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  1. Behold

    More about : Understanding God's "GIFT" of Salvation

    Reader, No matter the sin.........Jesus on The Cross has become this.. for the BELIEVER.. = Born Again. 1.) "God hath made Jesus.. to BE SIN....for us".. 2.) "Jesus is the ONE TIME.... ETERNAL.......SACRIFICE...for sin". This means that all sin for all time is dealt with, by JESUS's...
  2. Behold

    How does the Christian exist on earth : = in the KOG?

    Reader.. Let me show you who you are and where you are, as born again., as you literally exist in God's perspective, on this earth. So that...., when you get this same perspective that God has regarding all the Born again, = then you have renewed your mind and your faith is perfect. Paul...
  3. Behold

    John Calvinism "TULIP"> : Satan's Masterpiece Theology

    Reader.. Hebrews 13:9 says that if you dont get your "HEART" established with Grace, then a man-made theology that is demonically inspired will capture your mind and you will become a part of it. This is inescapable, and that is why you have 45,000 "christian" denominations in the world...
  4. Behold

    Leaving the Law.. : By GRACE

    Reader, If you are not born again and you use profanity.. then because you are still "under the Law".. then The LAW defines your profanity, as : "sin." Whereas.....When a person becomes born again.. then ..."you are NOT under the Law.....but under GRACE".. 1.) This means that the LAW and...
  5. Behold

    Discernment ..........Correction.... and the BIBLE

    Reader.. Discernment. - The more of God's word you have in you, the more of God's revelation you have that He causes to become "The Knowledge of God". Getting ALL of that "down pat"..., as Paul's Doctrine, is how you : "work out your Salvation".. The bible is a Circular Spiritual Puzzle. Its...
  6. Behold

    Universalism : A Free Ticket To Hell

    Reader.. If you are an unbeliever...... If you are not a Christian...... And i told you that there is no need for you to Trust in Christ.....there is no need for you to Believe In Jesus... there is no need for you to Receive Christ as your Savior.. and there is no need for you to come to...
  7. Behold

    Find : What's real

    Reader, Not every white building with a Steeple on it, with colored glass windows... is really a "Church". Not every forum, with the word "christian" in the title, is really a "Christian" forum. Not every book that has the title "BIBLE" on the cover, is a Bible. Not everyone who posts on a...
  8. Behold

    Calvinism + TULIP : Will get you Killed... (Vol 2)

    Reader, 1.) Everyone has faith, as we are born with it. Romans 12:3 What Holy God requires is that we take OUR faith and place it in Christ, before we die, or we die "in our sins" and will go to Hell, as to die unforgiven, having never trusted in Christ, never born again, is to commit the...
  9. Behold

    Getting : Prayers answered.

    Reader... When we come to God, we have to come to God, understanding that its God's own will to help His Born again. God answering prayers is God'w own will, its God's pleasure.. Its God DESIRE... to answer our prayers, regarding all the born again. Getting a prayer answered, is literally our...
  10. Behold

    Pagan Faith vs Christian Faith

    Reader, ""Man"" = chooses that which appeals to him or her. Jesus said....."if you being EVIL can give GOOD Gifts to your Children".. So, even an EVIL can do a GOOD....... unless Jesus is Lying, and Calvinist's and Tulip-Heads seem to think He must be One of those. So, when we speak about...
  11. Behold

    Don't Blame God

    - Reader, have you ever heard this question? ""if God is good, then why does he allow, allow, allow, allow, when He could stop, stop, stop, = all the bad stuff"". "How can God be good, if God allows bad". There is a simple answer.. Here you go.... Do you have children? If not, maybe one day...
  12. Behold

    God's Salvation

    Reader, A sinner, = (everyone) has nothing to offer God, that God can accept to accept you and me. = """All have sinned, there is non righteous, no not one""'... A.) So, God offers Jesus as His complete Acceptance of Us., as the : '"one time eternal Sacrifice for our sin". Why "for our sin"...
  13. Behold

    Infant Baptism & Relics

    From Genesis to Revelation (In a Bible), there is not a single case.........of an "infant, (baby)" being water baptized. John the Baptist, didnt do it. Jesus The Christ didnt do it. Neither Paul, nor Peter, nor any Apostle or any person listed in the entire bible, "baptized infants". Not once...
  14. Behold

    Who are : "Vessels fitted for Destruction"?

    - There are vessels "fitted for destruction"..... That is everyone who is never born again, and dies. This does not include babies or small children. So, John 3:36, says that God's Wrath is on unbelievers.. So THEY are the "vessels fitted", and waiting. This is every unbeliever.......They are...
  15. Behold

    Give : to the poor

    - Reader, God is a Giver. So should we. In fact, part of the reason that "God gives us the power to get/make wealth".. is because when you have some money, you can give some money. And a person who has no experience with this.. .who is stingy, greedy, selfish, carnal... will say.....well...
  16. Behold

    God is Love : All the Time.

    Many believers do not enjoy their Christianity as they should because they have a misunderstanding of God, regarding how to deal with Him, and regarding how He deals with them.....you. There are many born again Saints whose entire idea of fellowship with God is not friendship, is not a love...
  17. Behold

    1 Corinthians 1:30 - #2

    - Jesus is our (entire) Sanctification. (KJV) : 1 Corinthians 1:30 God Himself is "faithful" to complete your Salvation. Philippians 1:6 Do you have Christ in you? ...Are you born again? Have you become "The Temple of the Holy Spirit"? So, when we are "In Christ", we are as spiritually...
  18. Behold

    Born again ? ? = You are here.

    The Born again... : "I am the righteousness of God...In Christ" "i am seated in heavenly places, in Christ".........right now. I am..... "As Jesus is, so are the born again, in THIS World".......... right now. I am. "one with God".... now and forever.....= Having Eternal life. See all...
  19. Behold

    Simple : Yet Astounding

    Reader, 1.) Christianity is so very simple. "The simplicity that is in Christ'.. "Christianity is found In Christ" "Jesus is Salvation". So, all Christianity is, is to find Him.....as He is Christianity and we Join Him by "New birth"...born again = Spiritually. "its by MY Spirit, sayeth...
  20. Behold

    Hell : Is as Real as Jesus

    Reader... I heard a famous preacher once say...>"The people who dont believe in hell and who teach that there is no hell, are trying to Air Condition it before they move in"..... Here are some facts about Hell. 1.) It was created before Adam was created, and it was designed to house, =...