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  • Welcome to Christian Forums, a Christian Forum that recognizes that all Christians are a work in progress.

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  1. Gideons300

    Does God Through Christ Love Us Individually, or Just Corporately?

    Evidently, it seems to me you must 'love' the church corporately but not so much individually. I find that sad you do not feel that in your relationship with your Father. Your post has no 'upside', no purpose but to make sheep struggling to feel special in the eyes of God even further away...
  2. Gideons300

    The Case Against the Trinity

    Yes, but we do not know who are goats and who are potential sheep. Paul held the cloaks of those stoning Stephen, and attacked the saints himself in the early church. Yet, I suspect that Stephens actions had a huge effect on Paul. Far more have been turned away from Christianity due to our lack...
  3. Gideons300

    The Case Against the Trinity

    I was not singling any poster out, and certainly not you. You always have good things to say and in a nice way. Forgive me if you took it personally. It was far from my intent. blessings, Gideon
  4. Gideons300

    The Case Against the Trinity

    Just my two cents but I suspect from the world's point of view, they would be much more open to the gospel if they saw Christ displayed in the power of God..... through the indwelling Spirit, as opposed to listening to endless, often head-knowledge filled debates about the mystery of...
  5. Gideons300

    The rabbit hope within the rabbit hole, and what's waiting at the bottom

    I appreciate your understanding and realize my posts are generally long. Can I pray for patience for you so you might stomach them? LOL. You have a sweet spirit. Do not let anyone rob you of that. blessings, me
  6. Gideons300

    The rabbit hope within the rabbit hole, and what's waiting at the bottom

    You choosing not to hear me. My concern is the church, It was not under the sway of lies from Democrats. I pray you believe me if that had been the case, I would be just as forceful against them. If you would take the time to read the full post, plus my responses to both. Mayflower and David...
  7. Gideons300

    The rabbit hope within the rabbit hole, and what's waiting at the bottom

    Thank you David. I will read the post. I want to make sure I am not misunderstood. Political turmoil, hopes in man's ability to solve the issues, Qanon... these are all simply symptoms. The disease about to take a turn for the worse, and there is one vaccine. Christ in us.... meaning with us...
  8. Gideons300

    The rabbit hope within the rabbit hole, and what's waiting at the bottom

    Then you missed the part about the deception being far more than politics. The point is that in order to insure our safety, we need to find ourselves IN HIM, without spot or wrinkle. And if we do not know how, we need to cry out like lost lambs for the great shepherd to come show us the how of...
  9. Gideons300

    The rabbit hope within the rabbit hole, and what's waiting at the bottom

    Thank you. I am not sure how long I will feel the liberty to stay here. but in reading the article this morning, I needed tp be clear as to the danger and deception coming. Not everyone will fall for the crazy theories pushed by Q, but the level of deception will be so great that many "normal"...
  10. Gideons300

    The rabbit hope within the rabbit hole, and what's waiting at the bottom

    I was convinced several weeks ago that my time here was ending. It seems God is not through with me yet here, even though some may not be exactly thrilled. Afew months ago, I made a post entitled "The rabbit hole called Christian Nationalism". In it, I warned of the danger and deception of...
  11. Gideons300

    A Last Word Spoken With Love And Tears....

    So.... this revelation Go has shown me and has asked me to share with any desperate (or crazy) enough to give ear to what I share.... is it scriptural? Does the Word of God back it up or prove it to be a lie? Ultimately, that is all that matters. So, let's take a look at what the Word tells us...
  12. Gideons300

    A Last Word Spoken With Love And Tears....

    What a stronghold our minds are! Walls like iron mountains, keeping the children of God locked outside the land of victory, unable to walk in the rest that God has provided for every one of us. A man of courage and strength may be able to subdue his outer actions, but who can tame his mind? It...
  13. Gideons300

    The Mark of the Beast Has Arrived

    Brother, I hope I did not offend. If I did, please forgive me. The world has enough sarcasm. I should not have responded. blessings, Gids
  14. Gideons300

    The Mark of the Beast Has Arrived

    You do realize that the only ones who would understand and benefit from this are those using an english alphabet, right? That might present a problem unless your theory was true for Chinese, Russian, and a host of other dialects not using the alphabet. The theories and conspiracies even in the...
  15. Gideons300

    A Last Word Spoken With Love And Tears....

    When you make a post telling God's children that there really is a way to see sin defeated in their lives, so that they can walk as overcomers, victorious over the world, the flesh and the devil, eyebrows go up. Might as well throw a few snickers in there as well. There are a lot of reasons for...
  16. Gideons300

    A Last Word Spoken With Love And Tears....

    Here is the question before us. Can God save to the uttermost, them that come to the Father by Him? Was God's purpose in sending His only begotten Son to die on the cross simply to grant us forgiveness and then tell us to do the best we can, or was it to display to satan and to the world...
  17. Gideons300

    A Last Word Spoken With Love And Tears....

    We are told that God's Word is sharper than a two edged sword. A scalpel for the soul, to cut out deception while not harming the good. It is very precise, if believed for what it says, for God is not a liar. Amen? God has promised our shields of faith WILL quench all the fiery arrows of the...
  18. Gideons300

    A Last Word Spoken With Love And Tears....

    So, back to the question of how both James and Paul can both be correct, it is quote easy once one understands that when we put on our new nature by an act of faith, God promises to cause tht new natire to obey Him. Therefore, Paul is correct that ur salvation is all by grace, through faith...
  19. Gideons300

    A Last Word Spoken With Love And Tears....

    I have said it before and yet, it bears repeating. If a man or woman is still caught in sin, living out their life as a captive of Romans 7, there are two options as to heart attitudes. 1) They love the Lord but hate their failure and weakness. God convicts and chastens them because He loves...
  20. Gideons300

    A Last Word Spoken With Love And Tears....

    Hello my friend from down under. Funny, but God has been dealing with me on that very verse. I have pondered a lot on what exactly that means.... what it should look like in our lives personally as well as corporately. Personally, in truth, it is simply leaving the old carnal nature behind...