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  1. J

    Do all religions claim to be the exclusive truth?

    Reminds me of the old game show Truth or Consequences. They all claim they're the real God, but in the end only the one living God will be standing.
  2. J

    The KJV of the Holy Bible is based on what? A question for all the KJO folks.

    My God's rainbow is a symbol of a promise, not a pennant of perversion. And love? What a farce! Their "love" is only a thin veneer concealing seething hatred and malice.
  3. J


    "Edibles", in current terminology, refers to food infused with THC (the chemical in pot that gets you high). They're not dangerous, per se, but I understand you can make yourself really sick by eating too many - they are fairly potent and apparently ingesting them doesn't hit you as quickly as...
  4. J

    Why did God need to rest on the seventh day after creation if he is almighty?

    Have you seen the size of the universe lately? The fact He need only one day instead of a couple millennia is testament enough to His mighty power.
  5. J

    Will there be genders in heaven?

    Gender is an academic construct. Its only real-world use prior to the agendized use of the past decade was as a substitute word for sex in older television shows. So no, no gender in heaven.
  6. J

    Fishing for men-Alive...

    Have to agree with your interpretation. A good many there couldn't give a fig about what He was saying, just so long as they got their miracle. Unfortunately for them, what He was saying to them was vastly more important and of far greater benefit than receiving a miracle. Self-centeredness...
  7. J

    Dogs in the Bible

    That can happen if the cars don't have non-GMO tires.
  8. J

    Dogs in the Bible

    As long as you have a bottle of ketchup handy.
  9. J

    Dogs in the Bible

    Yes, but the point is that roadkill is not kosher.
  10. J

    Dogs in the Bible

    In the wild dogs are scavengers who will eat dead animals, so I can see how they'd be considered unclean.
  11. J

    They sow the WIND, and they shall reap the WHIRLWIND

    Reap the whirlwind, Murphy. Reap it!
  12. J

    To Live is Christ, To Die is Gain?

    To live is Christ -- while alive we can spread the gospel and be good representatives of Christ among people To die is (personal) gain -- we get to go be with Christ. It's a win either way.
  13. J

    Should we pray the Lord's prayer daily?

    Your post makes some valid points regarding prayer in general. However, in relation to my post it is a complete non-sequitur.
  14. J

    Should we pray the Lord's prayer daily?

    Yeah. I think you completely missed my point.
  15. J

    Should we pray the Lord's prayer daily?

    No. How can the rote recital of someone else's prayer come from the heart?
  16. J

    Does God answer by our casting lot?

    Bible Roulette only seems random bc you are not making the conscious choice to go to a specific book or passage. God still leads you where He wants you to go. I agree, tho, that God has any number of methods to get our attention and direct us.
  17. J

    Now kill all the boys

    NEVER presume to judge God by pitiful human standards. In fact, never presume to judge God, period. Ever.
  18. J

    If Jesus didn’t know the hour doesn’t that mean that he isn’t god?

    Jesus is my Lord. I love Him. I obey Him. I serve Him. I worship Him. That is all.
  19. J

    Does God answer by our casting lot?

    There is no random chance. There is no luck. Both imply a force beyond God's control, which is, of course, impossible. God is in control of all things at all times. It is all a matter of His will and His plan.