Miracle of Birth/7 Feasts

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New Member
Apr 10, 2006
The point of this study is to show how God repeats his 7 feasts in every human that is born to woman God is perfect in his ways.
I also think it paints a very clear picture of how life starts at conception and that even the very egg that holds the possabilty of life is precious to God.
Miracle of Birth and the Seven Feasts of Israel

The average Pregnancy is 280 days (40 weeks).Starting with the first day of the womans cycle and counting on the fourteenth day of the month the egg appears, this coralates to ( Lev 23:5) In the fourteenth day of the first month.......
God's original instruction for the observance of Passover. the Jews use an egg on the passover table to symbolize new life granted them after Egypt .The egg has always been a symbol of New Life.

But could there be a deeper lesson here of how God works here. So lets follow the rest of the feasts of Israel and see where this leads.

If the egg appears on the fourteenth day and represents Passover (Lev 23:5) Then the next feast is Unleavened Bread (Lev 23:6) which occurs on the next evening.and represents Purge out the old leaven, that ye may be new, with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truthAmazingly our newly dropped human egg must be fertilized within 24 hours or pass on correlating nicely with our Unleavened Bread Feast --the beginning of the new life --created of sincerity and truth How wonderful is that !

Following this line of thought, the next Feast is is called "First Fruits", but this feast is not on a definite time cycle. It simply occurs on the Sunday during the week of Unleavened Bread and that could fall any day of this week. So could the next step in the birth cycle possibly coincide? The answer is Yes.

The newly fertilized egg now travels down the fallopian tube, at its own speed taking anywhere from 1 to 6 days before it "Implants".into the uterus wall. The feast of First Fruits,represents the Spring Planting, this coincides exactly with our newly "Implanted" egg. Now that our little embryo is firmley implanted in the uterus our conception is completed.So awe have our first three completed feasts corresponding with our completed conception.

The now implanted embryo starts to grow and change from a little tadpole looking creature changing daily till the by 50th day when it looks like a very small fully formed human being it is no longer an embryo but now called a human Fetus. Now back to our feasts scenario the next feast after First Fruits is Pentecost. Pentecost (feast of harvest) is you guessed it, exactly 50 days after First Fruits.
50 days from embryo to human fetus, 50 days from First Fruits to Pentecost.Now to be fair here each pregnancy varies a little here and there but essentially after seven weeks following conceptionthe embryo is a human life form a creature created in God's own image.

For the next several months the fetus grows and develops towards maturity getting ready to make its debut into the world. Now following our feast scenario the next feast is the Feast of Trumpets. Speak unto the children of Israel, saying in the seventh month in the first day of the month, shall ye have a sabbath, a memorial of blowing of Trumpets, an holy convocation (Lev. 23:24)

The trumpet amoung other things was the signal for field workers to come into the Temple blown by the high priest so those working in the field would hear and come to worship services.
So what is happening with our little fetus it has been growing and maturing nicely but at seven months some developmental changes take place.

To make the last little improvements toward perfection before entering the world. The first of these changes is the ear tubes open and the baby can now hear distinguishing sounds.
Right on schedule for the Feast of Trumpets!
Our baby can now ear the blowing of the trumpet.

How wonderful is our Lord?What is the next big change in our little one be?
It is necessary at this point for the fetal blood which has carried the mothers oxygen through the baby's system,to change, so that baby can carry its own oxygen.(technically a change in its hemoglobin) this change in blood takes place, exactly on the tenth day of the seventh month of pregnancy.

So lets look at our next feast day we see it is the Day of Atonement.On the tenth day of this seventh month there shall be a day of atonement.(Lev 23:27) This was a day of confession when the sacrifice is made to atone for the sins of the people.If the blood was acceptable then there would be life.

Just as in our little one when the blood was acceptable(mature)there would be life.The last thing to develop on our baby is the lungs they are the last thing to mature.This usually occurs about 15 days into the seventh month.Now we have our seventh and feast The

Feast of Tabernacles. Tabernacles the house of spirit,air And God breathed his breath,spirit,air into Adam so he may live.Thus if our baby is born now he is able to breathe and liveFor all intensive purposes now our baby is now fully formed in all ways.

The rest of the pregnancy the baby being complete simply just gains weight until it is born.That is the miracle of birth given us by God that each and everyone of us experienced before we entered into life and howperfectly God has laid out his Feasts to celebrate the miracle of life.

One last note here on the Feast of Chanukah which was not given to Moses by God on Mt. Sinai but was prophesied by Daniel(8:9-14) and took place when the temple was rededicated (165 BC) Chanukah has to do with eternal light as the oil lasted 8 days.On the Jewish calander Chanukah lies just the right distance beyond Tabernacles to account for the actual birth of a baby 280 days exactly 10,periods of, 28 day cycles=280 days.

The above scenario was based on conception date of March 20- 21 -Dec 25 but is represented/reproduced in all normal pregnancies and births no matter what the date of conception

*By kriss


New Member
Jan 7, 2007
I am moved to tears by the beauty of this teaching.. please all of you consider the feasts and honor God by keeping them you don't have to be a Jew, just love God and obey his commandments. I promise you will have a blessing and joy through all of them.


New Member
Jan 7, 2007
I really wanted to bring this to the forefront this holy weekend of Resurrection Sunday... Christ gave his life for us and then overcame death for us....these pictures of the love of God for His children are beautiful pictures all around us. God is a wonderful artist and earth and its creaturesare His canvas... Have a wonderful Resurection Sunday...be real Christain Warroirs... and leave those hard boiled eggs alone....


Active Member
Apr 6, 2007
I think it would be nice if we celebrate Passover together. Nice teaching.Lovest ye in Christ Jesus our Lord and Saviour. God bless.


New Member
Jan 26, 2008
I agree, superjag
amen, betchevyand great teaching, kriss


New Member
Apr 10, 2006
This post is from several years ago and some may have read it but decided to resurect it for those who have not ...


New Member
Apr 10, 2006
Many thanks for the thread....it sure make you think of God's wonder.
Have you read Panin on Bible numerics http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/panin2.htm
That presents similar thought provoking stuff, although how it can all equate with each of a variety of manuscripts I've never got round to asking.

yes Im very familiar with Numbers in scripture just prefer Bulinger