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  1. Deus vult

    There is only one true church

    Orthodox/Catholic is not about joining to "fit in", but to worship Christ. The bad examples you might have seen are no different than a few bad cops and are not representative of the Faith.
  2. Deus vult

    There is only one true church

    How do you know you are surrendering to the Holy Spirit and following its lead? That again is highly subjective. Some claim to follow the Holy Spirit and do some insane things like biting themselves with a rattlesnake in a church in Texas to put God to the test. If for some reason circumstances...
  3. Deus vult

    There is only one true church

    That's a roundabout answer to me saying that anyone in heaven is alive. Talking about what heaven was originally offered for or what God created humans for is irrelevant to what I said about heaven. None of it changes the fact that anyone in heaven right now is alive. The Bible was literally...
  4. Deus vult

    There is only one true church

    Then all choices matter because everything around you in every moment is put before you by God. Did God only put some choices before us and not others? The issue I see is that the approach you're taking is very subjective and like you said "portion of Truth that he has". My portion of Truth...
  5. Deus vult

    There is only one true church

    You must make a choice for the same reason you must make all other choices in life. No man is an apostle today, that's why apostolic succession exists in the form of bishops and priests. If a JW came up to you for example, to tell you about God and that Jesus is not God but merely God's son...
  6. Deus vult

    There is only one true church

    Would you rather have an apostle hand down the teaching to you, or a complete outsider? And why would you rather have an apostle?
  7. Deus vult

    There is only one true church

    The point was not about David, but that anyone who makes it to heaven is fully alive. Mary is in heaven, the saints are in heaven. Heaven is everlasting life. "What your church teaches is nothing close to what Jesus and his apostles taught.....and all of them were Jewish." According to what...
  8. Deus vult

    There is only one true church

    It seems to me that you have missed the words after "perish" which are..."but have everlasting life."
  9. Deus vult

    There is only one true church

    I did not presume that only men in designated positions have been inspired by God. I said that at the very least, the apostles and bishops were also God-inspired men. You would at the very least agree that the apostles and bishops were God-inspired men, would you not?
  10. Deus vult

    There is only one true church

    He died physically, doesn't mean he's not alive in heaven. This is what happens when you take Bible verses out of context as a result of a lack of church authority and tradition that's passed down via apostolic succession. Every denomination of Christianity is an interpretation of the Bible...
  11. Deus vult

    There is only one true church

    But they were not in use anywhere close to the extent that one might think they were and most people back then were also illiterate, hence the prominence of iconography in churches. Less than 8% of the population of the ancient world was able to read and write and it would have most likely been...
  12. Deus vult

    There is only one true church

    1. Mary is in heaven, therefore she is not dead because God is of the living. What do you think eternal life refers to? 2. All things are possible with God. If you think it's nonsensical for a mortal woman to give birth to God, then why would it also not be nonsensical for Jesus to be both human...
  13. Deus vult

    There is only one true church

    So then you are in agreement with the Orthodox and Catholics on apostolic succession. "God inspired men"..were the apostles not God inspired men who shared what they received from Jesus who is God? What about all the other bishops that succeeded the apostles? Were they also not God inspired men...
  14. Deus vult

    There is only one true church

    She implies that going off the OT alone is sufficient "because Scripture"..but then we'd all be Jews. Literally the OT alone is the Torah, a whole separate religion which we know as Judaism.
  15. Deus vult

    There is only one true church

    1. Jesus came before the Bible and he explicitly said that he was sent by the Father and that he promised the Holy Spirit will be sent by the Father. One God as three distinct persons that are co-eternal. Do you think the scriptures is all Jesus has ever said in his lifetime? 2. No, the Bible...
  16. Deus vult

    There is only one true church

    How did Christianity spread/how did people worship Christ before the Bible was canonized almost 400 years later?
  17. Deus vult

    There is only one true church

    1. Do you have scriptural support of the doctrine of the Trinity? Because 'trinity' doesn't appear once in the Bible. 2. Do you have scriptural support of the doctrine of sola scriptura? 3. Do you have scriptural support of the doctrine of sola fide? 4. Did Jesus leave us with a church or a...
  18. Deus vult

    There is only one true church

    Mary is not worshipped by the Catholics and Orthodox, either. She is venerated because who doesn't even honor their own mother? She is the queen of heaven because she gave birth to God. Mary is not dead, the saints are not dead...they are in heaven and are alive because God is of the living...
  19. Deus vult

    There is only one true church

    "I simply compared what God's Word teaches with what the catholic so called "church" teaches and it's easy to see the Lord is right and the catholics are wrong." And whose interpretation of God's Word does that belong to? You say that Catholic doctrine is not found in Scripture and is...