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  1. MatthewG

    The Never-Ending Kingdom (2 Ages)

    Any other thoughts?
  2. MatthewG

    The Never-Ending Kingdom (2 Ages)

    If one says so...
  3. MatthewG

    What Happened With The Word of God?

    Don’t know about all that @Lizbeth. I read your writing but see a different side via scripture.
  4. MatthewG

    What Happened With The Word of God?

    Do you have anything else to question besides, Yahavah, @Jack? Did you read all what was in the written work? What did you think of it?
  5. MatthewG

    The Never-Ending Kingdom (2 Ages)

    Just looking for peoples thoughts, @Jack.
  6. MatthewG

    What Happened With The Word of God?

    It's interesting that God's Word became flesh, suffered in that flesh, and died on the cross, in order for his shed blood to be shed for the entire world in order for it to be saved, while the while establishing the Kingdom of Heaven for anyone whom desires to be part of it can do so by...
  7. MatthewG

    What Happened With The Word of God?

    Did you actually take time to read it, and dissect on the written work?
  8. MatthewG

    What Happened With The Word of God?

    I made this topic several months ago last year. Hopefully today it can finally just stay here. Hello to you and welcome to this thread, a Bible study. This is a biblical study of what happened with the Word of God, In the beginning, there was God (Genesis 1:1-2) the Spirit of God was...
  9. MatthewG

    The Never-Ending Kingdom (2 Ages)

    Any thoughts?
  10. MatthewG

    The Never-Ending Kingdom (2 Ages)

    Is this a line of scripture you have read before? Ever heard before? Do you know or understand what it is about? I perhaps do not, but maybe by the spirit we can learn something. In the very beginning, we have creation. Adam and Eve. Sin, and judgement from God, disbanding them. Before they had...
  11. MatthewG

    Book of Life / Predestination/Elect - My personal gleanings

    I don’t know if my name is written in heaven. I’m just thankful for Yeshua who gives us newness of life and gets us to Yahavah. Seems like Paul knew some peoples who name was though.
  12. MatthewG

    Book of Life / Predestination/Elect - My personal gleanings

    I’m not your husband, so I don’t know.
  13. MatthewG

    Book of Life / Predestination/Elect - My personal gleanings

    Lots of cool songs out there
  14. MatthewG

    John 20:31

  15. MatthewG

    John 20:31

    Wrangler asked, for anyones' thoughts. Please anyone feel free.
  16. MatthewG

    John 20:31

    Daniel 9:20-27 There are some very interesting things going on in here. Gabriel Brings an Answer 20 While I was still speaking and praying, and confessing my sin and the sin of my people Israel, and [o]presenting my plea before the Lord my God in behalf of the holy mountain of my God, 21 while...
  17. MatthewG

    John 20:31

    I do like when I am able to say "Jesus suffered and died, and was risen again by the Father."
  18. MatthewG

    John 20:31

    Probably none.