What Bible is the word of God?

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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Feb 12, 2006
South Carolina
United States
Jesus is the word made flesh, but he is also the Word as this statement tells us. Though I am sure not the intention, people can quickly take this to mean follow Jesus instead of the Bible and they will run with it. This is why these secret "Jesus really taught..." etc. do so well because some don't want to hear the two-edged sword.Reading the Word in the proper way and listening to it is as much a part of Jesus as anything else. It's the way to get to know your Father and your Savior. That's not worshipping, that's reading the letter that he wrote to us.


New Member
Jul 11, 2007
There have been mentions here about Strong's concordance and whether or not some people have it.Everyone can get it for free.I prefer the KJV bible myself and you can get a KJV bible (and other translations) free along with Strong's Concordance at this site:http://www.e-sword.net/Just click on the download button to download E-sword. You will get the entire KJV bible and Strong's---- free! not to mention that this is easier to use than paging thru a mile-thick book.


New Member
Jul 15, 2007
I believe what matters the most is what the Holy Spirit is saying to me concerning what translation I read. There are so many out there, however I let the Holy Spirit witness to my spirit when I read the Bible; regardless of what translation I may be reading.Jesus IS God's Word made flesh and we must follow Him, for there is no other way to God but through His Word (Jesus).:study: :pray3: :study:


New Member
Jul 20, 2007
United States
Amen Alphabet! True religion is intimate fellowship with God. The bible says what can you possibly know of God lest His Spirit dwell in you (1 Cor 2:9-2:16). Now because of the abundant revelation contained in the Word of God, one may argue for whatever translation more closely reveals the original language's meaning. But I most certainly do not believe only a scholar of Greek, Aramaic, and Hebrew is a truly devout or knowledgeable Christian (John 7:14-24).Can not the Spirit translate the scripture's meaning (from whatever translation) into my original tongue so that I may discern truth from man's foolish modifications (Acts 2:3-8, Rom 8:26-28).Too often, Christians, who ought be united into one body, argue about semantics under the guise of theology. The focus of any wisdom or revelation is for the edification of the body, not self promotion amongst the ranks (Rom 16:17-20, Mark 9:38-40, James 1:5, Rom 14, Phil2:1-13, 1 John 4)P.S. I love E-sword.net and use it almost daily in my studies. It is an outstanding resource!


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2006
I prefer the King JamesHere's whyAdulterations in the Newer Bible Versions (NIV, NASB,...); Proof that the King James Bible (KJV) is the True Word of God. Certain men throughout time have gone about to corrupt the Word of the Lord, it started in the Garden of Eden when satan challenged God's Word in [Genesis 3:1]: "Yea, hath God said...?". Those men who seek only to destroy and remove God's Word could not corrupt the King James Version Bible because it had been around so long and there were so many copies available for the people to compare to. So what did they do? They came out with the newer Bible versions telling the people that they are 'easier' to understand, but not telling them that those same newer Bible versions have 10% less words than the King James Bible. And when you see that what they omitted was God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Trinity, important Salvation doctrines... you shall be shocked! This study is about those newer versions of the Bible. People are being told that the newer Bible versions came out because the King James Bible was hard to read, but this was not the reason at all, nor is the King James version hard understand once you get used to the Old English words (most of them simple one syllable words). In fact, the Flesch-Kincad research companies Grade Level Indicator shows the King James version (KJV) easier to understand in 23 out of 26 categories. Flesch-Kincad Reading Grade Level for Comprehension of the Bible Versions: KJV: NIV: NASB: TEV: NKJV: grade 5.8 8.4 6.1 7.2 6.9 They said that the newer Bibles were written so that people could easier understand, but what words did they replace the 'hard' words with, and is it really easier to understand? For example, in the preface to the NEW King James Version (NKJV), it says that they have replaced archaic words so that the Bible is easier to understand. In the table below we observe that they did in fact change words but they certainly didn't choose words that are easier to understand. And following this table we will see the real reason that they changed the words in the Bible. Word in King James Version (KJV) (A.D. 1611) Changed to in NEW King James Version (NKJV) (A.D. 1979) Fat Verdant (Isa 28:1,4) Little rivers Rivulets (Ezek 31:4) Pictures Sloops (Isa 2:16) Judgment hall Praetorium (Jn 18:28) File Pim (1st Sam 13:21) Linen yarns Keveh (1st Kings 10:28) From the sampling above it should be clear that the word changes were not for ease of reading as they have said; I mean, there is no reason to replace the word "fat" to make it easier to understand, who doesn't know what "fat" means? And then to replace it with "verdant" ???, something is wrong here. So if they didn't really make the newer Bibles with easier words to read, why did they change the words? The answer is simple but sickening: COPYRIGHT LAW$! For them to be allowed to publish and COPYRIGHT a new Bible version, they have to substantially change the work. The 'Derivative Copyright Law' states that the newer work must be MORE than a minor alteration of the text but must contain SUBSTANTIAL differences to be eligible for a copyright. Why would they care to have a copyright on their new Bibles? Answer: $$$. Would it surprise you that the holder of the Copyright of the New International Version Bible also holds the copyright for Hustler magazine - pornography. Rupert Murdock, called "Media's prince of Darkness" by Chicago columnist Mike Royco, owns the copyright & exclusive printing rights on the most sold newer Bible version in the world, the NIV (through Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids Michigan, which he owns). Murdoch also owns the copyright on another corrupt Bible version, the Amplified Version. But the 'good old' King James Version Bible (KJV) is not copyrighted. If you see a copyright in the front cover of the King James Bible it is for the maps and the concordance in the back of the Bible, the text of the King James Bible has never been copyrighted. If you want to excerpt more than 200 words from the NIV or the Amplified Version of the Bible you need to get permission from Rupert Murdoch, through his people of course, the same thing goes for Hustler 'nudie' Magazine. To set the record strait, only the King James Bible (KJV) is in an uncorrupted state. All other Bible versions come by way of different manuscripts than that of the King James Bible. These 'other' manuscripts all trace their roots back to Alexandria Egypt in the 2nd - 4th century A.D. We must also understand that those who pass along the newer Bible versions most times do so being unaware that the text of those versions have been compromised. So don't be too hard on your Pastor or Bible Teacher if they are using a newer Bible version like the NIV, NASB... (a more comprehensive list is given later in this study), but do gently tell them! Some glaring omissions from the corrupted manuscripts and 'newer' Bible versions: Only a minute portion of the glaring omissions from the corrupted manuscripts and 'newer' Bible versions are included in this study. At the end of this study the reader will be given a booklist of reference works that more comprehensively collates the individual verse comparisons in the different Bible versions compared to the King James Bible version. The purpose of this Bible study is not to redouble their efforts, but rather to alert the reader to the problem. Let's look at some of the so-called errors in the King James Bible, and throughout this study we will document that the King James Version Bible had it right all along and that the newer versions are the ones that contain the corruptions. The reason that I refer to the omissions in the newer versions as 'corruptions' rather than errors is because it will be seen that it was a concerted effort to consistently remove certain points of Scripture while leaving others unmolested. let's look at 1st Jn 5:7-8, and observe that it can be no error that they methodically left out 24 key words documenting the Holy Trinity: 1st Jn 5:7-8: KJV (King James Version) 7 For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one. 8 And there are three that bear witness in earth, the spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three agree in one. (KJV) NIV (New International Version) 7 For there are three that testify: 8 the Spirit, the water and the blood; and the three are in agreement. (NIV) *(And similarly in all newer Bible versions) NASB (New American Standard Bible) 7 And it is the Spirit who bears witness, because the Spirit is the truth. 8 For there are three that bear witness, the Spirit and the water and the blood; and the three are in agreement. (NASB) 1st John 5:7 (Illustrated above) is the single most powerful witness of the Trinity (God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit). the Corrupt Manuscripts (Sinaicticus,Vaticanus) used in the newer Bible versions omit the key words. They simply omitted the key words supporting the Holy Trinity! The newer versions say it doesn't belong, but it is the single most powerful witness of the Trinity. But do these powerful and key words belong in the text? You bet they do, let's look at some authorities for those key words: Latin Manuscripts: There are between 10,000 extant (existing) Latin manuscripts, 29 of them don't have it, all the rest of the 10,000 of them that contain the verse do have the key words. Sirac Version: The Sirac version also has them. German Bibles: As well, all pre-Luther German Bibles have the verse. Martin Luther then omitted it as he based his Bible on Erasmus' corrupt 2nd edition manuscript which does not contain the verse. Two years after that, the German Bibles put it back in. Then in 1956 to the present time it has once again been omitted. Greek Texts: There are only six to eight Texts out of the some 5,000 extant Greek Texts that do not have the key words in the verse! Perhaps one of the most telling proofs that the verse was included in the original manuscripts is evidenced by the writings of one of the early Church Fathers - Cyprian, who in his writing: "Treatises" found in The Ante-Nicene Christian Library (5:423): included a quote from 1st John 5:7. In the verse quote from Cyprian he writes: "...and again it is written of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy spirit, 'And these three are one' " Cyprian died in A.D. 258, some one-hundred years before the compilation of the corrupt Sinaiticus and Vaticanus manuscripts from which all the newer Bible versions are based upon. And his (Cyprian's) quote of 1st John 5:7 supports the King James Bible version's inclusion of the key words and opposes the newer Bible versions in their omission of them! There's more but this should do it
Jul 17, 2007
Would it surprise you that the holder of the Copyright of the New International Version Bible also holds the copyright for Hustler magazine - pornography. Rupert Murdock, called "Media's prince of Darkness" by Chicago columnist Mike Royco, owns the copyright & exclusive printing rights on the most sold newer Bible version in the world, the NIV (through Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids Michigan, which he owns). Murdoch also owns the copyright on another corrupt Bible version, the Amplified Version.
Dang this just blew me away, It felt like I got hit over the Head with a Hammer! Good Post n2thelight!


New Member
Jun 7, 2007
I read King James Version. This is an original translation without any modification or 'simplification' changes.... I like to read Bible knowing this is an exact translation from original scriptures. I don't like all those 'easy to read' and 'for this generation' or 'baprist bread' Bibles.


Active Member
Apr 6, 2007
Very good post you have there n2. I agree with you 100%...although I never heard that Zondervan or the holder of NIV also publish a pronography magizine before....It makes me sick literally...even since I want Him...I feel like my soul has been torn out of my flesh body, yet I still feel that way. I knew that all modern bibles are copyrighted by men...I'm sure they have about over 50 english translation trying to get rid of God's eternal words. In the end God wins. The Truth feels better than anything that of Men's tradition. I say again in my original OP, I still rather take the KJV/KJB over all modern perVersion.Jeremiah 23:36 - And the burden of the LORD shall ye mention no more: for every man's word shall be his burden; for ye have perverted the words of the living God, of the LORD of hosts our God.Lovest thou in Christ Jesus (Yahshua) our Lord and Saviour.


New Member
Jul 15, 2007
N2,Thank you so much for your post. Like some others I am blown away by some of this information. I shared your study on another forum, and I was banned. Oh well, :pray3:.Your post has helped me in more ways than you can imagine. My heart is at peace, and all is well.Thanks again.


Active Member
Apr 6, 2007
Alaphabet, you were banned for sharing the truth at another forum...well if it was an "Christian" forum, then I can safely say it wasn't really a Christian forum if they love not the truth.Lovest thou in Christ Jesus (Yahshua) our Lord and Saviour.


New Member
Jul 15, 2007
Alaphabet, you were banned for sharing the truth at another forum...well if it was an "Christian" forum, then I can safely say it wasn't really a Christian forum if they love not the truth.Lovest thou in Christ Jesus (Yahshua) our Lord and Saviour.
:amen: Thanks for the encouragement. :blessyou:


Active Member
Apr 6, 2007
You are so welcome Alphabet, glad I can bring encouragement to others that loves Him . It makes my heart very warm when I can help.
Lovest thou in Christ Jesus (Yahshua) our Lord and Saviour.

Garry T

New Member
Jul 27, 2007
Dear Friends,Don't quibble about which version is best. On my desk are one each of KJV, NKJV, NIV, and NASV, not because one is better than the other, but to compare and get the meaning that makes the most sense to me. The Bible is so rich and full of life, that the different versions have different wording but if you compare them, It's remarkable how they tell you the same thing.If a version comes out and is not the real deal, God never allows it to stay long. It is discarded real quick.


Active Member
Apr 6, 2007
Dear Garry, I have about 3 Bibles at my desk (the 4th one is on computer only), the NIV, NLT, and the KJB, I will say to you, I tried to study from the NIV, and the NLT, I do notice that both of these versions are missing key words, and key verses. I can safely say that God hates the actions of adding/removing/changing key words/verses. These versions are quite deceiving to me as it makes my soul very uncomfortable. Only the KJB makes my soul at peace as it is God's Words. Of course I am aware of the fact that the bible is deceiving if one reads God's Words wrongly...so its a warning.Lovest thou in Christ Jesus our Lord and Saviour.

Garry T

New Member
Jul 27, 2007
tsj,God has the power to preserve His Word! There are some excellent translations available, you'll find different words but the message will be identacle. I am not familiar with NLT, but NIV is one of my favorites, and would be happy to discuss it with you. First, what "key verses and key words are missing?


Active Member
Apr 6, 2007
Okidokey... First off (I'm only going to do some, as it is kinda late in here)Matthew 5:22 (KJB) - But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment: and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council: but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire.Matthew 5:22 (NIV) - But I tell you that anyone who is angry with his brother will be subject to judgment. Again, anyone who says to his brother, 'Raca,' is answerable to the Sanhedrin. But anyone who says, 'You fool!' will be in danger of the fire of hell.NIV Footnote says...Some manuscripts brother without causeBy removing the Key word without a cause...that is one of the greatest way to deceive people. By removing it, it makes Lord Yahshua (Jesus) Christ a sinner...Lord Yahshua (Jesus) Christ was angry with a cause...Not only that, Lord Jesus called the Pharisees fools with a cause too. (with a godly reason)Matthew 5:44 (KJB) - But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;Matthew 5:44 (NIV) - But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,NIV Footnote: Some late manuscripts enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you...Removed Key words... bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you,I think these words are very important to the bible.I don't trust a single word of footnotes...Footnotes are not scripture...period.That's all I'm going to say for now because it is late...I'll continue on tomorrow.Lovest thou in Christ Jesus (Yahshua) our Lord and Saviour.

Garry T

New Member
Jul 27, 2007
tsj,First let's establish a little Biblical background. KJV was was translated Post middle age with not nearly the textual evidence we have today. During the mid 20th century we had the Dead Sea Scrolls, as well as many newly found, older texts of the NT. So your "newer" versions are actually older than the KJV.Matt. 5:22, shows an expansion, or an addition of a couple words that don't belong there. I checked both NIV, and NASV, and they both have removed these two words, however, Neither with or without, there is no textual change.Matt. 5:44, is basically the same premice, KJV added unnecessary words. The older transcripts, used in the newer versions, are saying the same thing in fewer words. Again, no change in textual content.tsj, this is great excercise, and I pray will be a good help to you, and to new Christians who are wondering which translation to use.


Active Member
Apr 6, 2007
So you are saying that "without a cause" don't belong to the Word of God...then we can brush out the trustworthy KJB to the side and trust in modern versions...Looks like I can see just fine on what's happening to this world.It won't buy me out on which Bible Version as I no longer wonder what to use...I know what to use. P.S...I'm not exactly new to the Faith.

Garry T

New Member
Jul 27, 2007
No tsj, I didn't say throw out the KJV! But we have more easily understood translations, I use the KJV frequently, but don't you throw out the newer versions, they are all the inerrant Word of God!