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  1. G


    20241220Vrydag WATCH! BEHOLD!— the Mystery Of Iniquity, the Abomination Of Desolation, The Roman Catholic Sunday Worshipping – Seventh day Adventist Apostate PAPAL ECUMENICAL ANTICHRIST— exposed! What Jesus Said on the CROSS that Few Understand Until Today Log into Facebook
  2. G

    Nisan 17 (Sunday) At That Time Yeshua/Jesus Rose From The Dead

    At one glimpse noticed, at least three gross inconsistencies and falsehoods, this grotesque doctrine, <Sunday 3-31-24 1st. Day Of The Weekly Cycle, Adar II Day 20 5784 13th. Day of Spring> rests!
  3. G

    Nisan 17 (Sunday) At That Time Yeshua/Jesus Rose From The Dead

    Final defeat sealed, the worst of bad loosers' final words, go, 'We agree to disagree'. Yaggy
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    Nisan 17 (Sunday) At That Time Yeshua/Jesus Rose From The Dead

    CGE: Read the complete interlinear to KJV Text unchanged, here, Re: <there was great turmoil {among the guard at the tomb};> You realize that you inserted < {among the guard at the tomb}>. There is nothing in the Text or...
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    Nisan 17 (Sunday) At That Time Yeshua/Jesus Rose From The Dead

    Last Week: “THREE DAYS” 1. THURSDAY : DEATH Abib 14 THE FIRST DAY" “before” (Friday) Abib 15 2Chronicles 35:4,6,10,14 “prepared passover … KILLED the passover” = Exodus 12:15a “when they REMOVED leaven” = Leviticus 23:22,10 “when ye REAP the corners ... bring the first sheaf” Mark...
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    Nisan 17 (Sunday) At That Time Yeshua/Jesus Rose From The Dead

    To the Text, to the verse, to the chronological, to the historical, to the logical, TRUE sequence and order of the God of order. . . "ACCORDING TO THE SCRIPTURES" Passion Week “SIX DAYS BEFORE FEAST DAYS of passover” : SABBATH [9th day of First Month] John 12:1-11 Last Week: PALM-SUNDAY “THE...
  7. G

    Nisan 17 (Sunday) At That Time Yeshua/Jesus Rose From The Dead

    I am sure this view of yours, only helps misunderstand what happened <during the time of the crucifixion>, because Matthew, in so many words, when Jesus DIED, says in 1,52,53, "And Jesus cried out again with a loud voice, and yielded up His spirit---" "THEN there-and-then/immediately...
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    Nisan 17 (Sunday) At That Time Yeshua/Jesus Rose From The Dead

    CGE: Matthew 28:1 IS the 'recording' of that "great earthquake" exactly on that "Sabbath Day" specifically simultaneous with the event of the stone's removal and Jesus' Resurrection, and purposely recorded at this climactic juncture in the narrative at the end of the document, and being...
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    “the day after Saturday which is Sunday on which the Lord rose from the dead” most scandalous Christian fraud

    The taking for granted of the existence of the supposed ‘second manuscript copy’ of Justin Martyr’s ‘Apology To The Emperor’ which in Christian apologetics regularly is seen ‘quoted’ as proving “the day after Saturday which is Sunday on which the Lord rose from the dead”, Prima Facie is...
  10. G

    PLEASE SHARE WITH ME information you have from before 1800CE of the Resurrection of Jesus as reason for Christian Sunday keeping ?

    <It would appear that> I don't talk about surmising, like you do right here. <from what is being discussed, that information is being withheld> From what the thread title says, I asked for <information>, and waited for answers long enough, and when received, reacted on the posts I received. How...
  11. G

    PLEASE SHARE WITH ME information you have from before 1800CE of the Resurrection of Jesus as reason for Christian Sunday keeping ?

    I never claimed that it did not exist, but accepted that it existed just like all who always believed it always existed. I took the existence of it for granted just like you do, until the need to prove it arose and I AND NOBODY ELSE HAS FOUND ANY PROOF UNTIL THIS MOMENT. That is why I started...
  12. G

    PLEASE SHARE WITH ME information you have from before 1800CE of the Resurrection of Jesus as reason for Christian Sunday keeping ?

    What day of the week the day referred to in Leviticus 23:15-16 as "the morrow/day after the sabbath" was? First one must know that the word TRANSLTED 'sabbath' IS WRONG. It is wrongly interpreted to be a Nomen-Noun name of specific day-- the Seventh Day of the week which it NEVER was in ANY...
  13. G

    PLEASE SHARE WITH ME information you have from before 1800CE of the Resurrection of Jesus as reason for Christian Sunday keeping ?

    'Sunday' is not there in pre-Contra Reformation literature, in manuscript or in print. It does not exist there and never then, existed. Therefore the onus to prove its existence is on the party that alleges that it did and or does exist. The ball if it is, is in your hands to play. Don't flip...
  14. G

    PLEASE SHARE WITH ME information you have from before 1800CE of the Resurrection of Jesus as reason for Christian Sunday keeping ?

    Yes, Sunday observance per se was already practiced widely by the time of the council of Nicaea--- BY THE PAGANS! But that Sunday observance per se was <affirmed> as, or was affirming, <the spiritual significance of Sunday as the Lord's day>, again, is again affirmation and confirmation, that...
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    PLEASE SHARE WITH ME information you have from before 1800CE of the Resurrection of Jesus as reason for Christian Sunday keeping ?

    From shameless fraud with Ignatius to shameful audacity with Tertullian, "Lordly"-'kyriakeh' IDOLATROUSLY PRESENTED / RENDERED WITH : 'SUNDAY'.
  16. G

    PLEASE SHARE WITH ME information you have from before 1800CE of the Resurrection of Jesus as reason for Christian Sunday keeping ?

    Log into Facebook ET AL NOT IN <Early Church Fathers> AT ALL See --- IT IS ANTICHRIST’S BIGGEST AND MOST COVERT LIE the whole world was caught by FAST ASLEEP.