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  1. Matthias

    Personal Growth

    Paul is stressing the importance of what was seen and experienced. It is of first importance, not the only thing of importance. If (a conditional statement) Jesus of Nazareth has not been bodily resurrected from the dead then forget him. Forget everything that he said and everything that he did...
  2. Matthias

    Personal Growth

    Some do but what is the evidence that a majority do? What is your support for this? In my experience, the majority of Christians do not. Even if it were true that a majority do, that isn’t sufficient to establish that God created through an evolutionary process. If a Christian is telling you...
  3. Matthias

    Personal Growth

    Does it not matter to you that the Messiah himself has a God @Riven? Abraham has a God -> Yahweh Moses has a God -> Yahweh Jesus has a God -> Yahweh Yahweh doesn’t have God; he is the one true God.
  4. Matthias

    The happy thread

  5. Matthias

    Critical thinking and education is linked to loss of faith

    The New Testament is written in Greek. “God,“ whether written in Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek, or any other language we might want to consider, is always singular. When I was a college student our Hebrew language professor told us that we could have a ministry teaching people the meaning of elohim...
  6. Matthias

    Critical thinking and education is linked to loss of faith

    Aramaic doesn’t contradict Hebrew. Yahweh is the God (singular) of Israel; not the gods (plural) of Israel. @David in NJ (or anyone else for that matter) can insist that it is plural but the refutation of that assertion is insisting that he render it plural in English. He refuses to do it. The...
  7. Matthias

    Critical thinking and education is linked to loss of faith

    “While the word elohim is plural in form, its meaning can be either plural or singular. Most often (over 2,000 times) in the Hebrew Bible it is singular, referring to the God of Israel.”
  8. Matthias

    Critical thinking and education is linked to loss of faith

    It’s seldom plural in the Old Testament. Overwhelmingly, and always when used in reference to the God of Israel, it is singular. The LXX is helpful in confirming that elohim is singular. The Greek word theos is the equivalent of the Hebrew word elohim when the Hebrew word is singular in...
  9. Matthias

    Critical thinking and education is linked to loss of faith

    Elohim is a Hebrew word which is always plural in form but either singular or plural in meaning, depending upon the context. That’s incorrect. “Elohim is a Hebrew word that is generally used to refer to God in the Old Testament. It is a plural noun, but when referring to the God of Israel, it...
  10. Matthias

    QUOTE for the day

    “You cannot disciple someone who does not desire to be discipled.” - Grant R. Castleberry
  11. Matthias

    I hate myself, and hate being an atheist.

    Atheism is heartbreaking.
  12. Matthias

    Critical thinking and education is linked to loss of faith

    Jesus is a Jewish monotheist. This is a classic expression of the Jewish law of agency. The one who sent the Messiah and put his words in the Messiah’s mouth to speak is his God and Father / my God and Father, Yahweh.
  13. Matthias

    The happy thread is dead. Long live the happy thread!

    * Not an entirely successful attempt to blend in unnoticed, but the effort can’t be faulted. *
  14. Matthias

    Critical thinking and education is linked to loss of faith

    If you’re going to repeat yourself, repeat that you aren’t a trinitarian and that elohim is plural - which everyone should know is always rendered in English as “gods”.
  15. Matthias

    Critical thinking and education is linked to loss of faith

    I’ve been doing this since the mid-90’s. It’s the nature of discussion boards. When I was still teaching I required my students (most of whom were preparing to become pastors) to participate on discussion boards one hour per week and keep a journal of their activities. They hated the assignment...
  16. Matthias

    Critical thinking and education is linked to loss of faith

    Has he told you that he is Oneness?
  17. Matthias

    Critical thinking and education is linked to loss of faith

    @David in NJ you neither confirmed nor denied it in post #412. Avoiding it doesn’t change the fact that you did. I don’t know what you want to talk with me about tomorrow but this will be one of the things discussed if we do.
  18. Matthias

    Critical thinking and education is linked to loss of faith

    You know what the label means. You’re speaking against those who self-identify as trinitarian. They are the source of the label. You’re attempting to hide from them. You let the cat out of the bag when you stated publicly that you aren’t a trinitarian. They just haven’t seen it yet. They will...
  19. Matthias

    Critical thinking and education is linked to loss of faith

    Trinitarian scholarship, as I’ve frequently documented, agrees with me on this very simple point.