchen table was littered with the detritus of the afternoon, so rather than make an effort to prepare an evening meal for herself she filled a plate with some of the left-over food.

Turning out the kitchen lights she carried her cup and plate into the sitting room where it was warm and cosy. She dropped wearily into her favourite place on the sofa and sipped her drink. Mimi jumped up beside her and padded the cushion until it was just right and then lay down with a soft purr.

Meg reached out and stroked the soft fur. Breathing deeply, she spoke, “Well, we are on our own now Mimi” and closed her tired eyes and let the tears flow at last.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2011
United States
From the darkness I was caught up in the spirit above the earth.

A great sea of people tossed before a frozen wall of ice reaching up into the heavens which I began to beat upon with my fists. Large chunks of the ice began to fall and a massive door opened before me. Through the door was a narrow stairway leading up into the sky, at the top was my father.

I then found myself on the stairway in the midst looking back at the doorway. In through the door came babies, infants, wrapped in white linen blankets the way mothers wrap their newborn children. I reached out and took the first and pasted it up to my father's open arms, then reached for another and another and another, and did the same until I lost count.

Then like a shot--I was back in the darkness in a cold sweat. But the Lord had spoken, and I heard Him.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2022
United States
I would like to invite everyone to try their hand at writing a mini story or micro story.

It could even be less than ten words. I once read one that went something like this:

Baby Shoes. For Sale. Never Worn.

Would love to see what we come up with!! Am tagging some folks

@LadyofFireandLace @shortangel @amigo de christo @Marvelloustime @devin553344 @L3astAm0ngManyB13ss3d @Lambano @MatthewG @Nancy @Ferris Bueller @Angelina @Karl Peters
@stunnedbygrace @Enoch111

Oh, that's a sad story.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2022
United States
I would like to invite everyone to try their hand at writing a mini story or micro story.

It could even be less than ten words. I once read one that went something like this:

Baby Shoes. For Sale. Never Worn.

Would love to see what we come up with!! Am tagging some folks

@LadyofFireandLace @shortangel @amigo de christo @Marvelloustime @devin553344 @L3astAm0ngManyB13ss3d @Lambano @MatthewG @Nancy @Ferris Bueller @Angelina @Karl Peters
@stunnedbygrace @Enoch111

Oh, that's a sad story.


Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Jan 27, 2021
North Carolina
United States
She hugged her cardigan close to her slim body as the watch the headlights disappear from the driveway and turn left into the rush hour traffic. She uttered a deep contented sigh and stooped to pick up the little cat twining around her ankles.

They had all gone, every last one of them and relief flooded her as she turned to go in the warm house. Placing the cat gently down on the floor she locked her front door and headed to the kitchen where she put on the kettle and opened a packet of Mimi's favourite chunks, tipping them into the cat's bowl and replenishing her water.

The kettle boiled. She collected her favourite mug from the draining board and popped in a tea bag, pouring on the hot water and giving it a stir. Her kitchen table was littered with the detritus of the afternoon, so rather than make an effort to prepare an evening meal for herself she filled a plate with some of the left-over food.

Turning out the kitchen lights she carried her cup and plate into the sitting room where it was warm and cosy. She dropped wearily into her favourite place on the sofa and sipped her drink. Mimi jumped up beside her and padded the cushion until it was just right and then lay down with a soft purr.

Meg reached out and stroked the soft fur. Breathing deeply, she spoke, “Well, we are on our own now Mimi” and closed her tired eyes and let the tears flow at last.

This was impactful. I love the atmospheric details you added. It says everything it needs to and lets the reader infer what happened!


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2017
United States
Great story, I love how you included the above statement because it's so true!!

I saw your thread last night after my mom fell again. You inspired me to work out some thoughts concerning my mother. Mostly what she meant by her comment that God doesn’t listen to her. I’m sorry if I went over 300 words; I didn’t count but pretty sure i went over.
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Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Jan 27, 2021
North Carolina
United States
I saw your thread last night after my mom fell again. You inspired me to work out some thoughts concerning my mother. Mostly what she meant by her comment that God doesn’t listen to her. I’m sorry if I went over 300 words; I didn’t count but pretty sure i went over.

I'm not too worried about it. I have word count in my documents app. But I don't mind that you didn't sit there and count 300 words.


Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2022
Plymouth UK
United Kingdom
Here's another little story of mine based on John 4:26 around a woman we'll call Leonora..:)

Leonora had had a rough life. A string of lovers had treated her bad, and now she'd ended up with another one here in this remote village miles from anywhere, bored stiff and feeling as if life was passing her by.
Then her latest fancy man shouted from the other room telling her to go get some water, so she picked up the bucket and trudged wearily down the road in the sweltering heat.
A few travellers who she'd never seen before were sitting there in the shade of the trees near the well looking tired, yet good-humouredly talking among themselves, and one of them smiled and asked if she'd draw some water for them.
He chatted a bit more with her about "living water" and other matters, and about her poor track record with men who used her like a doormat.
She told him how she yearned for the bright lights of Jerusalem where things happened and where it said in the ancient scriptures the Messiah would appear, though if and when that would be, nobody knew.
She said she liked to dream what he'd be like, a warrior king maybe, in bright silver armour riding a proud white horse, and that he'd explain everything to the people once and for all.
"Huh! i'll never see the Messiah stuck out here" she said as a tear rolled down her cheek, "when I die that'll be it, nobody'll remember me or even know I existed, and he wouldn't want to talk to a nobody like me anyway".
The man gently brushed away her tear with his fingertips, lifted her chin, gazed straight into her eyes and softly replied with a smile:- "I'm him. He's talking to you now.."
And the woman in that tiny remote village long ago will be remembered in the Bible until the end of time..

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Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
Other Faith
United States
This isn’t a story I wrote. I wish it was. I hope you’ll like and find some value in it.

Fable: Don’t Argue With Donkeys

The donkey said to the tiger: “The grass is blue.”

The tiger replied: “No, the grass is green.”

The discussion heated up and the two decided to submit to arbitration, and for this they went before the lion, the King of the Jungle.

Already before reaching the forest clearing, where the lion was sitting on his throne, the donkey began to shout: “Your Highness, is it true that the grass is blue?”

The lion replied: “True, the grass is blue.”

The donkey hurried and continued: “The tiger disagrees with me, and contradicts and annoys me. Please punish him.”

The king then declared: “The tiger will be punished with 5 years of silence.”

The donkey jumped cheerfully and went on his way, content and repeating: “It’s true. It’s true. The grass is blue.”

The tiger accepted his punishment, but he asked the lion: “Your Majesty, why have you punished me? After all, the grass is green.”

The lion replied: “In fact, the grass is green.”

The tiger asked: “So why are you punishing me?”

The lion replied: “That has nothing to do with the question of whether the grass is blue or green. The punishment is because it is not possible for a brave and intelligent creature like you to waste time arguing with a donkey, and on top of that come and bother me with that question.”

The worst waste of time is arguing with the fool and fanatic who does not care about truth or reality, but only the victory of his beliefs and illusions. Never waste time on arguments that don’t make sense.

There are people who, no matter how much evidence we present to them, do not have the capacity to understand; and others who are blinded by ego, hatred and resentment. All they want to do is be right even when they are not.

When ignorance screams, intelligence is silent. Your peace and quiet are worth more.

(Author unknown)
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