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  1. Augustin56

    Why trust the "Early Fathers?"

    The canon was not set until the late 4th centuries at the Councils of Rome (382 A.D.), Hippo (393 A.D.), and Carthage (397 A.D.). The documents actually fell into three catgories: 1) those they knew should be Scripture (Gospels) 2) those they suspected may be Scritpure but weren't sure...
  2. Augustin56

    Why trust the "Early Fathers?"

    Not the same. God did inspire the Scripture writers. But that's not what Jesus set up to spread His truths whatsoever! He founded a (ONE) Church in which to do so. The Bible under one cover didn't even exist until the late 4th century. And the vast, vast majority of humanity was illiterate...
  3. Augustin56

    Why trust the "Early Fathers?"

    None of those even come close to implying that you ONLY need Scripture. What does St. Paul say in Scripture is the "pillar and foundation of truth?" (Hint: Look to 1 Tim 3:15) Jesus didn't write a book to spread His truths. The Bible under one cover didn't exist until the late 4th...
  4. Augustin56

    Why trust the "Early Fathers?"

    Where does it say that in Scripture? What does Scripture say is the "pillar and foundation of truth?" (Hint: It's not the Bible.)
  5. Augustin56

    What is Modesty Really?

    Modesty is the virtue that moderates all the internal and external movements and appearance of a person according to his or her endowments, possessions, and station in life. Four virtues are commonly included under modesty: humility, studiousness, and two kinds of external modesty, namely in...
  6. Augustin56

    Is this place overwhelming just the typical run of the mill conservative Christians who ignore science and biblical scholarship?

    Really, there is no such thing as a "conservative" Christian or a "liberal" Christian. You are either IN the truth of Christ or you are not. The terms conservative and liberal are political terms.
  7. Augustin56

    Is the Bible the word of God?

    No, that's your personal interpretation of Scripture, not what Paul meant at all. Or, maybe you accepted someone else's personal interpertation of Scripture. Again, you guys made up your own religion apart from the one founded by Christ, Himself. Good luck with that.
  8. Augustin56

    Is the Bible the word of God?

    First of all, the Catholic church does not forbid marriage. It asks those who are to become priests to be celibate. There are married priests, but they were married before they were ordained and usually came from Protestant denominations. It is a discipline, not a doctrine, meaning it could...
  9. Augustin56

    Is the Bible the word of God?

    Ah. So you not only hold to an English translation of a Bible created in 1604 A.D., but not all of it. Only those epistles written by Paul. The rest (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Peter, etc.) are in error, according to you. If I may ask, by what/whose authority do you make that claim?
  10. Augustin56

    Is the Bible the word of God?

    So, the earliest Christians (Early Church Fathers), the ones closest to the time of Christ and the Apostles, have no sway with you. Instead, you rely on personal interpretation of Scripture (which Scripture warns against in 2 Peter 1:20), of a translation of the Bible created in 1604 A.D...
  11. Augustin56

    Is the Bible the word of God?

    So, you rely on a Bible created in the 17th century over the original one. Got it.
  12. Augustin56

    Is the Bible the word of God?

    You do realize that the original Bible wasn't written in English, right? It had no punctuation, paragraphs, chapter numbers, verse numbers. etc. You also realize that the Bible is a Catholic book, right? The Catholic Church wrote the New Testament, which it declared worthy of being called...
  13. Augustin56

    Is the Bible the word of God?

    amadeus, that's in interesting thought. It is more a matter of God chasing us (He is often called the "hound of heaven") than us chasing Him. We all suffer from the effects of Original Sin, namely darkness of intellect and weakness of will. But think about this for a minute... The...
  14. Augustin56

    Is the Bible the word of God?

    I should have given more detail. My fault. The Bible is one of the two main expressions of the Word of God. The other being Holy Tradition (aka, Oral Tradition spoken of by St. Paul in 2 Thes 2:15). The Bible interpreted wrongly is not an expression of the Word of God.
  15. Augustin56

    Is the Bible the word of God?

    Technically speaking, the Bible is not the Word of God. The Word of God is not a book. It is Jesus Christ, Himself. John 1:1 says, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." John is speaking of Jesus Christ here. The Catholic Church (Apostles and their...
  16. Augustin56

    Why do people share names & numbers of verses but NOT the verses themselves?

    It may be interesting to note that the Chapter and verse numbers weren't added till way late in the game. The Chapter divisions were done by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Stephen Langton, 1227 A.D. The Old Testament verse numbers were added by a Jewish rabbi, Nathan, around 1447 A.D., and the...
  17. Augustin56


    The students aren't getting taught at home because the parents weren't taught either. Nimo dat quod non habet. We cannot give what we do not have. Although, with the advent of the Internet, I don't think that at any time in history has mankind had access to so much of the Church's teaching...
  18. Augustin56


    Short side note. Christianity is not Bible-based. It's Church-based. The Catholic Church preceded the New Testament in writing. Christ didn't write a book to spread His truths. He taught orally. He founded a (ONE) Church in order to do so. It is this Church, the Catholic Church, that wrote...
  19. Augustin56


    Is there a point somewhere in there? Try fleshing that out a little bit.
  20. Augustin56


    Agreed. Saying it also doesn't make it not so. So, what's your point?