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  1. Jude Thaddeus

    Eat my flesh, drink my blood, discerning the body and blood of Christ.

    I can't find my glasses. I read "Stewardofthinenemy" Tell us more about the Seventh Day Adventists, or Jackkk Chickkk.
  2. Jude Thaddeus

    Eat my flesh, drink my blood, discerning the body and blood of Christ.

    But Redfan, Ignatius, Justin Martyr and Irenaeus are not in the Bible!!! :eek: :jest:
  3. Jude Thaddeus

    Eat my flesh, drink my blood, discerning the body and blood of Christ.

    Many years ago, i had the privilege of shaking the hand of David Wilkerson, author of The Cross and the Switchblade. I read the book twice in high school. (i was a confused Catholic at the time.) I asked him what would be the best way to restore the unity the Body of Christ had lost. His exact...
  4. Jude Thaddeus

    Eat my flesh, drink my blood, discerning the body and blood of Christ.

    I have the gift of tongues, but I would never think for a moment I am any holier than anybody else who doesn't. Ralph Martin's prophecy before the pope in 1975 was well received; and it gets more relevant as time goes on. "rightly divide" and use your "discernment" and knock off the Ku Klux...
  5. Jude Thaddeus

    Eat my flesh, drink my blood, discerning the body and blood of Christ.

    But Redfan, Ignatius, Justin Martyr and Irenaeus are not in the Bible!!! :eek:
  6. Jude Thaddeus

    Eat my flesh, drink my blood, discerning the body and blood of Christ.

    You can order one on ebay for as little as $3.99, but I wouldn't recommend eating it. . . . . . . :jest:
  7. Jude Thaddeus

    Eat my flesh, drink my blood, discerning the body and blood of Christ.

    OK. I will if you read Numbers 30 and put the Blessed Virgin Mary in front of vows taken by an unmarried, wait.... The Hebrew People never had a law of jealousies, jealousy is a sin. If a woman cheated on her husband, she broke the law. I think that is what you mean...yes? I am...
  8. Jude Thaddeus

    Eat my flesh, drink my blood, discerning the body and blood of Christ.

    WHERE, in anywhere in all of Scripture, do "symbols" give eternal life? Chapter and verse(s) please. Please draw me a picture of a symbol of such infinite power so I can explain it to a 7 year old in terms he can understand. How does one eat a symbol? Does any 7 year old have a highly...
  9. Jude Thaddeus

    Regarding an important issue in a thread brought to the top of our Current Events Forum list

    APA IS HAVING A MENTAL BREAKDOWN It is becoming ever more clear that those who run the American Psychological Association (APA) are suffering from a mental breakdown. It is now promoting “relationship anarchy,” as well as other dysfunctional behaviors. To the APA, about the only deviant sexual...
  10. Jude Thaddeus

    When was the A.O.D fulfilled?

    Which papacy? The few corrupt popes centuries ago that never taught anything? That mean nothing in todays world? Some set of future pope(s) that you and your sect strain to fulfil false prophecies that are laughable to anyone with an education? Anyone with a modicum of education and 2...
  11. Jude Thaddeus

    Regarding an important issue in a thread brought to the top of our Current Events Forum list

    :jest: I'm going to memorize that one!!! I have Seasonal Affective Disorder, diagnosed in 1972, or 73, I can't remember. It could be due to the shock treatments back then that I survived. ECT: Electro-Convulsive Therapy. Bipolar is the most misdiagnosed disease of the list of psychopathologies...
  12. Jude Thaddeus

    Recommended News Feeds on the War in Ukraine

    WHY DID WALZ, BIDEN, SANDERS and De BLASIO HONEYMOON IN COMMUNIST COUNTRIES? Bill Donohue Note: In an earlier post, mention was made of Walz, Sanders and de Blasio honeymooning in communist countries. We were remiss in not mentioning Joe Biden. He is now included in this revised version. In the...
  13. Jude Thaddeus

    Recommended News Feeds on the War in Ukraine

    There is nothing "humble" about your opinion. Where have I desired to silence opposing views? Use the quote feature and stop lying. There is nothing "peaceful" about accusing young American pro-Ukrainian newscasters of misinformation and propaganda. Prove it on another thread, not here. OFF...
  14. Jude Thaddeus

    Recommended News Feeds on the War in Ukraine

    So you think bombing a children's hospital is just "pro Ukrainian propaganda"? Please stay out of my thread.
  15. Jude Thaddeus

    There is only one true church

    Let me know if you disdain videos (post #614) as I do. I'll try and find a transcript, so we can discuss.
  16. Jude Thaddeus

    Recommended News Feeds on the War in Ukraine

    Top pick: The Enforcer. No religion or politics, just visual verification. 2 guys in there '20's with a slightly goofy approach to news casting. They are Christians. Inside Russia, with Konstantine; a Russian in contact with friends in Russia giving the scoop on what what is really happening...
  17. Jude Thaddeus

    When was the A.O.D fulfilled?

    Maybe not, but you have no qualms about calling the Catholic Church the Whore of Babble-on. Or all of Protestantism "daughters of the whore". Or the Pope or future popes the anti-Christ. The reason there were not one SDA members killed in the Holocaust was because Hitler liked what they were...
  18. Jude Thaddeus

    There is only one true church

    ◄ Numbers 30 ► Book Sum • Book by Book • Study Que Laws about Vows Upholding Vows: The Importance of Integrity Numbers 30 serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of our words and promises. In our modern context, this chapter can inspire us to be more thoughtful about the...