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  1. Reddsta

    Revelation 11:1-3 - Can someone explain to me what these 3 verses are telling us?

    Greetings @Earburner... As I see it...the two witnesses come out from the "measuring of the naos" the dwelling place of God...or the most Holy place of the temple. The "church" is the heathens just outside the Most Holy place pretending they are the "Body of Christ"...but are actually the...
  2. Reddsta


    Thank you for the offer...I am sufficiently adept at picking through a mans words which display his thoughts and discerning not only the truth therein if there be any...but also...that discernment reveals the heart of the man as well. May it go well for you work and time in this...
  3. Reddsta


    If you read through my posts you would have seen that I believe that when the Holy Spirit indwells the spirit of a man...the man is "born again and saved"...I actually explained what it means to be saved. Ok so here is what I said...with emphasis...first you called what I said here "legalism."...
  4. Reddsta

    Revelation 11:1-3 - Can someone explain to me what these 3 verses are telling us?

    Well friend…I stated my answer to these questions in post #32 and in my original response to you…#35 and a subsequent response to “ewq1938” #37…I understand that you and most others may have never heard this before…at least you have the stones to dig into it to this point…which I admire…just...
  5. Reddsta

    Revelation 11:1-3 - Can someone explain to me what these 3 verses are telling us?

    Well based upon my responses to you from above in regards to the difference in the definitions between the “church” and the “Body of Christ”…no I do not agree. To you perhaps it is an issue of semantics…I am fine with that Spiritual Israelite…understand it the way you desire…I am merely sharing...
  6. Reddsta

    Revelation 11:1-3 - Can someone explain to me what these 3 verses are telling us?

    As I see it typically…agree with the denominational by-laws for membership…show up on Sunday for service…listen to the pastor/preacher…sing along in the “worship service”…bring in a tithe and in some cases an offering as well. Perhaps one might function in a formal capacity as an “usher, small...
  7. Reddsta

    Revelation 11:1-3 - Can someone explain to me what these 3 verses are telling us?

    Well to begin with…the Holy Spirit additionally the Body of Christ has “specific parts”…many of them [1st Corinthians 12, Romans 12] for reference. These “parts” are members of the One Body who are “called” according to God’s “predestined foreknown intention for each of them” as written in...
  8. Reddsta

    Revelation 11:1-3 - Can someone explain to me what these 3 verses are telling us?

    The life that is being lived…here is a very basic picture of how I see it…there is more. Life in the “Body of Christ” is family…“fathers and children”…continually living life together with one another, eat meals together…in a “personal and daily” basis. Intimate spirit lead relationships...
  9. Reddsta

    Revelation 11:1-3 - Can someone explain to me what these 3 verses are telling us?

    Greetings @ewq1938... That may be your question...but its not the right question. All that comprises the Body of Christ on earth and in heaven know...that the Lord Yahshua Christ is the King of kings...of that there is no doubt among them. Allow me to bring the whole of my statement into view...
  10. Reddsta

    Revelation 11:1-3 - Can someone explain to me what these 3 verses are telling us?

    I am suggesting that it is the “Body of Christ”…which I believe is different than the church. The “apostasy” is what separates the “church” from the “Body of Christ”…the event depicted in Revelation 12:5??? We can get a better understanding of these “two olive trees, and the two candlesticks”...
  11. Reddsta

    Has the time come when all truth is revealed?

    Greetings @Hobie...interesting question The answer as I see it see it this way because the age is not yet complete and the Lord is still revealing that which is yet hidden in Him. Redd...:)
  12. Reddsta

    Revelation 11:1-3 - Can someone explain to me what these 3 verses are telling us?

    Part 5 The “measuring rod like a staff”…is the Lord Yahshua Christ…the judge, the standard of a godly life and the “rod of correction.” The “temple of God” is the "Head and Body" known as "Christ" that hosts the Spirit of God…His dwelling place…the “naos.” The “alter and those who worship in...
  13. Reddsta

    Revelation 11:1-3 - Can someone explain to me what these 3 verses are telling us?

    Part 4 "Leave out the court which is outside the temple and do not measure it, for it has been given to the nations; and they will tread under foot the holy city for forty-two months.” You do not measure the court which is outside…this would be more in the hieron…because you are in the court...
  14. Reddsta

    Revelation 11:1-3 - Can someone explain to me what these 3 verses are telling us?

    Part 3... “and the altar, and those who worship in it” Now the Lord is measuring the temple…what else is He measuring? He is measuring the “altar.” The altar is the evidence of a sacrificed life. “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living...
  15. Reddsta

    Revelation 11:1-3 - Can someone explain to me what these 3 verses are telling us?

    Part 2 “Get up and measure the temple of God” The common reference to the “temple” in the Book of Acts is to the Greek word hieron and that was reference to a building. However…the reference here, “measure the temple of God”…is to the term naos. Commonly, the naos was called the sanctuary...
  16. Reddsta

    Revelation 11:1-3 - Can someone explain to me what these 3 verses are telling us?

    Greetings @CTK...and forum... Here is my contribution to your question/request...I will be as brief as I can be...though trimming it down to post still takes a bit of work and a few posts...hope it helps. “Then there was given me a measuring rod like a staff” Let’s take a close look at what...
  17. Reddsta


    Well what you believe is fine by me...however...are you aware of the difference between "natural and spirit?" Paul in 1st Corinthians seperates them in this fashion..."However, the spiritual is not first, but the natural; then the spiritual. The first man is from the earth, earthy; the second...
  18. Reddsta


    Greetings "behold"... Read it is what I said..."That speaks of the “saving of the soul”…which is the work of the Holy Spirit indwelling the spirit of form, teach and love the soul into Christ’s likeness. This is the “conversion” process and it takes a lifetime…however the...
  19. Reddsta


    This is a little messy Taken…sorry…communicating via the forums can be challenging...let’s deconstruct this a bit. The concept of “saving the soul” is very real…so I can agree with you on that point. Working from what I posted above…the Holy Spirit does not indwell the souls of men…He dwells...
  20. Reddsta


    Well…you might have a problem here “Taken”…on a couple of levels. First the concept of “natural Spirit” is an oxymoron. Natural is carnal, fleshly, temporal, worldly and relative to creation. “Spirit” is none of that…especially “mans spirit.” Mans “spirit” is an endowment from the person of...