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  1. Eternally Grateful

    The Doctrines of Grace

    lol The bible was completed in the 1st century. God did not wait 400 years to put complete his word.
  2. Eternally Grateful

    Trump vying for Greenland and Canada

    Again Canada belongs to england. an attach on canada would be an attach on Britain. Trump says these things all the time to get people doing exactly what is happening. and expose people who are not to bright. Lets not be one of those people
  3. Eternally Grateful

    The Doctrines of Grace

    I lived in cleveland for 2 years. Stationed on the ice breaker on 9th street
  4. Eternally Grateful

    The Doctrines of Grace

    hearing it and being offered it are not the same They still can repent (the must) or remain in unbelief
  5. Eternally Grateful

    The Doctrines of Grace

    Well there you go.. You repented. and through this, grace was applied to you Snow belt? Sorry about the Browns. Go Cav's. OH-
  6. Eternally Grateful

    The Doctrines of Grace

    But you did not say that, you said salvation. Now your back peddling If they can not be saved, they can not be offered salvation.
  7. Eternally Grateful

    The Doctrines of Grace

    You have to be in him first. But they have no excuse. And I was that person once, as were you. Until we repented. Have you repented?
  8. Eternally Grateful

    The Doctrines of Grace

    What you said is quite clear. "salvation is offered to everyone" I am confusing? Your the one who said saolvation is offered to everyone. when Jesus did not pay for their sins. You can not offer to salvation who can not be saved.
  9. Eternally Grateful

    The Doctrines of Grace

    we better hope we get to heaven. My theology says God gets the glory in everything too So much, that even the lost will have no excuse. because he died for them also. and offered them the same gift. But the rejected his gift.
  10. Eternally Grateful

    The Doctrines of Grace

    Here I will post it for you Again, Salvation can not be "offered to all humans" unless the penalty of sin is paid. Unless you think they could pay for it themselves. either way.. you just contradicted yourself
  11. Eternally Grateful

    The Doctrines of Grace

    I been studying for 40 years now I have found the truth. You should stop listening to men, they have led you astray
  12. Eternally Grateful

    The Doctrines of Grace

    your right And he pleases and soverignly choses that he will not force his gift on you. He wants a relationship. So he will offer it to you, If you want it great, if you do not want it, he will move to the next person. Sorry if the truth sounds like hate. are you a liberal? Lets get this...
  13. Eternally Grateful

    The Doctrines of Grace

    scripture is bad theology? I am sad you see this No i did not do anything The difference between us is you rely on a doctrine. i rely on the word of god Well yes. if i tried to earn salvation. But I can not earn salvation. Me allowing God to save me is not me saving myself. You did do...
  14. Eternally Grateful

    The Doctrines of Grace

    Then you must believe in unlimited atonement I believe I was saved by grace. I chose to recieve his grace gift of life. Because he proved to be faithfull. if someone is totally unable to even have a chance to be saved, then salvation is not offered to them It’s like the world is in a...
  15. Eternally Grateful

    The Doctrines of Grace

    Oh I do For we have been saved by grace THROUGH FAITH You want to remove faith from the equation. And claim God keeps many from having the ability to believe, and picks and choses others and prety much forces them to believe (they have no choice) But did he? Thank God he offered the whole...
  16. Eternally Grateful

    The Doctrines of Grace

    Amen, That why both fatalism and Arminianism are problems which come from the same root prety much. If I am not chosen, in the end I will not be saved
  17. Eternally Grateful

    The Doctrines of Grace

    Saying you are chosen from a calvinist perspective is pride. Saying you are saved because of God and his work in you. Not focusing on self. Is humility Luke said Jesus claimed the mission of the church is to go out and preach repentance for the remission and forgiveness of sins. You can not...
  18. Eternally Grateful

    The Doctrines of Grace

    Well then you just proved my point, God is not a god of unconditional love, He did not unconditionally love the whole world. Only a few select people he held to high regard. You could say they merited salvation, because God chose them Which answers your nic name, elect of God.. You or setting...
  19. Eternally Grateful

    The Doctrines of Grace

    So you’re saying he does give everyone a chance to believe? And they must chose freely?
  20. Eternally Grateful

    The Doctrines of Grace

    Again, Look at your nic. Are you promoting Christ and his work Or promoting yourself as being elected (Your special)?