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  • Welcome to Christian Forums, a Christian Forum that recognizes that all Christians are a work in progress.

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    We hope to see you as a part of our community soon and God Bless!

  1. GRACE ambassador

    Precious friend, A Very Warm Welcome Grace, Peace, Mercy And Love + "Distinctions" of Prophecy...

    Precious friend, A Very Warm Welcome Grace, Peace, Mercy And Love + "Distinctions" of Prophecy vs MYSTERY
  2. GRACE ambassador

    Precious friend, A Very Warm Welcome Grace, Peace, Mercy And Love + "Distinctions" of Prophecy...

    Precious friend, A Very Warm Welcome Grace, Peace, Mercy And Love + "Distinctions" of Prophecy vs MYSTERY
  3. GRACE ambassador

    Precious friend, A Very Warm Welcome Grace, Peace, Mercy And Love + "Distinctions" of Prophecy...

    Precious friend, A Very Warm Welcome Grace, Peace, Mercy And Love + "Distinctions" of Prophecy vs MYSTERY
  4. GRACE ambassador

    Precious friend, A Very Warm Welcome Grace, Peace, Mercy And Love + "Distinctions" of Prophecy...

    Precious friend, A Very Warm Welcome Grace, Peace, Mercy And Love + "Distinctions" of Prophecy vs MYSTERY
  5. GRACE ambassador

    Precious friend, A Very Warm Welcome Grace, Peace, Mercy And Love + "Distinctions" of Prophecy...

    Precious friend, A Very Warm Welcome Grace, Peace, Mercy And Love + "Distinctions" of Prophecy vs MYSTERY
  6. GRACE ambassador

    Precious friend, A Very Warm Welcome Grace, Peace, Mercy And Love + "Distinctions" of Prophecy...

    Precious friend, A Very Warm Welcome Grace, Peace, Mercy And Love + "Distinctions" of Prophecy vs MYSTERY
  7. GRACE ambassador

    Precious friend, A Very Warm Welcome Grace, Peace, Mercy And Love + "Distinctions" of Prophecy...

    Precious friend, A Very Warm Welcome Grace, Peace, Mercy And Love + "Distinctions" of Prophecy vs MYSTERY
  8. GRACE ambassador

    Precious friend, A Very Warm Welcome Grace, Peace, Mercy And Love + "Distinctions" of Prophecy...

    Precious friend, A Very Warm Welcome Grace, Peace, Mercy And Love + "Distinctions" of Prophecy vs MYSTERY
  9. GRACE ambassador

    Precious friend, A Very Warm Welcome Grace, Peace, Mercy And Love + "Distinctions" of Prophecy...

    Precious friend, A Very Warm Welcome Grace, Peace, Mercy And Love + "Distinctions" of Prophecy vs MYSTERY
  10. GRACE ambassador

    Precious friend, A Very Warm Welcome Grace, Peace, Mercy And Love + "Distinctions" of Prophecy...

    Precious friend, A Very Warm Welcome Grace, Peace, Mercy And Love + "Distinctions" of Prophecy vs MYSTERY
  11. GRACE ambassador

    Precious friend, A Very Warm Welcome Grace, Peace, Mercy And Love + "Distinctions" of Prophecy...

    Precious friend, A Very Warm Welcome Grace, Peace, Mercy And Love + "Distinctions" of Prophecy vs MYSTERY
  12. GRACE ambassador

    Precious friend, A Very Warm Welcome Grace, Peace, Mercy And Love + "Distinctions" of Prophecy...

    Precious friend, A Very Warm Welcome Grace, Peace, Mercy And Love + "Distinctions" of Prophecy vs MYSTERY
  13. GRACE ambassador

    Precious friend, A Very Warm Welcome Grace, Peace, Mercy And Love + "Distinctions" of Prophecy...

    Precious friend, A Very Warm Welcome Grace, Peace, Mercy And Love + "Distinctions" of Prophecy vs MYSTERY
  14. GRACE ambassador

    God's Very Simple Will, Under HIS PURE GRACE!

    op: God's Very Simple Will?: Precious friends, Most Recent Update is in post # 1. Thanks for your prayerful and Careful review of such. Amen.
  15. GRACE ambassador

    Precious friend, A Very Warm Welcome Grace, Peace, Mercy And Love + "Distinctions" of Prophecy...

    Precious friend, A Very Warm Welcome Grace, Peace, Mercy And Love + "Distinctions" of Prophecy vs MYSTERY
  16. GRACE ambassador

    Eat my flesh, drink my blood, discerning the body and blood of Christ.

    op: drink His Blood, and eat His Flesh? cannibalism, or symbolisnm?: "For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do shew The Lord’s Death till He come" (1 Corinthians 11:26 AV) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bible Teaches ↑↑↑↑↑ = symbolism, eh? Amen.
  17. GRACE ambassador

    Precious friend, A Very Warm Welcome Grace, Peace, Mercy And Love + "Distinctions" of Prophecy...

    Precious friend, A Very Warm Welcome Grace, Peace, Mercy And Love + "Distinctions" of Prophecy vs MYSTERY
  18. GRACE ambassador

    What more is needed for Christ to come?

    Precious friend, just One "last member" That The Blessed Holy Spirit Will Identify, Baptizing such a one Into The Body Of Christ. When The Body Is Then Complete, then there Will Be A "Meeting In The Air" at: God's Great GRACE Departure! { Mystery } Rightly Divided (2 Timothy 2:15) From “Things...
  19. GRACE ambassador

    Precious friend, A Very Warm Welcome Grace, Peace, Mercy And Love + "Distinctions" of Prophecy...

    Precious friend, A Very Warm Welcome Grace, Peace, Mercy And Love + "Distinctions" of Prophecy vs MYSTERY
  20. GRACE ambassador

    Distinctions Of God's TWO Different Programs: Prophecy vs Mystery!

    Precious friends, Basic Distinctions #'s 1-19 are here, Update #20 is here, #21 is here, #22 is here, and #23 is here. Update: 24) sabbath-keeping? In God's Context Of prophecy / covenants / law for earthly Israel: (Genesis - John - Acts 8 - Hebrews - Revelation AV) Yes, sabbath-keeping...