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  1. TribulationSigns

    Revelation chapter 20 - Gog and Magog

    No you misunderstood. God, much of the time, speaks through the use of parables containing symbols, allegories, metaphors, etc., all in picturesque language. Simply put, God is stating that at the end of the symbolical thousand years, which is a reference to the New Testament Church Age, Satan...
  2. TribulationSigns

    Revelation chapter 20 - Gog and Magog

    “Long ago” without know exact when the battle took place isn’t acceptable. Refuse to find a grave yard after God said there’s a place proves you do not know! Gog and magog is in the future long after 536BC.
  3. TribulationSigns

    Revelation chapter 20 - Gog and Magog

    I wondered where can @Truth7t7 find the massive grave site in Israel today which it is called the Valley of Hamongog. Where is it, then? Where do you smell it? :-)
  4. TribulationSigns

    Revelation chapter 20 - Gog and Magog

    Does not make sense at all. This does not answer my question. The verses confirm with "nations" coming down on Israel with wood weapons and all life on whole Earth felt the presence of the Lord (verse 20) at that time, the burning of weapon for 7 years, etc. etc. Where is the verse to confirm...
  5. TribulationSigns

    Revelation chapter 20 - Gog and Magog

    LOL! When was that exactly? Where is the BIBLICAL HISTORY of that? Show me the Scripture of your falsely historical fulfillment.
  6. TribulationSigns

    Revelation chapter 20 - Gog and Magog

    Wooden weapons? Bad assumption. It is not what you and Douggg think. The prophecy about Gog and Magog has to do with a spiritual invasion. It is their doctrines and interpretations of men come against the True Witnesses of Israel, whose words are contained in the scriptures. It is not a...
  7. TribulationSigns

    Revelation 20:6 "The First Resurrection" Explained

    Heb 2:7 (7) Thou madest him a little lower than the angels; thou crownedst him with glory and honour, and didst set him over the works of thy hands: Heb 2:9 (9) But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour; that he by...
  8. TribulationSigns

    Revelation 20:6 "The First Resurrection" Explained

    I do not read anywhere in Revelation 12 that says "Christ stood up" at the Cross. Show me the verse.
  9. TribulationSigns

    Revelation 13 - the sea and the earth beast

    LOL!!!!!! This is a really poor explanation! None of this is biblically true at all! So you are saying that God cast a person's soul into hell. And then the beast's spirit has the power to bring that soul out and possess it before putting it back into the dead person and woke up? LOL...
  10. TribulationSigns

    Revelation 20:6 "The First Resurrection" Explained

    Christ stood firm for HIS PEOPLE who He has sealed (saved) then the great tribulation period started (and no it was not in first century that you Preterists thought). It's in the future because it has to occur AFTER Christ has finished sealing all of His Elect First which took almost 2,000...
  11. TribulationSigns

    Revelation 20:6 "The First Resurrection" Explained

    Rev 21:9 (9) And there came unto me one of the seven angels which had the seven vials full of the seven last plagues, and talked with me, saying, Come hither, I will shew thee the bride, the Lamb's wife. The versre above was one of the seven messengers was talking with John and introduced him...
  12. TribulationSigns

    Revelation 20:6 "The First Resurrection" Explained

    What does the context say? Rev 22:8-9 (8) And I John saw these things, and heard them. And when I had heard and seen, I fell down to worship before the feet of the angel which shewed me these things. (9) Then saith he unto me, See thou do it not: for I am thy fellowservant, and of thy...
  13. TribulationSigns

    Revelation 20:6 "The First Resurrection" Explained

    The millennial kingdom was already here since the Cross through the Church, which the 1,000 symbolic years - the fullness of whatever is in view. Sorry, there will not be a literal 1,000 year kingdom in your future. This millennial Kingdom is about to end soon when Christ return anytime now.
  14. TribulationSigns

    Revelation 20:6 "The First Resurrection" Explained

    Dan 12:1-2 (1) And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall...
  15. TribulationSigns

    Revelation 20:6 "The First Resurrection" Explained

    Rev 12:7-10 (7) And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, (8) And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven. (9) And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan...
  16. TribulationSigns

    Revelation 7: 4-8 The 144000

    Okay. I see now. My apologies. 144 cubits. It still applies to the 144,000 through. Fixed. Thanks
  17. TribulationSigns

    Revelation 7: 4-8 The 144000

    These numbers are God ordained to signify the full measure of the Israel of God. Not measurement of actual stones of the city. Its PEOPLE. The New Jersualem is the BRIDE (people) of Christ. Not a physical wall of stones.
  18. TribulationSigns

    Revelation 13:17-18 (666)

    You guys are funny. :watching and waiting:
  19. TribulationSigns

    The Punishment of the Ungodly

    Sorry Pretribbers. Not going to happen. God is not talking about Temple Mount here. It is the New Testament congregations of Israel, the Church, all over the world. The abomination of desolation "is" the mystery of iniquity. It is the culmination of it because it has been going on in the...
  20. TribulationSigns

    Revelation 13 - the sea and the earth beast

    Really? Does this picture looks fimiliar to you? No wait, it was you who created it. "Spirit of the serpent enters his soul" is not possessed?Is not incarnated? LOL!!!! Your false doctrine believes this. So far, you haven't corrected anything!